Marvel [Steve Rogers]

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summary: we all the know the scene in Civil War where Wanda uses her powers to lift up Steve. And there had to be some trial and error. So Steve thought it was a perfect time even though it wasn't to try out their new skill and gets injured and his wife finds out


In hindsight, Steve should have kept his mouth shut when Fury had explained their mission earlier that week. He had the tendency to sometimes not thing out the whole plan, and if he did he knew it wouldn't work out so well.

The past couple weeks, Steve and Wanda had been practicing some partner skills where basically Wanda would use her powers to project Steve into the air. Now they haven't tried it in a live mission but Steve thought it was a good idea.

It wasn't. While mid-fighting, he checked his surroundings before giving Wanda the green light, not noticing the big building right in front him, which he crashed into, resulting in large bruise on his hip and larger cuts on his legs and abdomen. Steve was quiet on the Quinjet, he sat in the corner, looking down at his feet.

"Is he okay?" Natasha whispered to Sam.

"Not sure." He answered.

The team just let Steve stay by himself, not wanting to bother him. Maria Hill was projected on the screen in front of Tony, going over some minor debriefing before they spoke with her and Fury when they landed back at the Tower.

"Cap okay?" Maria asked Tony. She saw a tiny glimpse of him in the back, which was odd.

"He and Wanda tried out their new partner skill they've been working on and Capsicle didn't the building in front of him and hit it body first." Tony explained. Tony didn't hear what Maria muttered under her breath before pulling out her personal phone and ending the video between her and Tony.

Y/n had been in the middle of her english lecture when she heard her phone ding. She paused looking down at her phone seeing the message 'Code America' from Maria. The two girls had grown up next to each other being best friends from preschool to high school. After college, Maria made her career with S.H.I.E.L.D while Y/n became an English professor at NYU.

"Code America?" One of her seniors asked. With the classes Y/n taught, you could take one each year and they would all correspond and she became a school favorite and taught the same kids since their freshman year. While Y/n Rogers was a somewhat private person, her students knew about her marriage to Captain America and how he did a tendency to not think all the time.

"You all aren't the only kids I have to deal with." Y/n laughed before walking out of the room letting her TA take over class.

Steve knew something was wrong when he arrived at the Tower. He felt it. The team was still in the loading zone, as Tony liked to call it when he heard the heel clicks of Maria walking into the room. Maria looked around the room, taking in everyone's present state before finally landing her eyes on Steve. He felt like she stared at him any harder, it was like he was going to explode. And with the small head tilt Maria gave, he was in trouble.

He knew that stare and head tilt, his wife had the same one. While the two girls were almost practical opposites, they had very similar facial expressions.

Y/n sped towards the Tower, practically breaking numerous driving laws but it was fine, what was suppose to be a 45 minute drive turned into a 20. She parked in the first empty spot she saw, regardless if she was even allowed to park there before running into Stark's Tower.

Y/n dug around her purse to grab out Steve's extra key card and swiped it and putting in his password which was her birthday waiting for the doors to open. The lady at the front desk who monitors the key cards saw how Steve Rogers just went into the building but it was Y/n instead.

"Security." The women called out. Two men looked up at the receptionist and followed her finger to see Y/n making her way up. The two guards followed her trying to keep up, but Y/n seemed to have a good enough head start.

Sir." JARVIS called out to Tony. "There is a women who was entered the Towers under Captain Rogers key card. She is head your way."

Steve's face paled at the information. Maria tried to hide her smirk knowing the talk Steve was about to get. The group made their way towards the living room towards the elevator where they heard the commotion.

"Stop following me and don't touch me, take it up with Maria Hill, where is he!" She shouted at the two men who slightly flinched at her tone.

"What's going on-" Tony led the group in before Y/n cut him off.

"STEVEN GRANT ROGERS!" She yelled, the team all flinched at the sound, Steve stood frozen psychically scared for what is about to happen. "Are you stupid, were you trying to kill yourself. You know what don't answer that I already have that answer."

No one really knew what to do at this moment. Everyone's eyes minus Steve's were glued on the sight of Y/n still in her pants and blazer. Steve was looking anywhere expect her which Y/n noticed.

"Hey!" She clapped her hands gaining his attention. The whole team didn't even see her make her way up to Steve."Eyes on me, don't try to get yourself out of this."

"You could have died today, you know that?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Y/n/n, I know, I'm sorry. I thought Wanda and I should have tried it in a mission and I wasn't paying close attention and got hurt." Steve tried to explain his side of the story which really wasn't going to help him, he knew he was going to loose this one.

"Not paying close attention is when you read something wrong, not getting yourself thrown into a building. I like the husband I have and don't want to get married again when you go and get yourself killed while being stupid." Y/n argued.

"Um, did she just say husband." Tony added in.

"Is it your turn to talk, no." Y/n bit at Tony. The whole team was shocked about how she was able to talk to Tony like that, if they have said what Y/n said, they would need to look for a new profession.

"Listen here ma'am, you're in my building so you better watch your tone." Tony warned. Y/n stepped away from Steve making her way up to Tony. Steve turned around trying to signal Tony to stop.

"Excuse me?" Y/n asked in a much calmer voice she spoke since she arrived. It was slightly scaring how calm she was able to be.

"Nothing." Tony said in a bare whisper trying not to have a heart attack.

"Pack your things, we're going home." Y/n declared walking back towards Steve.

"Y/n/n really, Tony was going to have a team dinner." Steve whined. "I can't leave."

Y/n's eye twitched at his statement. She readjusted her back before making her way towards the elevator. Y/n was mad, very mad, mad to the point she won't talk to him anymore. Steve caught onto that during the beginning of the relationship when they were in an argument she went weeks without talking to him.

"Wait!" Steve called out. He ran out of the room quickly before returning with his bag. "Look I have my stuff, I'm ready to go!" The two made a promise when they got married, that they would never go to bed angry and whenever one person said 'I love you', you had to say it back no matter what.

"Mrs. Rogers!" Wanda called out. Y/n turned around looking at the girl. "I'm sorry about Steve, it was somewhat my fault, if I was just-"

"You don't need to apologize sweetheart." Y/n made her way up to Wanda, grabbing her hand. "You're no older than my students and they're still learning, don't blame yourself, you did nothing wrong."

"Thank you." Wanda smiled shyly. Y/n squeezed her hand before making her way up to Maria wrapping her into a hug.

"Thank you for keeping me updated on Steve." Y/n confessed. "I know you don't have too."

"Nonsense, you're my best friend." Maria smiled. "Now go home and relax."

Steve followed Y/n as she walk towards the elevator, giving a small smile to the team before they entered the elevator.

"I love you." Steve spoke reaching out his hand. Y/n stared at his hand for a second, slowly reaching hers out to grasp his, intertwining their fingers together.

"I love you too idiot."


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