Criminal Minds [Spencer Reid]

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summary: after bad case, spencer realizes the life he and his girlfriend live is short and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Rossi!reader


It was a chaotic relationship, but they made it work. The team didn't even know they were dating under their 3 year anniversary. Spencer had send her flowers to her desk with a little note.

'Happy 3 year anniversary, I love you.


Unknown to Y/n, Emily was standing behind her, looking over her shoulder and saw the note.

"Reid and Rossi are dating!" Emily yelled out to the bullpen. Half of the agents on the floor forgot about the younger female Rossi and thought Spencer was dating David Rossi. That rumor stuck around for a while.

The rumors went down after a few months but was still a laughing moment for Family Dinner at the Rossi's.

"Wheels up in 30." Hotch told the team before heading back to his office. The team had been called for an emergency case. The BAU had just returned from San Francisco less than 24 hours ago and now they're headed up to Maine. Most of the team were only relying on coffee for the past hours. They spent the plane ride discussing the new details and once they landed in Portland, they were immediately send off to the crime scene.

"JJ you go this way, and I'll search the house." Y/n had told her partner. The two were sent to a suspected unsub's house and the two girls started to search the house.

"Clear!" JJ said into her mic after searching her area. "Y/n?" She called out after a few minutes. Immediately JJ made her way back into the house, she didn't want another one of teammates getting hurt because of splitting up. "Y/n!"

"JJ?" She heard call from one of the hallways. "Help!"

"Oh god!" She looked down and saw Y/n's hand covering her abdomen, blood dripping through her shirt and getting on her hands.

"He came out of nowhere and stabbed me." Y/n explained watching JJ putting pressure on the womb.

"Just take a few breaths, the paramedics should be here any minute." JJ answered.

"Where is she!" Spencer came running from the car. "I need to see her, JJ where is here?"

"Spence, you need to calm down." JJ said softly.

"I-I can't." He stammered becoming short of breath. "I need her, she needs to be okay."

"Spencer!" He heard her. He whipped his head around and saw her sitting on the edge of a paramedic van, getting stitches.

"You're alive." He breathed out and made his way towards her. He stood in front of her, leaning down a bit, cupping her face in his hands, examining her face for any more injuries.

"Babe, I'm okay." She said softly placing her hand on his wrist reassuringly.

"Okay, you got stabbed." He whispered.

"It's okay, it'll be a cool scar." Y/n joked, but Spencer wasn't laughing. "No early for jokes."

"A little bit." He smiled.

"There's that happy face. You don't need to worry, I'm not going anywhere." She kissed his thumb that ghosted her lips.

Spencer didn't let her out of his sight for the rest of the case. If he had go somewhere, she would go with him. It wasn't clingy per se, Spencer always hated the people he loved getting hurt and he couldn't do anything to stop it. So it made him feel worthy that Y/n was with him, in case anything would happen to her, he would be there.

"Let's get married." That was first thing Spencer said when the two of them got home to their apartment after the case.

"What?" Y/n said totally shocked. The two never really talked about the future, they just wanted to stay in the present.

"This last case made me realize that we don't have as long life expectancy with our profession and I couldn't live another day without you in it." Spencer explained. "And I know we haven't spoke about marriage, but I think about it everyday. I want to be with you forever. I want you to Mrs. Spencer Reid. So will you marry me?"

"Of course." Y/n smiled through her tears. "I would love to marry you."

"Why don't you two look nice." David complimented when he greeted the couple at the door. The two were slightly matching, Y/n in a white cocktail dress with pink and white sandals, Spencer in a pair of slacks, a white shirt and pink bowtie. It had been two days since Spencer proposed and the couple thought it was a good time to tell the team.

"Thank you." Y/n smiled kissing her dad on the cheek before making her way to the backyard for team dinner.

"Henry! Jack!" Y/n smiled when she saw her two nephews.

"Auntie Y/n!" The two boys ran into her arms.

"You boys remember our plan tonight right?" Y/n looked at the both of time.

"Yup!" They nodded together.

"I have some news." Y/n clicked her glass. "Well we have some news."

"Oh my god, you're leaving." Penelope came to her quick conclusion. "You can't leave!"

"We're not leaving Pen. We're not leaving for a while." Y/n smiled. "Actually, Spencer proposed a few days ago."

Congratulations were thrown towards the couple. Hugs and kisses were exchanged.

"So when is the special day?" Derek asked.

"Today." Spencer answered. "Right now."

"What about the cake, and the guests and the decorations?" JJ sputtered out. "Like everything."

"We don't want a big wedding, just our family. You guys. We already have rings, and I have some string lights in the garage, that's enough for us." Y/n explained.

"And rings?" David looked at his daughter. Instantly, both Y/n and Spencer reached into their pockets and pulled out the other's ring.

"We have everything we need." Spencer confirmed.

"Alright then." David clapped his hands. "Let's have a wedding."

The whole didn't really expect to be going to a wedding so they all weren't dressed for occasion. After many reassurances from Spencer that the couple didn't care and it was fine.

"I always knew you would marry Boy Wonder, but I always assumed it was at a nice church instead of my backyard." David told his daughter as he walked her down the 'aisle'.

"Well I always was the odd one." Y/n laughed slightly.

"Dearly beloved." David said to the team. "Today we are gathered to witness the love between Spencer Reid and Y/n Rossi."

"Do you Dr. Spencer Reid take Dr. Y/n Rossi to be your lawfully wedded wife?" David looked at him.

"I do." He confessed sliding the ring onto her finger.

"And do you Dr. Y/n Rossi, take Dr. Spencer Reid to be your lawfully wedded husband?" David asked his daughter.

"I do." She confessed.

"By the power invested by me by the state of Washington, d.c., I pronounce you Dr. and Dr. You may now kiss the Dr." Rossi cheered.

Spencer cupped Y/n's face leaning down to meet her in the middle. The rest of the team cheered for the new married couple.

"Hello Mrs. Reid." Spencer smiled as the two had their first dance together.

"Hello Mr. Reid." Y/n replied.


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