Chapter 1

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It was your third year at hogwarts, you were placed into ravenclaw even though your father and mother were placed in gryffindor. It was a few months before the end of the year and a lot had happened. A crazy person had escaped from azkaban and was in the castle, your teacher was exposed as a werewolf but you saw that coming and Voldemort was on the rise.

You never really fancied anyone at school except for a certain pure blood, the one and only Draco Malfoy. Your friends all knew about your little crush but they never understood as to why you liked him. "He was unholy" in Hermione's words and "a complete ass" in Rons. Harry also didn't know why you liked him but he just let you deal with him.

After he got attacked by buckbeak he became so obnoxious, always using his injury as an excuse as everything, especially bumping into you on purpose to make you drop your books. Draco was never the type to care about much except for his family and his blood status. Y/n had punched him in the first year after calling Hermione a mudblood. Even though you still found him trigiung and desirable for some reason. The twins also bullied you about but it was all jokes as they didn't care who you liked as long as you were happy.

It was nearing sunrise as you were getting up from your sleep. Your dorm mates were fast asleep, Evan, Nick, and Connor were heavy sleepers. You were always the first one to wake up but it didn't bother you since you could get ready and not have to share the sink with everyone else. They finally woke up but you had already headed down to breakfast. You saw a certain blonde standing with his goons, Crabe and Goyle and here came Pansy and irritating brunette who you couldn't stand.

As you passed them you could see Dracos gaze never leaving your face and a slight red tint on his face. You would always try to read his thoughts but you never could and just thought he had nothing good to read. As you walked into the Great Hall you could see the Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry so you made your way to them since your friends won't be arriving for a while. "Morning y/n" the twins said, giving you a big smile as you sat down and made your plate.

"Look there's Malfoy" teased Harry as he and Ron tried to contain their laughter, "oh shut up he's not that bad" you quickly replied. Malfiy and his goons took their seats at the slytherin table but kept his gaze on yours again with a red tint on his face. You shook him off as you saw your friends finally enter the Great Hall, "well there's my exit' you said getting up and going to join your friends. Draco's eyes were still on you for the whole breakfast and he was even in all of your classes.

Draco liked the fact that you had all the same classes so he tried his best to sit next to you but always failed as you had some friends. In potions Snape had assigned you and Draco to be partners which made both of you ecstatic but mostly just nervous as you never had a full conversation with him. You were brewing some kind of potion but you couldn't pronounce it no matter how many times Snape had said it. Draco accidentally put in the wrong ingredient cause he was lost in your eyes making the cauldron bubble violently.

You didn't even seem to notice since your back was turned preparing the next ingredient and as you turned around it exploded in your face. It wasn't hot or anything but it still stung your face as you rushed out of the room to the boys lavatories to clean your face. Snape questioned draco as to what happened but it was just an accident. Snape sent Draco to check up on me if I needed to see Madam Pomfrey. "Okay I'm just going to ask him if he's okay and if he needs to see Madam Pomfrey" draco said to himself.

As draco entered the lavatories he saw you standing there without a shirt on as it got on your clothes as well. "Ugh omg how the fuck does making a potion go wrong" you said outloud. Then you noticed Draco standing there in the entrance just staring at you, which made your face grow with embarrassment. Draco also started to blush seeing you without a shirt and all wet. "Oh hey" y/n said to draco flustering the blonde even more. But he didn't want to be seen as weak and easy "hurry up l/n Snapes waiting and don't mess up our potion again" he said almost yelling.

The blonde then walked out completely mad at himself for letting his ego get the better of him. What draco didn't care to notice were the marks the potion let on your arm which was due to the potion lingering on your clothes seeping through the fabric. You did use your wand to clean your face right after it exploded in your face so there was nothing there.

The day was finally over and now it was time for dinner. Draco was seated with his goons at the slytherin table but he was only staring at his food until you walked in. You walked in alone since your friends didn't want to eat as they needed to finish up on their work. You sat down at the gryffindor table getting yourself food. But then you remembered that you finished the potion in your dorm earlier since it failed in the classroom.

You got up from the table to go to draco to tell him, as you approached him his goons stared at you. "What do you want l/n" grabe and goyle said in unison to which you completely ignored. "I finished the potion in my dorm earlier and turned it in to snape, so you don't have to worry about it" you said turning your body to leave but a hand grabbed yours preventing you from going. "Um draco" you said, turning your body to face him, his face was beat red but there was no answer so you pulled your hand out from his and walked back.

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