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Opening the door went rather easy, though whereas the expected safe room was, now was an endless tunnel. Wasn't this zone over? "I'm guessing we just keep walking?" I asked, looking to my left side, up at Hyunjin. "I don't think we really have another choice," he sighed, unhappy with the unexpected turn. Though this zone hadn't taken long, or though it wasn't physically draining, it definitely had taken a mental toll on the both of us. Still, we started walking through the dark tunnel, a torch turned on with every few steps we took to light it up.

"Hyunjin and Y/N, how glad am I to see you two have made it so far," Sir's voice echoed through the tunnel. "Thanks to the two of you, we have truly secured so many donations that I am already able to once again host this event next year. I want to truly show my appreciation for the two of you. I would have loved to see everyone still here to make it to our last zone you are about to witness, but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be possible anymore. A true shame." Hold on, hold on. Firstly, it would have been possible had you not killed them off, you piece of shit, I thought to myself. Better not let that slip out.

But what did he mean when he said last zone? I counted correctly right? Number one, the starting zone, number two, the desert, number three, the gaming room, number four, the tribe, number five, the elemental room, number six the haunted house, number seven was the race, so whatever is next is only room number eight. Had I been wrong about my theory of there being nine rooms? He continued already, interrupting my thoughts. "Still, since it is our last zone, I wanted to make it special. Therefore, I have invited everyone you have encountered to watch your last and final round, including myself! Isn't that exciting?"

When he said everyone, he couldn't possibly mean Seungmin and the other's, could he? It wasn't possible, they were gone, but still I couldn't help but hope. At the very least, would Jut be there? I could only hope he was still alive and well in this insane place. "So, walk straight ahead, and soon you'll be met with the most spectacular finale you've ever seen. I hope you're ready, because I sure am. Sir, over and out." His voice disappeared again, only leaving me and Hyunjin. "This can't already be the end, can it?" I asked, squeezing his hand. He shifted them, lacing our fingers together. "It appears like it is... Only one more and we could get out of here."

Getting out of here, was what continued replaying in my head. Getting out of here seemed like a dream right now. It had been a month already we had been in here, and yet it felt like whatever we had going on in the past was all ages ago. I couldn't even begin to think of what would happen the moment I set foot in the outside world. "What would you be going back to? In the real world out there, I mean?" Hyunjin shrugged, looking at me with a halfhearted smile. "I think I gained more in here than I had back there. Out there I have people calling me a murderer, those who hate me, not even parents who care for me. Yet now, I'll have you." After a few seconds of silence, he turned back to me. "What about you? What was your life before all this?"

My breath stocked. I'd told Minho all, but yet talking about it was one of the hardest things I'd done in this entire funhouse. "A life I hoped to escape because of all of this," I answered, unsure of where to even start without starting to cry. "We could start up a new life, you know? Just run away together after this, to a place where nobody could find us. Freed from judgement, responsibilities, and free from whatever it was you were going through." A small smile appeared, as I tried to keep my emotions check, hearing him say almost the exact words Minho and I had said to each other. "Let's first just focus on getting out of here," I told him, trying not to let the lump in my throat get the best of me.

"You're right, let's- look!" Hyunjin called out immediately as a light started to appear at the end of the tunnel. We were almost out of here, and finally! Though small at first, the sound of people cheering grew louder and louder, the closer to the exit of the tunnel we came. As we finally stepped out of the tunnel, music started playing, people stood up, clapping and yelling, balloons shot up in the air, partycanons going off. All to show us what a finale was supposed to be like. Big.

"Isn't this..." Hyunjin started, finished by a familiar voice. "An arena, yes!" Sir spoke. Not through intercoms anymore. No, he was standing on a balcony at the top of the arena this time, in the flesh. Though people were all around, it wasn't hard to spot him, with the flashy mask, and clothing royals and leaders used to wear.

"Welcome, my dear finalist, to our very own colosseum!"

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