Chapter 15

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You woke up and immediately started to regret what you did last night. While you didn't have much control over it, the thought still made you feel uneasy. You got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. You walked past the portrait which was thankfully covered with curtains. You made your way into the dining room to find Sirius standing there with Remus and Mrs. Weasly. The twins were already there along with Ginny. Hermione was seated next to Ginny reading The Daily Prophet.

When you walked in Fred gave you a smirk and returned to his meal. Draco came down a few minutes later and took a seat next to you. He placed a kiss on your cheek and started to eat. You knew Fred didn't have feelings for you since you looked into his head. He just saw it as some time to have fun. He was more interested in girls rather than you. It did make you feel more at ease knowing he didn't fancy you. Draco was eating but occasionally stopped to admire how you looked. Bill came in soon after Breakfast was done and had eaten the leftovers.

The day trudged on slowly with just cleaning the rest of the house. It was extremely moldy and dusty which left so much work for you to do. It did finally reach night and the order members left the house without saying anything. After an hour had passed they came back but you were all upstairs. Harry had come back with them and Mrs. Weasley greeted him. She walked him up the stairs and left him to go into his room himself. He entered and found Ron and Hermione sitting on his bed. You and Draco were sitting on Harry's bed taking in each other's company.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. You and Draco had gotten off the bed to greet him. You pulled him into a hug but Draco just nodded at him. "I see you've gotten my letters" he said walking over to Hedwig, "we wanted to write back and tell you but-" Hermione said. "But what" Harry said cutting her off "Dumbledore forbade it" she replied. Harry was starting to get furious at what Hermione and Ron were saying about how they couldn't tell him anything. Hermione was about to burst into tears but thankfully Ginny came in. "Dinners ready, hi Harry" she said.

Hermione and Ron left the room followed by you and Draco. Harry was the last one to leave as he was trying to calm himself down. An order meeting had just finished so you all clambered into the dining room. Sirius walked over to Harry and pulled him into a tight hug. Sirius was talking to Harry outside the room while you all began to eat. Harry and Sirius finally walked in and took their seats. Throughout the whole dinner Harry kept asking questions about you-know-who but Mrs. Weasley insisted that he was too young. "He has the right to know" objected Sirius "he is too young Sirius" Mrs. Weasley retorted. You just continued to eat your food while they argued.

The argument ended with only Ginny being sent up to her room for bed while everyone else stayed down. "You look tired, do you want to head to bed?" Draco asked to which you nodded and he helped you up. Draco nodded to everyone signaling your goodbyes and led you upstairs. You opened the door and immediately slumped onto the bed pulling the covers up. Draco climbed in next to you and went underneath the covers pulling you closer to him.

The next day was filled with more cleaning and trying to ignore the screaming coming from the portarti to which you later found out was Sirius's mother. "Who knew something that evil could make someone so kind" you said, making Draco laugh. The owls had dropped off the mail which included your school lists. Everyone opened theirs and Dracos had an extra one with a prefect badge. "I guess im a prefect" he chuckled "oh me too" you said. Draco pulled you into a hug while you admired your badge. "We get to be prefects together!" you exclaimed jumping up and down."We do indeed," he said.

Ron and Hermione walked into the room and Hermione showed her prefect badge to you and Draco. "I'M A PREFECT" she squealed with a huge smile plastered on her face. Harry walked in as well and Hermione showed him her badge. "I guess we're both prefects" Hermione said to Harry "I'm not a prefect" Harry responded. "I- I am," Ron said, looking nervous as ever. "Oh- um congratulations Ron" Hermione said. "We're all prefects" you said, showing your badge to which Hermione pulled you into a hug.

George and Fred began teasing Ron about being prefect and his ears had gone very red. Mrs. Weasley had congratulated everyone and offered to get Ron something like she had done with Percy. Ron suggested to her a broom and she agreed. She disappeared out of the room but Ron chased her down to tell her the specific kind of broom. Hermoione showed Ginny her badge and they started talking all about school. You and Draco exited the room leaving Harry alone.

Harry had began to think nasty things about why he should have been prefect and not Ron. He was in shock that Ron had beaten him at something for once. Harry was trying to calm himself down before heading back down. Everyone was seated in the dining room having conversations with each other. Harry had walked into the room and you immediately looked at him and gave him a funny look. You read his thoughts and were confused but also slightly disgusted by what he was thinking. You didn't want to say anything now because you didn't want to hurt Ron or cause unneeded drama.

You followed Harry out of the room and into his room. "You're jealous," you said, closing the door behind you. "No, I'm not" Harry retorted "you can't lie to me" you said. "Fine, I am" he said "why though" you questioned. "I don't know, I just thought that I shouldve been prefect" he said. "Well you're gonna have to keep that to yourself because it would definitely hurt Ron" you said patting Harry's shoulder before leaving the room.

You walked back into the dining room to find Remus talking to Kingsley about how Harry should have been prefect. "Ron deserves it as much as Harry does" you said but they didn't say anything except stop talking. You stomped out of the room closing the door behind you and headed up to your room. Mrs. Weasley had returned with all the books and a big brown package. "EVERYONE TIME FOR DINNER" she yelled.

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