Criminal Minds [Spencer Reid]

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summary: the teams find out that boy wonder has a girlfriend who they see at the local bar they always go to (season 1 Reid)


Spencer was dubbed the baby of the team. Boy Wonder, Pretty boy, Einstein, the nicknames were endless. For the three years he at been at the BAU, he surrounds himself in work, usually not joining the rest of the team for drinks.

"Come on Reid." Derek urged. He had been trying to get Spencer to join him and the rest of the team for a round of drinks since they been on the plane.

"I don't like drinking." Spencer told him for the millionth time. It wasn't that he didn't want to go, he just rather go back to his apartment, and watch Star Trek or read a book from his bookcase. "And I want to go home-"

"The book will still be there." Derek finished for him. "You always make the same excuse, there is a new episode of Star Trek or you want to read a book, both will be waiting for you."

Spencer looked at him a few moments, deciding on an answer. "Fine, just one drink, that's it."

Derek didn't even hear the rest of his sentence after the word 'fine'. He had finally was able to get Spencer to join them on a night out.

"What's got you so excited?" Elle walked over towards the two.

"I got pretty boy here to join us for a couple drinks." Derek grinned. "Morgan 1, Reid 9."

To say the rest of the BAU was shocked to see Spencer waiting with Elle and Derek by the elevator was an understatement. Penelope was just excited for him to finally join them, JJ had a big smile on her face, Aaron had been neutral but was still happy. And Gideon was just outright shocked. He didn't join the team that much, but still more than Spencer.

Once arriving at the bar, Spencer took a few seconds to get used to the atmosphere. He scanned the room, before locking eyes with one of the bartenders. She caught his eye, giving him a small smirk and wink and he instantly turned his eyes away, pretending he didn't stare her down a few seconds ago.

"Spence!" JJ called from across the room. He looked over to see the rest of the team in the corner booth, each of them with a drink. He awkwardly sat down at the each of the booth, starting to eat the peanuts on the table.

"I'm going to get shots." Derek slid out of the booth. "Pretty boy, something special for you."

Spencer stumbled over his words, not knowing how to answer. "Never mind, I'll just get you something." Derek answered himself.

Spencer watched Derek make his way up to one of the bartenders. She was sporting a cropped band shirt, low cut jeans, piercing going up her ears and you could see numerous amount of tattoos on her skin. He didn't know he was staring until Elle shook his shoulder.

"Reid you there?" She asked. He startled himself and turned to look at Elle.

"What did you say?" He asked.

Elle didn't say anything just smiled, looking over his shoulder at the bartender Derek was just talking too. "Someone has a crush on the bartender."

"What!" He exclaimed. "No I don't."

"Spencer, your voice goes up an octave higher whenever you lie." Elle profiled. "And I don't need to go into detail, you have a crush, you find her attractive."

"She-she is." He replied.

Once Derek returned back to the booth, he was grinning from ear to ear. "You know the whole time, I'm up there, she isn't looking at me. She's looking at our residential genius."

"Would you look at that!" Elle smiled. "The feeling may be mutual."

"Am I missing something?" Derek furrowed his eyebrows looking at the two.

"Spencer has a crush on the bartender." Elle looked back at the bar.

"Spencer has a crush!" Penelope exclaimed joining in on the conversation. "Oh my god, who?"

"The bartender." Derek answered. Penelope looked at the bar to look at said bartender.

"She's pretty, good for you." She smiled.

"I have 6 shots." The bartender walked over with a tray of drinks. "And a rum and coke for you." She set the drink in front of him.

"Are you sure, he can handle that, I said something that didn't have alcohol." Derek asked concerned.

"Don't worry, it's mostly coke, it's his favorite." She winked at Spencer. "I'll be off in 45, then we can head home."

The rest of the team furrowed their brows when she talked. They all stared at Spencer while he stared at her back tattoo that was peaking out of her shirt while she walked back to the bar.

"Something you want to tell us?" Aaron looked at Spencer.

"Oh, right!" He stammered. "That's-, she's my girlfriend."

The whole team gaped at the statement. Never would they thought, Spencer had a girlfriend, he was always devoted to work, day and night.

"How long have you two been together?" JJ asked.

"Almost 2 years." Spencer gave a small smile.

"She's so like, different from you. The piercings, tattoos, clothing." Penelope exclaimed.

"I know." Spencer nervously played with a strand of his hair.

The team just smiled at his teenage boy type behavior. All giddy of over a girl. They had been protective of him, he's the baby of the group, so they're all happy that he's growing up. The rest of the night was spent of Spencer explaining about how the two met and what they like to do together, he didn't notice her come up behind him.

"Telling everyone our business." She whispered into his ear. He jumped at the sound of her voice.

"No, I wasn't, I was just-" He tried to explain himself.

"Don't worry, it's sweet. You ready to go, my shifts over." She readjusted her bag.

"Yeah." He grabbed his bag.

"Well it was nice meeting you all, I hope we can get to know each other a little more." She smiled.

"You need to bring her to the BAU!" Penelope exclaimed. "You should come for lunch one day."

"Absolutely, does Friday work?" She asked.

"Perfect!" Penelope beamed.

"Well then, I'll see you on Friday, come on Spence." She grabbed his hand and the two made their way out of the bar.

"They are just adorable." Penelope gushed looking at retreating couple.


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