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Dae turned around, getting out of my grip, yet treating me ever so gently as he covered my body with a towel. "It would have been nice if we could, but you don't belong here, Y/N. You belong back in the real world, where you can be yourself. Whatever happened out there that made you come here, you don't deserve it. But this place is only going to break you even more. And I don't think I could handle seeing you break like that. You're a good person, you really are. Even if you make mistakes, you stayed behind to save your friends. If that's not admirable I don't know what else is."

Where one tear started flowing down, the next already came, followed my many more. How could he think of me like that? He must have known it too, that I was trying to play him, and yet he still praised me like I was innocent. I wasn't great. I was a terrible person, who did terrible things, just to survive. Even if it meant hurting others that don't deserve it. Maybe he was right about me not belonging here, but I didn't belong in the real world either. Maybe I simply didn't belong anywhere. There was no hope for me to get out of my situation anymore anyways.

"If there's anyone that doesn't belong here it's you. How could you possibly have gotten in a place as rotten as this, when all you do is help me? It doesn't make sense," I mumbled through the tears, trying to wipe them away. He gave me a soft smile, patting my head. "I just made some mistakes as well, that's all," was all he let out, clearly not wanting to talk about it. What could he have possibly done to get stuck in a place like this?

"We should probably hurry back. I'm sure boss is waiting for you," Dae stated, putting his hand on my back to lead me back to the changing room. "The boss wanted to give you an outfit a bit more to his liking, so I put it in the changing room for you, you can't miss it," he added. I gave him a small smile, going back into the room. This wasn't going to work, was it? I crouched down, burying my head in my hands. Maybe we truly were becoming puppets. Get stuck here forever. I let out a heavy sigh, trying my best not to cry again. Maybe Minho and Changbin had better luck than me.

I let out one more heavy sigh, looking in the mirror one last time, wishing the redness of my eyes would just disappear already. If Minho and Changbin knew I cried, they would probably go on a murder spree, even though that would only get us in even more trouble. My mind was a mess. I truly didn't know what to possibly do anymore. Anything I thought I knew turned out to bring me even deeper into a hole. And yet I couldn't just give up. Not when I promised to get Minho and Changbin out.

No. I couldn't get pessimistic now. I already had a win on making sure neither of them would get killed, I could still turn this. Somehow. Future me would figure something out. For now I just had to be sure to survive. Though the outfit was frankly way too revealing to even be called clothing, at least most the important parts were covered. Besides, apparently wearing a skirt shorter than your actual butt and a top that didn't even truly fit your boobs in them was fashion now anyways. I turned away from the mirror, finally walking out the door, right back up to Dae. Just get those two out. That was all I needed to worry about for now.

"Come on, let's get you back to the big guy," Dae stated, a small hint of uneasiness in his voice. Minho and Changbin had to be there too, right? Maybe being nosy wouldn't be the best thing, but I couldn't help but hope whatever the boss asked could possibly help us out. I had to be ready for every hint I could get to leave this place. What currently caught my eye was the fact that all guards seemed to have left for now. Not even Chul got back in the meantime. Was something going on?

"Did they leave you behind to have a party or something?" I asked Dae, knowing he probably already figured out there was more to it than just a simple way of making conversation. "They're out hunting for your other friends again. Boss wants to add more players to his little play apparently, 'get the complete set' or something. If they're not successful now they're leaving again at night." I hummed, simply hoping they were okay as we kept on walking in silence. That could leave a possible gap for us to get out, right? Maybe, I could-

Just before we arrived at the bungalow, Dae stopped me abruptly, interrupting now only my pace but my train of thoughts as well. "You know what," he started off, "fuck this. No," he said, as if he was convincing not me but himself. "Y/N, I'm not letting get fucked over by a bunch of assholes. You deserve to get out there. You deserve a good life." I was at loss for words, unsure of what the best action would be right now. What was going through his head right now?

"Listen, just tell me this. You've already lost at least one person right?" I nodded, unable to verbally answer that. "Perfect," he noted, my brow rising. What was that supposed to mean? "And if you get out of here without any money, will whatever made you get in here still be there as a problem?" Another nod. "And a ton of money would help right?" I hummed, unsure where this was going, but it seemed hopeful. Did I manage to get something good out of this after all? "Then there's no other way," he muttered to himself, before turning back to me.

"Y/N, I'm going to tell you a secret. A secret to get you out for good."

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