Chapter 24

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A/N: this chapter has smut

You were sitting in the Great Hall during breakfast when the twins came waltzing in. Fred motioned for you to join him at the Gryffindor table. So you got up and walked over taking your bag with you. "Morning" said Fred as you took your seat next to him. "So why'd you call me over?" you asked "well y/n, we were thinking about throwing a party" replied Fred. "a party?" "Indeed my friend" said Fred. "It's going to be in the Gryffindor common room tonight, but I'm not sure if we should invite other houses," said Fred.

"Are you gonna come?" asked Fred to which you nodded and he gave you a big smile. "Does Hermione know?" asked Ron "nope" chuckled Fred as he started to eat. "Hey what if we invite Draco'' said a voice from behind you. You turned around to see Tommy standing there with his bag "Tommy we're not inviting Draco" you said. You looked up to see Draco staring at you, your eyes connected but you immediately looked away. You don't know why but you felt like crying. A tear escaped your eyes and soon more started to come.

"You okay?" Fred asked, placing an arm around you, "I'll be fine" you replied. The bell rang and you grabbed your bag as you walked to astronomy. Astronomy always bored you but your friends made it so much better. You were learning about planets like every year. Plus you were learning about them in divination as well. "When are we going to learn something fun" groaned Nick "never" you sighed. Connor was sleeping with his head on his table while Evan seemed to be staring into space. "Oi what's wrong with Evan?" asked Nick "no clue" you responded. You both soon realized that he was staring at Bailey Creed. She was in your year but in Hufflepuff.

"Looks like someones got a crush" cooed Nick "oh shut up" Evan sneered. "And it is not a crush" he said opening his book. You and Nick both rolled your eyes but class had ended so you got up to leave. Your other classes had passed on but finally ended. You were in the Great Hall for dinner sitting at the Gryffindor table next to Fred. "The party is still on we just have to wait until dinner is done, but we told our house to leave early" said Fred "some are already up there getting ready but we cant have it look suspicious" added George.

You didn't eat anything so you headed up to the Gryffindor common room for the party with Fred. When you got there the party had just started and drinks were being passed around. Someone had charmed the room to glow different color lights and played music as well. Fred went and grabbed one of the bottles of fire whiskey and started drinking from it. He offered it to you and you started drinking from it as well. Fred was going wild taking drinks from everyone and dancing. You were hanging back but still drinking from the bottle Fred gave you.

Fred had come to sit next to you after a while. You don't know what came over you but you slammed your lips into Freds. Fred kissed back placing his hand behind your head so you can't pull away. Fred pulled away from you for air but you went back in this time kissing his neck. You kissed under his ear earning a whimpered moan from him. "How about we go to my dorm?" said Fred as he pulled you up from the chair. You were being led through the crowd by Fred with his hand holding yours.

"Where are they going?" asked Ron "I have no clue" answered Harry. When you got to Fred's dorm he opened the door and pulled you in. He closed the door behind you and pinned you against the wall with his lips slamming into yours. "You're so hot y/n" moaned Fred through his kisses "I want more of you" he groaned as he pulled his lips away. He led you to his bed and locked the door with a wave of his wand. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside, he undid his pants as well. He was now standing in his boxers with his bulging erection.

"I need you to make me feel good first" he groaned as he took off his boxers. He knelt you down in front of him and proceeded to put himself inside of your mouth. As you started to suck on him his breaths were shaky, you swriled your tongue around his tip making him throw his head back. Freds breath soon became almost like a whimper as you kept on going. Fred pulled himself out of your mouth and pulled you back up. He placed you on the bed and pulled out a tube of lube. He waved his wand and your clothes flew off and landed on the floor.

"I need you to lie down" he groaned into your ear, Fred positioned you on your back as he started to squeeze the lube onto his fingers. "This might hurt," Fred said as he inserted a finger inside of you. Your breath hitched at the feeling as he began to move his fingers in and out. As he entered more fingers into you your breath turned into small whimpers earning grins from Fred. You soon grabbed his sheets as he moved his fingers.

"I think that's enough," said Fred, pulling out his fingers. He squeezed the lube onto his hard member and started stroking it. He then put the tip inside of you making you shudder. Fred then began to slide all of him inside of you earning a moan from you. Fred started to increase his pace earning more moans and whimpers from you. "Aahhh you feel so good" moaned Fred, "I guess this is what Malfoy used to see" grinned Fred. You could hardly even speak with Fred going even faster.

Fred then lifted your leg over his shoulder to go even deeper into you. "Aahhh n- no Fr- ed" you moaned as he kept going. "Sorry but I need all of me to be in you" grinned Fred as he continued. Freds moans filled the room along with yours. Fred pulled himself out of you and laid down on the bed placing you on top of him. "I want you to ride" he said, entering himself inside you. You began to move yourself but hardly could from what he did earlier. Fred moved on his own making you latch onto his chest.

Fred sat up as he placed you on his lap as he kept moving. Your arms wrapped around his neck to hold on to him. Fred was moaning into your ear but you could hardly make a sound. Your arms fell weak so you grabbed his hair to try and hold on. "Fr- Fred I- Im gonna" you groaned "ughh me too" Fred moaned. You were both reaching your climax. "Aaahhhh y/n" Fred moaned as he reached his climax releasing into you. You released onto your touching chests. Your whole body fell weak and you fell backwards but Fred managed to catch you.

Ron, Harry, and George were all listening with their ears up to the door with their mouths open in shock. "I-" Ron stuttered "let's leave them be" George said pulling Harry and Ron down back to the common room. Back in the dorm Fred cleaned you both up with a wave of his wand and pulled you close to him as he laid down.

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