The Maze Runner [Gen fic]

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summary: compared to the rest of the boys, she was more reserved, mysterious. Y/n had been there the whole time, she saw every new greenie come up into the box and couldn't hate them more


If you asked any boy in the glade to describe you, almost everyone would say mysterious. You didn't go spreading the memories you had since you came up, the most the boys knew was your name is Y/n, you were the second person in the glade, and you hate greenies.

You laid your back on the log while the rest of the boys partied everyone, leaning your head back closing your eyes drowning out the sounds of the boys stomping their feet and cheering.

"Who is that?" Thomas asked Newt as the two of them sat by a log a few away from you.

"That's Y/n, the only girl we have. Don't expect her to talk to you, hates the new greenies." Newt explained.

"Why does she hate me, I've only been here for less than a day." Thomas furrowed his eyebrows.

"You'll understand it one day." Newt replied taking another sip of Gally's moonshine.

The rest of night went how every new greenie party would, boys would step up to fight Gally, always falling to the ground losing, becoming drunk from the moonshine and can't walk straight or singing some new tune. It was always the same, it was their day off, a day to celebrate.

The total opposite for you. You hated this day, you hated when the box came up with another boy, you knew they were testing you. Before you entered the maze, you showed great skill compared to everyone else, bars above the rest. Ava thought you could overpower Alby but instead you became friends, so every month she would sent up another boy hoping you could somehow 'destroy' them, it never worked. There were a few boys who got under your skin but the most you did hit them in the crotch, and they stopped bothering you.

Waking up the next morning after drinking a gallon of moonshine, you slowly left your room in Homestead and made your way out to the glade. You saw the maze doors open and assumed Minho had someone cover your spot as runner knowing you were drunk as a skunk. After adjusting to the bright sun, you made your way towards the garden where Zart, Newt and the new greenie were.

"Look who decided to wake up!" Zart laughed. You squinted your eyes focusing on him before flipping him off and grabbing a shovel.

"What if we climbed to the top?" Thomas asked Newt trying to give reasons of escaping the maze.

"The vines don't go all the way to the top." Newt answered.

"If you're trying to figure out a way to leave this place, I would stop. Everything you're thinking, we've done it." You shot down his thoughts.

"But what if-" Thomas started.

"Already did it, probably twice. Just save your breath and go get some fertlizer." You threw a basket at him. Once Thomas walked into the deadheads you let out a sigh.

"He already getting on your nerves." Newt leaned on his shovel.

"You have no idea, god I hate greenies." You rubbed your hand against your forehead.

"You didn't hate Chuck." Zart added.

"Chuck's my brother, he is the only person I can tolerate other than you dimwits." You answered.

"When will you ever stop calling us dimwits?" Zart asked.

"Never." You said playfully.


"Why do you hate me so much?" Thomas asked as he climbed up the watch tower where you were looking across the glade.

"I don't hate you." You answered. "But I don't like you either."

"Why is that?" He asked sitting down next to you.

"You know how Alby was the first person to enter the glade." He nodded. "Before all of this, I showed great strength, the best they have ever seen. So they thought if I was sent into the glade, I could overpower Alby and make this place my own, but it didn't happen, the two of us became friends. So every month WCKD will send someone up so I can kill them or leave them in the maze or something. So every time a new greenie comes up, it makes me feel like they are still testing me and they will never stop."

"You're different than the rest of the boys, you want to find a way out, the rest of us accepted the fact that we'll stay here forever. You think in the future, no one does that." You finished.

"If I do find a way out of here, would you come?" Thomas looked at you.

"I'm not sure, things are changing everyday, if you do leave, who will stay here and look out for everyone else, but I know Newt would go, he would go in a heart beat. Alby would too, he's been here the longest." You answered.


"He needs to be punished." Gally exclaimed to the keepers explaining for what Thomas did, entering the maze.

Before you could answer, the box alarm went off. Everyone looked at each other before running out to the box. You all surrounded the box waiting for it to come up. "Why is the box here, greenie came in a few days ago." You whispered to Frypan who just shrugged.

"It's a girl." Newt said. Everyone turned their heads towards you.

"What's in her hand?" Gally asked.

"She's the last one ever." Newt read out loud. You couldn't really wrap your head around the new greenie and left.

You were right, things are changing and it's happening fast.


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