Chapter 60

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Harry had gone to see Professor Dumbledore but he met Professor Trelawney on the way. She had been very distrubed in front of the room of requirement. Harry took her to see Dumbledore as well but stopped her halfway through. Harry had come rushing into the gryffindor common room completely out of breath. "I'm going with Dumbledore," said Harry "for what?" you asked "horcrux" said Harry grabbing his invisibility cloak. "Keep felix" said Harry "but you need it more than us" said Hermione "no, you keep it" insisted Harry running out of the room.

You left the common room for 'business' again and made your way over to the hospital wing. Draco was sitting on his bed twirling his wand in his hand. "Is it tonight?" you asked "I'm afraid so" he replied "I want you to stay away" said Draco "no, Im'm staying with you" you retorted. "Please, stay away till I come and find you" pleaded Draco "please darling". "Fine, but don't go running off with the other death eaters" you said. Draco got up from the bed and pulled you out of the room with him. "I'll see you later" he said, connecting his lips with yours.

Draco went up to the Astronomy tower and found the other death eaters there waiting for him. They waited not more than two hours before planting the dark mark. Dumbledore and Harry found themselves on the astronomy tower as well. Harry had his invisibility cloak on but something hit him causing him to fall to the floor and not be able to move. The death eaters had already gone down for some minor complications. You ran up the spiral staircase of the Astronomy tower to find Draco and Dumbledore in the middle of a conversation. You walked up into the room and it went silent as Dumbledore looked at you.

"Good evening Mr. Clearwater" said Dumbldore "hello professor" you replied "what are you doing here?" asked Draco walking over to you. "I can't just wait down there" you said "I don't want you up here" he retorted "I'm not leaving you" you snapped. "I once knew a couple just like you two" spoke Dumbledore "they fell in love here at Hogwarts, but their lives ended not so long after". "I don't believe you are evil Draco" said Dumbledore "let me help you", "if I don't do this. . .then he'll kill me" said Draco. "Hid they're coming" said Draco pushing you over to the ledge. You hid behind the wall while you heard the other death eaters approach.

"Good job Draco" one of them said "now finish him" he snarled. Dumbledore continued to speak with not only Draco but the other death eaters as well. "Draco do it!" a man shrieked "now". "Hello Severus" said Dumbledore "good evening" replied Snape "do it Severus" a woman snapped "severus. . .please" saud Dumbledore. "Avada kerdavra" said Snape sending a green light towards Dumbledore, he was blasted off the edge of the Astronomy tower. You jumped out of your hiding spot and was now standing in front of Draco, Snape, and the death eaters.

"Let's kill him" said one of them "no, no more complications" said Snape "what are you doing Clarewater?" asked Snape. You flicked your wand pulling Draco to you while you jumped off the edge of the tower with him following you off. "Aresto momentum" you said allowing you both to hover just inches above the ground. "I said I would find you" said Draco "I needed to find you first" you retorted "are you okay?" he asked "I'm fine". "He's really gone" you said as Draco pulled you up from the ground "I'm afraid so" replied Draco.

Draco grabbed your hand and ran into the castle, avoiding as many death eaters as possible. You and Draco hid in the hidden room behind the tapestry f0r what felt like hours. There were no more screams or curses hitting the walls, just silence. You pulled Draco out of the room and headed to the hospital wing where you saw everyone headed. You pushed open the doors to find everyone huddled around the beds, deep in conversation. "y/n" said Ron "where were you?" he asked, you pulled in Draco from behind you. "You!" sneered Harry lunging at Draco but you stepped in front of him to block Harry.

"Just listen" you said "I knew you were with him" snapped Harry "you lied to us" he said angrily. "He's not bad" you defended "how could he not be bad, he was tasked with killing Dumbledore" said Harry "but he didn't" you replied. "And what? You were just going to run away with him?" snapped Harry "so what if I did?" you sneered "I never should've asked you to try and go back to him". "y/n" said Fred "how do we know he's good?" he asked, tears swelled in your eyes after hearing Fred ask you this. You never thought Fred would go against you.

"You don't believe me" you said "I do, but how can we trust him after what he did" said Fred "because I trust him". Professor Mcgonagall had pulled Harry out of the hospital wing to go with her. "Let's go" said Draco "we can still run away" he said "to where?" you asked "we'll figure it out" said Draco cupping your cheek. "We only need each other" said Draco "let's go" you agreed. "No" said Lupin, "you two will stay with Molly and Arthur," he continued. Draco let his hand drop to yours, he laced his fingers with yours. "y/n. . .don't" said Fred but you didn't answer him "y/n listen to them" said Hermione.

"Let's go" you whispered to Draco. Draco turned around and pulled you out of the room with him. "How are we getting out?" you asked "I know a way" Draco replied pulling you up the marble staircase. "We're leaving now, and we need our trunks" said Draco "meet back here" he said running off in the Slytherin dorms. You ran off to the Ravenclaw dorms and pushed open the door to the common room. You bolted up to your dorm and shoved open the door with your body. You waved your wand around and packed everything into your trunk. You floated your trunk out of the room with you while you carried your broom.

You walked down the staircase of the tower and went back to the spot Draco said to meet back at. Draco arrived soon after you but he wasn't alone, he was with Theo. "y/n" he said running up to you and pulling you into a hug. "Were you really going to leave without saying goodbye?" he asked "I would've written to you" you replied "it wouldn't be the same" he chuckled pulling away. "Will I ever see you again?" he asked "of course you will" you answered "that's all I need to know" he said "goodbye you two. . .and good luck" he said pulling Draco into a hug. "Thank you Theo" "anything for you two" he chuckled walking away.

"y/n" shouted Fred from the other end of the hall who was accompanied by Ron and George. "y/n stop" shouted George, you waved your wand sending a plume of vines at George which managed to stop him. "Go!" he shouted to Fred and Ron. You and Draco ran up the marble staircase with your trunks floating behind you. "We need to get to the seventh floor" yelled Draco as he grabbed your hand with his. You managed to get to the seventh floor but Ron and Fred were still chasing you. The wall had formed a massive door at the other end of the hall.

From the left side of the connecting corridor came George, Remus, and Tonks. From the right came Hermione, Ginny, and Harry. You and Draco stopped in your tracks now being cornered with nowhere to go. "Stop running y/n" said Hermione "leave him and come to us" said Harry but you shook your head. Draco's grip on your hand tightened. "I'm staying with him" you shouted "I'm not going with you" you said.

Draco started to walk and you followed with him. "If you're not coming with us willingly, then you leave us no choice" said Remus. Ron and Fred ran at you from behind but Draco quickly turned around and stunned them both. Remus, George, and Harry ran at you and Draco, you and Draco both tried stopping them but they blocked everything.

Remus performed the counter curse on Fred and Ron so they could help again. George and Fred lunged at Draco and managed to take him down to the floor. Ron, Harry, and Remus pulled you away from Draco and all held you back. "Let me go" you screamed "let go!" you shouted. "Let him go!" shouted Draco trying to fight off the twins. Hermione stunned Draco leaving him motionless on the floor. "No! Please stop" you said tears forming in your eyes "please stop" you pleaded tears streaming down your face. Fred and George dragged Draco's body down the corridor while Ron and Harry held you.

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