Chapter 44

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Fred walked up to your room and pushed the door open to find no one in there. "Uh y/n?" he called but there was no answer, "his broom is gone" Fred thought to himself. Fred raced down the stairs and into the kitchen, "y/n's gone" he said. "What do you mean gone?" asked Hermione "he's not in his room" Fred stated "and his broom is gone" he added. "Search the house" said Mrs. Weasley.

They searched all through the house but there was no sign of you. "He's gone," said Ron "but where would he go?" asked Ginny. "I know where he's going" said Fred "and that is?" asked Hermione "to Draco" he answered. "Does he even know where the manor is?" Hermione asked "his owl does".

You followed Ralph through the cold night as tears fell from your eyes. Ralph was still ahead of you and flew through a clearing. You followed and found yourself in front of the Malfoy Manor. However there were no lights on except for one. You flew over to the window the light was shining through to see Draco sitting on his bed. More tears started to form in your eyes as you continued to watch him. You pulled out your wand and turned the window into dust.

You flew in and landed in front of the bed Draco was sitting on. "y/n, what are you doing here?" he asked but you didn't answer, you reached into your cloak and pulled out the letter Draco wrote. "Why?" you asked, holding the letter out to him as you tried wiping your tears, "y/n I-" he stuttered. Draco wanted to run up to you and pull you into a hug but he knew that if he did he would never let go. "You need to go" Draco said "NO" you shouted pointing your wand at him. "I'm not leaving until you tell me why you left me" you said "darling I can't" he said.

"Was any of it real?" you asked "yes, of course it was real" Draco said getting up from the bed "I can't get in your head anymore" you said. "Goodbye Draco" you sobbed giving him a kiss on the cheek, you mounted your broom and kicked off through the window. You waved your wand and repaired the window you shattered. You flew back to the Burrow with the help of Ralph leading the way. You landed in front of the house and pushed open the door to find everyone sitting in the living room.

"y/n!" Fred cheered running up to you and pulling you into a hug. "I know where you went" he said "it doesn't even matter anyways" you said. Harry had arrived a few minutes before you did so he was sitting with Hermione and Ron. "I'm going up to bed" you said, grabbing Fred's hand and pulling him upstairs. You pushed open the door of your room and walked over to the bed taking a seat. Fred closed the door behind him and knelt down in front of you. "Lets go to bed" you said to him "alright" Fred replied.

Fred climbed onto the bed and laid down next to you, he pulled you closer into him with your head in his chest. "Goodnight y/n" he said "night" you replied closing your eyes. Fred however didn't go to sleep just yet, he was staring up at the ceiling just thinking. He waited until you were fast asleep to head back down to the living room. "Is he asleep?" Hermione asked "yeah" Fred replied.

"I wonder how he's going to do when we go back" said Ginny, "if Draco's there the temptation will be high" Hermione said. "I think he'll be okay" said George "he's a tough kid" he added "not with Draco though" Harry said. "Draco was basically his everything, he was the reason why Draco even left his family in the first place" Harry added. "If he left cause of y/n, then why would he go back?" Questioned George "who knows" said Harry.

The next day you awoke to find Fred standing in the door frame. "Morning" he chuckled. "Morning" you groaned, "we're all going to Diagon Alley, so get up" Fred said, pulling you up from the bed. You got up from the bed and walked over to your trunk to get clothes. You got changed and headed downstairs for some breakfast. You took a seat at the table and began to eat while Fred and George headed out for work. Everyone finished eating and Mrs. Weasley cleared all the plates.

You used the floo network to get to Diagon Alley and appeared in one of the side alleys. "Go get your new robes and books" said Mrs. Weasley pushing you, Ron, Harry, and Hermione away. You walked over to Madame Malkins and pushed open the door to find the same blonde who you once saw days before. Draco was with his mother getting what looked like a new pair of dress robes. He was making nasty comments the entire time towards everything even Harry, Ron, and Hermione. But he never once said anything about you.

Eventually Draco and his mother did leave the shop without buying anything. Ron got his new robes along with Harry and you made your way over to the twins shop. You walked in to find so many customers just like last time. "Here is your paycheck" said Fred handing an envelope to you "but I hardly even worked" you said "just take it" Fred insisted. You took it and slipped it into your pocket. You walked around the shop and examined a multiple of items including something called "Peruvian darkness powder".

"You can take anything you want" said Fred "are you sure?" you asked "of course" he chuckled. You took four small bags of the powder and shoved them into your pocket. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all staring at the exit of the shop which looked very odd to you. You saw them disappear into thin air and saw a few people get pushed out of nowhere signaling they were under Harry's invisibility cloak. You pushed past the crowd of people and made it outside. "Revelio" you said, flicking your wand revealing their footsteps in a gold dust.

You followed it down the alleys and found them crouched down behind a wall. "What are you doing?" you asked "spying on Draco" Harry replied "why?". "He just looks suspicious" Harry answered, making you chuckle. Draco went into the shop Borkin and Burges. You could overhear his conversation with the worker, he was talking about keeping something safe and to repair an item. You saw Draco leave the shop and walk back to the main street. "We need to find out more," Harry said, pushing Hermione towards the shop.

She walked in and started talking to the worker but he very quickly shooed her out of the shop. "I could only ask about a necklace before he kicked me out" she said. "We're gonna need more".

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