Outer Banks [Rafe Cameron]

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summary: the unlikely pairing between John B's older sister and Rafe Cameron

(Slight AU)


Everyone always said kooks and pogues don't mix, but it always excluded Rafe Cameron and Y/n Routledge. The pair met their sophomore year of High School. Y/n had been accepted under a volleyball scholarship, she was best on the island. That started the riff between her and John B. He couldn't seem to grasp that his sister was slowly becoming a kook.

They had different sets of friend groups, but the two groups would together at hangouts and parties. The first time he saw her up close was when he came home from lacrosse practice to see her in their living room tutoring his little sister Wheezie. The elementary school girl was beaming the whole time, bye the end of their session, Wheezie already loved the girl.

About after their fourth and final tutor session, Wheezie was sad to see her go, so to keep Wheezie happy, Y/n and her signed up for a buddy program Kook Academy had, so during the weekends and after school, Y/n drove Wheezie around the island doing all sorts of adventures.

Ward and Rose loved Y/n, she was lively spirit and was able to keep their daughter in check. So when Ward heard Y/n and Wheezie had to drive down to Kook Academy or the beach to play volleyball, he set up a net in the backyard so his daughter could learn.

Rafe and Y/n officially met at the country club, Y/n at the time was a waitress, bringing out food and drinks for some of men sitting outside or playing golf. Though she and Wheezie had been buddies for about 2 months and Y/n was always in and out of Tannyhill, the most encounter was a quiet 'hi' or a small smile. After delivering drinks for him and his buddies, he slipped her a $20 tip and his phone number. Y/n laughed quietly at the gesture and texted him later that night.

The couple was playing on the line between friends and boyfriend and girlfriend. They crossed that line when Y/n won the championship volleyball tournament. The first person she looked for in the crowd was Rafe, Y/n ran up to him giving him a bone crushing hug and still full of adrenaline, kissed him, and kissed him hard.

Now their relationship wasn't a secret, it was just private. You wouldn't really know if they were together or not. They didn't see each other that much during school, they didn't have a single class together and then after school each would spent 3 hours on practice. They were night time lovers, walks along the beach while the sun sets, getting late night dessert, movie nights.

When her father was gone for boating trips, Y/n tried to take over the role as leader of the house but it wasn't no use, then JJ had started coming over more often. Soon enough, Pope and Kiara joined in. Y/n didn't know Kiara that well, they went to school together but she was three years older. Staying at Rafe's had been a common occurrence, she unofficially officially moved in. To give them more privacy, Rose let the two of them stay in the guest house.

John B and the rest of his friends found out his older sister was dating in their words 'King Kook' at a party at the Boneyard. Sarah had became closer to Y/n when she and Topper started dating. The two girls spent most of their time dancing and drinking with a bunch of other girls, John B didn't think any different about it, it was normal thing for her to go all out at parties. But his eyes came out of his sockets when he saw Rafe Cameron come up behind her and place his hands on her waist and begin to dance with her. JJ next to him, spit his drink out, in a state of shock staring at them.

The rest of the pogues didn't see much of Y/n for the next two years, they knew she got a D1 volleyball scholarship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She didn't come home during the breaks, there wasn't really much there for her anymore, she had Rafe with her, he was a D1 player for the lacrosse team, and they shared an apartment downtown.

The summer before their sophomore year of college had just arrived and the couple thought it was time they returned back to the OBX. They had just arrived a week before the hurricane, so they had to repair the guest house to they could stay for the summer. She met up with her brother and friends at the Wreck, where she found out that her father went missing at sea 8 months ago.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Y/n yelled looking at her brother. Luckily it was early in the morning, the restaurant just opened up a few minutes ago and there were no customers yet.

"You were gone, living it up on the main land, you probably wouldn't have came home if you heard!" John B yelled back. At this point, JJ, Pope and Kiara made their way towards the kitchen to give the siblings a moment of privacy, but JJ the noisy person he was, was peeking his head out to listen in.

"You think that lowly of me?" Y/n scoffed. "I know I was never home a lot, but I cared about you. Where do you think the money came from when dad went out on boating trips or whatever, because it wasn't from him. That was my tips from working at the country club."

"I don't need your money!" John B replied. "I don't need handouts from you, I can do things on my own, I don't need my kook sister taking pity on him and loaning me money."

"You know what, I'm done, I can't argue with you. But you get it around your brain that I'm just looking out for you like what a normal sibling would do, come call me. But right now, I can't be near you." And with that Y/n grabbed her things and left the Wreck.

To take some steam off, Y/n returned back to Tannyhill hoping to find Rafe, he always had a way of leading off her steam, but instead she found Wheezie bumping a volleyball.

"You're getting better." Y/n commented leaning on the wall of the exterior house.

"I had the best coach." Wheezie smiled. The two girls made their way the the volleyball net and played a 1 v 1 game. "I made my varsity team last year at school."

"I heard. Your mom told me, I wish I could come to some games." Y/n smiled sadly.

"It's alright. You can come when the season starts." Wheezie answered.

The two girls continued to play and at some point Sarah and Rafe had joined in. Rafe had sided with Wheezie while Sarah was with Y/n.

"You seemed stress earlier." Rafe commented that night while the two laid together in bed.

"Just my brother." Y/n sighed. "Apparently my dad has gone missing for the past 8 months and didn't tell me and now he thinks that I'm finally getting somewhere in life I wouldn't have come back to the island."

"I'm sorry baby." Rafe brought her closer into his chest kissing the top of his head.

"It's fine, I don't want to talk about it, he wasn't the best dad." Y/n whispered. "Let's just go to sleep."

"Alright." He kissed her head once again. "Love you."

"Love you too."


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