chapter 84

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Morning had finally come. The sun shone through the castle's windows and its corridors. The dark and despair had left. A new light had been welcomed. Neville and Luna were seated in the great hall. They scooted close to each other and returned smiles. Dean and Seamus were leaning up against each other. Their bodies touching and their hands held together. Something each had lusted after for years.

Harry walked through the great hall to find everyone deep in conversation, enjoying finally having the war be over. "It's finally over" said Draco, "it finally is". "Can we finally go and leave?" you asked, "of course we can" he replied. "Are you okay?" Draco asked, "about Fred". "I. . .I'm not really sure. I miss him" you sniffed, "I really do". "You'll be okay" said Draco, pulling you into him. Ron and Hermione walked in through the giant doors and stood in front of Harry. Hand in hand. He gave them a smile and ushered you and Draco to follow.

You all walked out of the hall and out of the castle. No words were spoken. The sun shined bright all through the sky and covered the land. You made your way over to the bridge where you stopped. "Why didnt it work for him? The elder wand" asked Hermione, "it answered to somebody else" said Harry. "When he killed Snape, he thought the wand became his. But the wand never belonged to Snape". "It was mine" said Draco, "I disarmed Dumbleore on the Astronomy Tower". "Up until then, the wand answered to him" said Harry, "but when I disarmed Draco during our fight". "So that means. . ." said Ron, "the wand belongs to Harry," you added.

"What should we do with it?" asked Ron, "we?" asked Hermione, turning to face him. "It's not our wand. It's Harry's" she said. "Well its the elder wand. The most powerful wand to exist" defended Ron, earning a small laugh from you. "I know one thing I'd do" said Harry. He walked over to Hermione and pulled out his broken wand. It was wrapped in a small red cloth with a string of fabric holding it together. He pulled off the string and simply tapped the broken pieces. The wand began to float into the air and mend itself.

"Well that's done" said Harry, putting his old wand in his pocket. Harry gripped the elder wand with both hands and broke it in half. He threw the two pieces off of the bridge and down to the ground where no one would be able to find or use it. "How are you?" asked Ron, throwing an arm over your shoulder. "I'm good" you replied, "I think I'm good". "I know you're gonna ask about Fred" you chuckled, "I really don't wanna talk about it". "You're his brother. You were always closer". "See that's where you're wrong, y/n. You were like his brother too. He cared about you like how he did with all his family. He loved you like family".

Tears swelled in your eyes and you cupped your mouth. Ron pulled you into a hug and you wrapped your arms around him. "I miss him" you said, "yeah, I do too" he replied. You both pulled away and walked over to where Harry, Hermione, and Draco were standing. You stood next to Draco and laced your fingers with his. Ron took hold of Hermione's hand and she took Harrys. Draco and Harry hesitated. You nudged Draco's arm and he reluctantly took Harrys in his.

Time skip-

A few days later you were sitting in the living room of The Burrow. Draco was standing in front of you in one of his suits. You were wearing your old dress robes from when you went to Slughorn's Christmas party. It had been altered with magic to look more grown up and fit better. Draco pulled you up from your seat and you walked with him outside. There were rows of chairs lined up and pillars with vines wrapped around them. At the front stood a big casket. It had Freds initials engraved onto it. F.GW.

You walked to the front row where you took a seat next to Draco. Hermione and Ron were already sitting while Harry sat next to Ginny. Their hands were together and their heads resting on each other. George was standing up at the front with Mrs. Weasley. You got up from your seat and walked over to them. "Hey" you said, "hey, y/n" he replied. Mrs. Weasley waved goodbye and went to find Mr. Weasley. "How are you?" you asked, "I think you'd already know the answer" he chuckled. "Yeah, I feel the same way" you replied. "At least they'll be able to tell us apart" George choked. He broke down into a sob and you held him. His arms were wrapped tightly around you while you forced back tears.

You walked George over to the chairs and sat him down next to Bill and Fleur. You didn't walk back to your seat. You walked down the aisle and out into the field. You didn't want to hear them talking about Fred and how he was so loved. You just wanted him back. Draco was already following you from behind. He reached out and grabbed your hand with his. You slowly turned around. Your eyes had tears streaming out of them. Draco pulled you into him and you buried your head in his chest.

A few hours later the funeral had finally come to an end. Everyone had left and you were once again seated in the living room of The Burrow. Ron and Hermione were curled up against each other and so were Ginny and Harry. Mr and Mrs Weasley had already gone up to bed after running through the whole service. You were sitting in Draco's lap and he had his hand against your back. No one spoke a word. The silence was comfortable and welcomed. Everyone seemed to share it and welcome it. Everything had finally come to an end. But was it happy?

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