Chapter 73

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 Harry came down a few minutes later holding a wand in his hand while everyone sat around the table. "Did you figure it out?" he asked "indeed, this is Bellatrix's" Hermione replied "well come on then" said Harry. Hermione dropped the hair into the flask and handed Ron the other hair to drop into the flask. Ron dropped in the hair as well and the liquid swirled inside of the flask. "Ready?" she asked "not really" Ron chuckled taking the flask into his hand. "We'll wait outside," said Draco, pulling you up from the table and walking out through the front door. Harry went to fetch Griphook and hulled him down the staircase and out through the front door.

"How do I look?" asked Hermione walking up to you "like her" you replied "good". "Ron you look terrible" you chuckled "yeah, I know" he laughed putting his wand in his coat. "Give the sword to Hermione, she'll hold it in her bag" said Harry, Hermione opened her bag as Griphook slid the sword inside of it. Ron held out his hand and Hermione took it with hers, Harry took it as well and so did you and Draco. "We're relying on you Griphook, if you get us past the guards and into the vault. . .the sword is yours" said Harry as Griphook placed his hand on Dracos. With a crack you were gone.

You apparated in one of the alleys in Diagon Alley. "It's so gloomy" said Ron "of course, you-know-who is back" you replied "Madame Lestrange" said a man as he paced the alley, "good morning" Hermione replied. The man made a disgusted look and continued on. "Good morning?" snapped Griphook "Bellatrix Lestrange doesn't say good morning" he continued "watch it" said Ron glaring at Grip hook, "he's right, it was a mistake" said Hermione. "Alright, lets go" said Harry crouching down so Griphook could climb onto his back, you took out the cloak from Hermione's bag and threw it over the four of you as Hemrione and Ron walked away.

Ron and Hermione walked into Gringotts, as the goblins continued on with their work. She made her way down the long stretch to the main worker who sat at the very end tending to his duties. "Ahgem" said Hermione, trying to gain his attention "I wish to enter my vault" she choked "identification" said the goblin still not looking up from his work. "I hardly think that would be necessary" she snapped "oh- Madame Lestrange" said the goblin, finally looking at her. The goblin walked away as Hermione glared at his back. "They know somethings up" you whispered "they've been warned". "y/n, the guard, do something" whispered Ron as his breath became uneasy, "alright".

You turned your attention to the guard that was walking down the aisle towards you. The guard slowed his pace as he began to fixate his attention to uniform and then the ceiling. He froze and spun on his heel, walking back to his post. "Madame Lestrange, please present your wand" said a new Goblin who returned with the other "and why should I?" said Hermione "bank policy" "I'm sure you understand" he added. "No, I most certainly do not understand" she snapped "I insist you show your wand" said the goblin but Hermione just glared at him. "Imperio" said Harry, poking his wand out of the cloak.

"If you would please follow me" said the goblin turning from his post and walking back down to open the gate. You walked down a small hallway and saw a cart positioned at the end which was attached to a rail system. You threw off the cloak and sat down next to Draco. It jolted forward sending you flying back in your seat, it rode down and then up all in twists and turns. Griphook was controlling the cart all the way down as the enchanted goblin swayed back and forth in his trance. "What is that?" asked Harry as you passed over a giant waterfall "Griphook" said Harry as the goblin tried to stop the cart from splashing into it.

You pointed your wand forward trying to part the water but it didn't move. The brakes weren't working and you splashed right through it, getting you soaked in the process. The cart rolled a few more feet until it came to an abrupt stop, all the chairs completely opened, sending you flying down to the floor. "Arresto momentum" you said as you fell through the sky, allowing you to hover a few feet from the ground. You all dropped to the floor and Draco grabbed you into his arms. "You okay?" "I'm good" you replied "me too". "Good one y/n" said Harry getting up from the floor. The cart was blaring an alarm as it sent back the way it came from the bank. "You look like you again" you said to Ron and Hermione "the thief's downfall, washes away all enchantments" said Griphook "is there any other way out of here?" asked Ron "no".

"What the devil are all you doing down here?" sneered the other goblin "you thieves!", "imperio" said Ron, sending him back into his trance. You started to walk down the pathway as you heard what sounded like growling. "Bloody hell, that's a ukranian ironbelly" said Ron as you approached a clearing which led to a chained up dragon. The dragon flicked it's head in your direction and opened its mouth unleashing a blast of fire. "Aguamenti" you said, sending a jet stream of pearlescent water to counteract the flames being sent at you. Griphook began shaking something in his hand causing the dragon to back down and stop the fire. "It's been trained to expect pain when it here's the noise" said Griphook.

"That's vile" said Hermione as she walked with the goblin past the dragon who was now cowering in a corner. You made your way to the other end and climbed the staircase leading to the vaults. Griphook pressed the other goblins hand to the wall and it unleashed a spread of light, unlocking the door. Everyone piled into the room as the dragon sent more flames right at you. You flicked your wand sending the flames to extinguish as they got closer.

A/N: sorry I keep forgetting to upload and I keep forgetting to keep writing :)

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