Riverdale [FP Jones]

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summary: part 2; Ms. M and FP Jones are in a secret relationship and try seeking around their children. spoiler, doesn't work out too well


"Have a good day at school." Y/n kissed Sweet Pea's cheek before he left the trailer heading towards Riverdale High.

Y/n watch through the window watching for him to ride away with Fangs, Toni and Jughead before she headed back to the bedroom. FP leaned against the headboard, an arm lifted up by his head, silently waiting.

"Sweet Pea gone?" He asked when she walked in. She nodded. FP sat up, grabbing her waist and pulling her on top of him on the bed. Y/n yelped playfully at the movement, wrapping her arms around his neck, laying her head on his chest.

"You know we have to tell them eventually." Y/n said leaning up to look at him, kissing his chin. It had a 6 months since Y/n returned back to Riverdale. She and FP had been flirting for weeks before he went to go visit her at Pop's and ended up kissing her before her shift was over. The two were secretly together for almost 4 months, sneaking around their sons and the rest of the serpents.

"But the keeping it a secret makes it so much more sexier." FP leaned down to kissing down her neck before reaching her sweet spot, Y/n letting out a soft moan.

"If you keep going, I won't last." Y/n whispered out as FP make his way back up to her lips again.

"That's the point." He flipped her around before leaning back down.

Y/n didn't remember much over the next two hours, all she saw were stars and eventually falling asleep when FP said they were done.

FP was leaned up on one arm, the other drawing random shapes on her open skin. He lifted his hand to move a piece of hair that covered her forehead and eyes, kissing her forehead softly so she wouldn't wake up.

"Hey." She murmured a few minutes later, her eyes fluttering open. "You know staring is rude."

"I'm not staring, I'm admiring." FP corrected.

"Don't start." Y/n rolled over to get out of bed, sliding her panties back on and grabbing FP's white button up, buttoning it up leaving the top two open. "I need to start making dinner."

"It's the middle of the afternoon!" FP followed her out towards the kitchen, trying to trip himself as he tries to pull up my boxers.

"I don't get takeout like you and Jughead, so it takes time to cook." Y/n teased, reaching up trying to grab one of the bowls from the top shelve, ultimately failing. FP looked over to her, laughing quietly as she tried to jump to grab it. He took a few strides before wrapping an arm around her waist and using the other to grab the bowl she needed.

"I didn't need your help." She huffed. "I could have gotten it on my own."

"Sure." He drew out the end, leaning against the countertop watching her make her way around the kitchen. FP stood there for about 15 minutes before getting bored and walking up to her while she was mixing, sliding his arms around her waist, pulling her closer into him, pressing light kisses starting at her cheek slowly making his way south.

Y/n tried to suppress the urge just to forget about the food and make their way back towards the bedroom, but she was persistent about finishing.

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