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"I..." Chan seemed to search for the right words, yet couldn't seem to get any out. "I hadn't heard a thing... If I knew, I-" Chan tried to excuse himself, but Hyunjin's groan made him stop. "Save it. After all, you're the leader right, I'm sure you know what's best," Hyunjin answered, the aggressive, sarcastic tone in his voice hard to miss. Though Chan wanted to protest, visibly hurt, he couldn't say anything about it, and he knew it. It would have been impossible to miss those screams, who would even believe he didn't hear a thing. Whatever it was that he was doing, I didn't know, but I would be sure to keep an eye out for him.

"But what happened up there?" Chan asked, still looking concerned, but Hyunjin couldn't be bothered to tell him, already walking up to the fourth room. "There was some sort of butcher person out there trying to kill us in Hyunjin's room, I explained, as Chan walked up to the fifth room, still looking at me intently, holding onto the door handle. "We really should be," I started as Chan opened the door, still looking at me. "CAREFUL!" I shouted out, watching Chan barely duck in time, already stepping back as not one, but two people emerged from the room. His eyes widened, finally realizing he seriousness of it as the two walked out slowly, each holding each other's hand. Though they were dressed up as bride and groom, the bloodstains all over their clothing made clear that this wasn't your average wedding day.

Whatever it was that had made him zone out now just as clearly pulled him back in, able to grab the groom's arm, throwing him against the wall. He wasn't instantly knocked out, but at least it gave Chan enough time to back up a second to take in what was happening. Whereas the groom was now recovering from the blow, making sure to keep the cake knife tightly in his hands, the bride came walking up to me, a smile plastered on her face. "My oh my, what a wonderful bride you'd make," she confessed, her eyes going to Chan. "Is that your groom? He's handsome, although not nearly as cute as my hubby," she smirked, before swinging a second knife my way, nearly slashing my entire face had I not leaned back in time, repeating the process a couple of times. I couldn't just carelessly act now, one wrong move and I could be down.

"How's my pretty princess holding up?" the groom called out, just as he managed to push Chan to the ground, the both already seeming pretty bloody. Their build was about the same, just like with me and the bride. Had they anticipated this already? "I'd say pretty well, she's not doing much except for leaning back," the bride chuckled. "But maybe this'll help," she called out, rather than swinging at me, throwing the knife my way, now slashing my face. I instantly looked back at the knife, watching it fall down against the wall. Quick, if I could get it, I could get the upper hand!

And yet, looking back was probably my biggest mistake. Within an instant, both her hands were wrapped around my neck, now pushing me against the wall as I gasped for air, my hands desperately grabbing hers. "Baby, who's prettier? Me or her?" the bride called out to her groom, both Chan and the groom turning as I gasped for air. "Y/N!" I heard, suddenly from two sides. Though Chan instantly pushed back the groom, trying to rush my way, he got pulled back by his collar, whereas Hyunjin, who now emerged from the room he was in, clearly looking distressed, two small punctures visible at his neck.

While the bride turned to Hyunjin, I took the opportunity, using her strong hold to keep me up, kicking her in the stomach, just hard enough for her to stumble back, being forced to let go. I fell down to the ground, finally breathing in again. "Two grooms? My oh my, you're certainly popular," the bride called out, holding onto her stomach. "I get it though, I've read all about you in these rooms. It certainly is full of your name all over this place. Your secret admirer certainly is trying to tell you what path to take. You must be one of those girls that simply seduces every guy she sees." Her smile disappeared within an instant, charging at me. "I hate girls like you, trying to take every man for yourself!" Her hands were reaching out to me, but all I had to do was dodge, and she ran into the wall.

"And you!" She yelled, turning to her groom. "Why won't you answer my question!" She finally turned to her groom, only to see him already on the ground, out cold. "I'm guessing because you wouldn't like the answer he was gonna give," Chan called out, both him and Hyunjin giving each other a nod. Three against one. This wouldn't be too hard. I calmly walked up to her, watching Chan and Hyunjin do so from the sides. "You know?" I asked her, watching reality dawn upon her as she realized she had nowhere to go. "I hate girls like you too, judging someone before getting to know them." With one swift swing, my hand hit her cheek, a red mark imprinted on it already.

She turned to Chan first, pleading to him. "Come on, any man that can beat my husband must be strong, right? I love strong man," she tried desperately, but as she realized that wasn't working, she turned to Hyunjin. "Really, what is it you see in this girl? Even if you protect her, she wouldn't do the same for you, trust me! I know all about her and her plan!" Before she could say anything else, my fist hit her face, her head instantly hitting the wall right behind her, wiping the blood of my knuckles.

"You know nothing, so I suggest you shut your mouth."

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