The Queen's Gambit [Benny Watts]

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summary: The Harmon sisters, both talented, one a world chess champion, the other a principle dancer for the Paris Opera Ballet.


When we were children, Beth and I were as thick as thieves. Even though I was a few years older, it was like we were twins. While she focused and eventually mastered chess, I took ballet classes. One of the teachers at the orphanage thought I had potential and signed me up for a ballet company in Kentucky.

That was 15 years ago. After I turned 18, I moved to Paris and became a principle dancer for the Paris Opera Ballet while Beth was in high school, and started playing tournaments. We didn't see each other that much anymore, I did my thing and she did hers. But I did keep records on her, it wasn't hard, a women chess player, and now the World Champion.

"Y/n!" Cleo called once she entered our flat.

"Living room!" I answered back. I sat on the floor stretching while in front of the tv listening to some music.

"A few friends of mine from America arrived today and I invited them over tonight for some drinks and snacks." She explained.

"That's cool, I have to go to the studio in a few hours but I can bring home some vodka and wine." I moved into another position.

"Perfect." She smiled.

I met Cleo in my first days I moved to Paris, I sat in a café and she found me interesting and sat down next to me and we hit it off instantly, and a few years later, we both bought a flat together.

I went into my room changing into my leotard and tights, bringing my hair into a low bun and grabbed my bag and left our apartment. I walked through the streets of Paris and made my way towards the studio.

"Cleo I'm back!" I yelled walking into the flat trying to balance my dance bag and a bag of drinks.

"Living room!" She replied. Without dropping anything, I brought the drinks to the kitchen and met everyone else in the living room.

"Benny?" I looked at him sitting next to the coffee table. "Beth?"

"Y/n." They both replied.

"Do you know them?" Cleo looked between the three of us.

"Beth's my younger sister." I answered. "And Benny... I just know him."

"You look skinny." Beth commented.

"That's what I get for only having salad and pressed juice." I shrugged sitting on one of the arm chairs.

"So Y/n this is Arthur and Hilton, Arthur and Hilton, this is my roommate Y/n and you already know Beth and Benny." Cleo introduced.

"What do you say Y/n/n, a game like old times." Beth smirked, to practice Beth used to play me while I still lived in Kentucky.

"Alright." I smiled and replaced Benny's spot.

"Draw?" Beth offered. "Draw." I took her hand.

"I'm going to get a drink, anyone want anything?" I asked and they all answered no.

I stood up walking towards the kitchen and grabbed one of my pressed juices in the fridge. Once I closed the door and turned around I saw Benny leaning on one of the counters. I let out a yelp.

"Jesus Benny, you scared me." I placed a hand over my heart.

I had met Benny the year I left Kentucky, I decided to spent my last couple days in America in New York and met Benny at a bar and we hit it off instantly. My couple day stay ended up being 4 months. I stayed at Benny's the two us laying the bed together, just talking or walking around New York. We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend but we weren't friends neither. We both liked each other but really couldn't be together due to our careers, he would travel around the US, while I stay in Paris.

I walked over to to one of the drawers to grab a straw when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "I missed you." He whispered into my ear before resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Me too." I whispered. "But you know we can't be together."

"Why not?" He asked kissing underneath my ear that send shivers down my body, if he wasn't holding me, my knees would have probably buckled.

"Benny you live in New York, constantly traveling, and I live here in Paris training day and night, we would never have time for each other and I couldn't do that to you." I turned around so my back was pressed against the counter and I rested my hands on his chest while his arms were still on my waist. "And we both love what do and wouldn't leave it for the world."

"What if I came here?" He asked. "What if I move out of my apartment in New York and come live here with you."

"What about tournaments?" I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'm the US champion, I only go to the ones I want." He answered quickly.

"You answered that fast, it was like you planned this." I laughed quietly.

"Since the moment I met you." He tightened his grip. "So what do you say, I come live with you."

"Okay." I said hesitantly.

"Okay." He repeated and I nodded. "SHE SAID YES!"

"Benny calm down." I shushed him from screaming a few seconds ago. He turned back to me and cupped my face and smashed his lips on my mine. The two of us moved in sync before we were interrupted.

"What was that-Oh my god!" Cleo walked in with Beth, Arthur and Hilton behind her.

"Say hello to your new roommate." Benny smirked at Cleo.

"What?" Cleo asked.

"I'm living with Y/n now." Benny explained.

"I didn't know you two were together?" Cleo looked at me.

"Yeah, that's a long story that I need to explain." I answered.

"You better." Beth raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry for keeping you out of the loop." I joked.


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