Chapter 64

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You opened your eyes to find yourself laying on top of Draco in the middle of a forest. You jumped off of him and pulled him up off of the ground. "Harry, Harry in my bag there's a bottle labeled essence of dittany" said Hermione "Hermione, what happened" asked Harry "he's been splinched, Harry get the dittany" you said earning him to grab Hermione's bag from the floor. "Harry quickly" she snapped "accio dittany" said Harry causing the bottle to fly into his hand from inside the bag. Hermione took the bottle from Harry and began to squeeze the liquid onto Ron's arm and shoulder. "You're okay" she sobbed "just one more".

"I thought we were meant to go back to Grimmauld place" said Harry "we were there, but he had hold of me" said Hermione "we couldn't stay with him knowing where we were" you added. Ron stopped shaking and rested on the ground as his breathing turned back to normal. Hermione got up and started waving her wand muttering incantations. "What are you doing?" asked Harry "protective enchantments, now start on the tent" said hermione. You and Draco helped set up the tent while Hermione created a sling for Ron's arm.

The next morning Harry laid out of the locket on the floor while everyone stood behind it. "Let's try and destroy it" said Harry "you first" replied Hermione. "Diffindo" said Harry causing the locket to burst and fly back, "incendio" said Hermione igniting a flame which looked more green than orange, but it did nothing. "Confringo" you said sending a blitz of fire causing the locket to explode in fire, but it did nothing "expulso" said Draco causing the locket o explode and fly back but once again. . .it did nothing.

Harry walked down the small path and started flicking his wand saying more incantations until the locket burst into flames. Harry picked up the locket and fixed it around his neck, tucking it in his shirt. "What are you doing?" asked Hermione "we need to keep it safe till we destroy it" said Harry. "It's strange mate, Dumbledore sends you off to find horcruxes but doesn't say how to destroy them" said Ron "it's definitely bothersome" you added. You walked back to the tent with Hermione, Ron, and Draco while Harry went off to do his own thing. Ron went inside and started listening to the radio while you and Draco sat outside.

Harry came back a few minutes later and sat down next to you two. Hermione was down the hill picking herbs and flowers. Harry was playing with the locket when he stumbled back and was shaking. "I thought it stopped" said Hermione walking up to him "you can't keep letting him in Harry" you said "you-know-who found Gregorovitch, he wants something he used to have" said Harry "but I have no clue what, but it's as though his life depends on it".

The radio wire shrieked causing Harry to thrust his head backwards towards the tent. "Don't" said Hermione "it sets my teeth on edge" retorted Harry "it comforts him" said Hermione. You and Draco had left their conversation to walk down the hill to look at the trees. "What's he expecting to hear?" asked Harry "good news" snapped Harry "I think he hopes it's no bad news" said Hermione to which Harry rolled his eyes. "And what about them?" snapped Harry earning Hermione to turn her head to you and Draco smiling at each other. "What are they so happy about?" Harry sneered "they've finally got to be with each other again" said Hermione "it's a waste of time" said Harry getting up from the ground.

"How long before he can travel?" asked Harry rolling his eyes "we're doing all we can" said hermione "you're not doing enough" yelled Harry. "Take it off" snapped Hermione "now!" she snapped. Harry took off the locket and handed it to hermione. "Feeling better?" she asked "much" replied Harry, "we'll take turns" said Hermione walking into the tent.

The day soon turned night, Ron had fallen asleep on one of the beds while Harry sat on the table chair staring at the floor. Hermione was sitting outside of the tent next to the fire while you and Draco were off gathering more plants. Hermione had walked down to the edge of the enchantment field and watched as people passed. "Snatchers" said Harry walking up to her "at least we know your enchantment works" he added. "He could smell it. . .my perfume," said Hermione. "What are they doing?" you asked Draco as you both walked back to the tent "I dunno" Draco replied placing the plants back into the tent.

Ron appeared out of the tent and was staring at Harry and Hermione walking back up. "You okay Ron?" you asked "perfectly fine" he sneered walking back into the tent, "he's not okay" said Draco "it's obvious" he added. Harry and Hermione made it back to the tent and put out the fire. "We leave first thing tomorrow" said Harry walking into the tent. Draco pulled you inside and walked you over to the corner you and him were to be sleeping in. "I love you" whispered Draco "I love you Draco" you whispered back.

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