Chapter 18

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A/U: I decided to give the reader a last name but I'm not sure if its good. lmk what ya'll think

You were at Breakfast with Draco when Tommy came walking into the Great Hall. You were at the Gryffindor table along with the twins and the trio. Tommy took a seat next to you and began to eat. "Hey, wanna try some candy?" Fred asked "sure" Tommy replied. He took it into his hand and put it in his mouth. He looked alright but after a few seconds blood began to drip from his nose with an increasing amount each second. "Uh I think there's a problem" Tommy said trying to stop the bleeding with a bunch of napkins. "What did you give him?" you asked Fred "it was just supposed to be regular candy" he retorted. "Oh" he said "oh what" you said sternly trying to stop the bleeding.

"I uh gave him one of our joke sweets" he said trying to find the antidote one "yeah no kidding" you said. "I'm gonna take him to Madam Pomphrey" you said getting up from the table still holding the napkins to his nose. You were bending down to him as you walked out the Great Hall to the hospital wing. "Good going" Hermione said "I didn't do it on purpose" Fred retorted "I just grabbed the wrong one" he added. "This is why you shouldn't have made those in the first place and as your prefect I would like you to stop this business of yours" Hermione said. "Well y/ns a prefect and he hasn't done anything, does that make him a bad one?" Fred questioned. "Well-" Hermione said "he is a perfectly capable prefect!" Draco said, cutting her off.

You made it to the hospital wing still holding napkins over Tommys nose. You pushed open the doors and found Madam Pomphrey sitting behind her desk. "Oh dear what happened?" she asked "I'm not really sure" you replied. "Well I'll take care of him, you go back to the Great Hall" she said. "Er okay" you said waving goodbye to Tommy and he waved back. You exited the hospital wing and made your way back to breakfast. You entered and walked back over to the Gryffindor table, but you found someone sitting in your place.

It was a hufflepuff boy who was in the same year as you. "Who's this?" you asked "oh I'm Chris Cogan" the boy said holding his hand out but you didn't shake it. "What are you doing here?" you asked "just making conversation" Chris responded "with Draco?". "Is that a problem?" he asked "oh, no not at all" you said rolling your eyes. "It seems as though it's a problem... with you" he remarked "trying to start something are we?" you sneered. "Perhaps a duel" he said reaching into his robes for his wand but yours was already at his throat. "I wouldn't" you sneered once again.

"y/n" Draco said softly making you look at him "its okay" he mouthed. "I think it's time you go" said the twins with everyone else nodding in agreement. Draco raised an eyebrow at you making you lower your hand allowing Chris to get up and leave. He got up and left and you took your seat next to Draco who was now grinning. "Jealous are we?" he joked but you just glared at him "er sorry" he said. "Good thing one of the professors didn't come over" Hermione said "yeah good thing Umbrdige didn't notice" Harry added. "I know why he was here" you said "and what was he here for?" Draco asked "for you". "Why would he be here for me?" Draco questioned "why else" you replied.

"Oh" he said "but everyone knows you're the one I love" he added. "That wont stop people from trying" you said. "I guess I'll need to be more protective then" he chuckled pulling you closer to him. The bell rang signaling classes were going to begin. You had defense against the dark arts first with the trio and Draco so you headed out of the Great Hall. Tommy was still in the hospital wing because Madam Pomphrey wanted him to rest for a bit since he lost a lot of blood. You walked into the classroom and there was Professor Umbrdige in her pink outfit looking horrendous. You took a seat next to Draco and pulled out your wand as well. "Wands away, we won't be needing them" she said.

You shot her a confused look but she just smiled and nodded at you, so you put your wand away. "I believe we are all familiar with O.W.Ls" she said to which everyone nodded. She started talking about not using magic but instead reading about it. "But why wouldn't we use magic in defense against the dark arts, we need to be able to defend ourselves" you called. "What is your name?" she asked "y/n Clarewater" you replied. "Well mr. Clarewater, I teach what the Ministry thinks I should" she said coldly.

Harry then started going on about why we needed to use magic and so did other students but he wouldn't back down. After a few minutes Umbridge had finally had enough "DETENTION" she screamed. Harry had stopped talking and was now staring at his desk. "He's right tho" you whispered to Draco to which he nodded. "Did you say something dear?" Umbridge asked and you shook your head. "Hmph, lying... detention" she said coldly but you just nodded your head.

The school day went by slowly but it had finally come to an end. Umbridge needed only one night for your detention but as for Harry he had to go for a whole week. Yours was tonight so you headed back to her office. "Good evening" she said to which you just smiled at her. "You will be writing lines and you will use one of my special Quills" she added handing you a piece of parchment along with a quill. "You will write "it is rude and out of order to lie" she said. You nodded and began to write starting at the top of the parchment. After your second line your hand began to burn but it was bearable.

You were writing more as time went on and the burning sensation had begun to get worse and worse. Soon there were words forming and blood had begun to start dripping. It wrote "it is rude and out of order to lie" in your skin. Tears started to form in your eyes but you didn't want to give her a reaction or make her feel satisfied. Your time writing had finally come to an end and she escorted you out of her office. As soon as you exited the classroom you let all the tears out. You had to wipe your eyes every so often so you could see where you were going.

The cuts on your hand were not helping either as they burned like a hot knife was cutting you. Draco was sitting in front of the Slytherin common room waiting for you. You saw him and immediately started wiping your tears and hid your hand in your robe. "Hello darling" he said, giving you a kiss "hi Draco" you said. "Your eyes are red" he said "oh, its nothing" you replied trying to stop tears from falling down your face. Draco had a worried look on his face but he led you to his dorm anyways. "Why're you crying?" he asked in a soft tone "Um- Umbridge's detention" you said wiping your eyes.

"She did this to you?" he asked sternly to which you nodded. "Oh I'm sorry" he said pulling you into a hug. "Let's get that wrapped up," Draco said, pulling out his wand and flicking it. Bandages started to wrap around your hand and were soaking up the blood. Draco then pulled you into bed and pulled you on top of him. "I love you y/n" he said "me too".

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