52 ☠️

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Chan was the first to go out of the four left to pick. Our eyes met for a split second, but I was quick to look down, to the box. I knew I couldn't ignore him forever, or pretend the conversation never happened. I knew I couldn't just play it off like it was all fine, but I truly did not want to keep on clashing and arguing, because if not that, I had no idea what else we could possibly do. One way or the other, the conversation would always end with the past, as it seemed we were both still stuck in it. Until we were able to get over it, becoming closer probably wasn't going to happen. We didn't need to though, for now we just needed to be civil with each other.

"Green," he stated simply walking up to Felix with a small smile. At least two of the pairs that are close got together. I'd probably just be third wheeling for Hyunjin and Jeongin again, but I didn't care much for it. If it meant I'd stay more in the background I was happy to do so. "Seungmin, you go first," Minho told him, taking over the wet shirt. It wasn't like it was the first time seeing a guy shirtless, but I still couldn't bring myself to look. Despite his depending image, his muscles were quite well toned, like he had been training quite a lot. They all must have been, come to think of it. I shook my thoughts away, quickly bring my eyes back to Seungmin.

I knew there was a small chance, but if he would join our group... I let out a disappointed sigh as I saw the first red streak coming through. He'd been paired with Changbin. I gave him a weak smile as I got his eye, watching him walk towards me rather than to his door. Without another word, his arms wrapped themselves around me, pulling me against his chest. I could feel all eyes on us, even with my eyes closed. I hesitantly wrapped mine around his waist, leaning my head against his chest when it dawned upon me. He was preparing for a goodbye.

The weak smile instantly dropped at the thought of it. Of course it's a possibility, either of us, or any of us here, dying this next round. I had been quite optimistic so far, we all made it anyways so far, but what was beyond these doors was a mystery to all, and we wouldn't know anything until we made it out. Even to my surprise, I pulled him a little closer, wrapping my arms around him tightly. While his right arm remained wrapped around my waist, his left hand moved to my head, brushing his fingers through my hair. And for the first time in years, I felt safe again in someone's arms.

I didn't want to let him go. I had faith in him, and knew Changbin would do everything he could to ensure Seungmin would make it through, but I didn't want to risk it. And yet, the last thing I wanted was him to worry. I forced myself to pull away, putting the smile back on my face. "I'll see you right after we get through, okay?" I said, probably too obviously forcing myself to sound optimistic. His hands still lingered on my hips, instead of me not hiding his worries at all. "Yeah..." he said weakly, not sounding convinced at all.

Jisung gasped, earning my attention, making me look past Seungmin. He hugged Minho, who was just staring at their matching sticks. "We both got green!" Jisung exclaimed happily, wincing as he had moved a bit too enthusiasically. My brow raised as I counted. That meant that there were now four in green, and only two for red. I carefully looked again as the four of them held up their colored sticks, all four indeed showing a green stroke on the ends. My eyes went back to Seungmin, who was still looking at the two. That meant Changbin and Seungmin were at a huge disadvantage with only the two of them.

"Come on everyone, we should get going soon, the timer is running out," Chan noted, looking at the clock. Only a minute left now. Seungmin and I looked at each other once more, giving each other one last smile before he and Changbin disappeared into their room on my right. The same happened on my left, and Felix gave me a quick wave before disappearing through the door. "You coming, Y/N?" Jeongin asked calmly, finally bringing me back to my own task. "Yeah, I'm on my way!" I answered hurriedly, walking up to the door as well, halted so Hyunjin could open it.

"Hyunjin, please take good care of those two for me, would you?" Chan asked, who was still lingering behind. Hyunjin didn't give him anything but a reassuring nod, as if he had already planned to do so. "And Y/N," he redirected to me, for the first time in a while making me look him in the eye. "Stop holding back, okay? I know you're trying to fit in, to make sure you stick to the group, all of that, but we don't need you to keep to yourself. We need you to show everything you've got, because I know you have it in you. So stop caring about us, about what we think, and make sure you get out of that room alive, okay?"

Though my eyes were stinging, I didn't allow myself to let any tears flow down. I didn't even know why his words were getting to me so much, but he was right. The last zone I had been holding back, trying to make sure they wouldn't be suspicious of me, trying my best to be liked and trusted, but that wasn't going to keep me alive all the way. Though Chan finally left, and Hyunjin hurried me and Jeongin through our designated door, Chan's words kept repeating in my mind. He was right;

I needed to show myself.

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