Criminal Minds [Aaron Hotchner]

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summary: the team gets to meet Aaron's wife and children


"Can you all wait a few minutes." Hotch exited his office and quickly went down to bullpen. It was already 6pm and everyone was already making their way home for the weekend. "It's my kids 16th birthday tomorrow and we wanted to have a family dinner, we would like you guys to come."

"Wait, I thought Jack was 8?" Derek furrowed his eyebrows.

"It isn't his birthday, it's my daughters." Aaron corrected.

"You have a daughter!" Emily gaped, she and the rest of the team were in shock, did he have a secret family they didn't know about?

"Step-daughter, but they really want to meet you, and so does the rest of my family, so we wanted to have a family dinner." Hotch explained.

"Yeah of course we'll be there." JJ answered.

"Perfect, I'll send you address." Hotch told them before heading back up to his office. The rest of the team all looked at each other in utter confusion. None of them knew Hotch had gotten remarried after Haley.

"He's married." JJ spoke out when he left. "How did we not know that?" Questions racked their brains, they've worked with him for so long and they couldn't profile that out of him. But Hotch never really talked about family at the BAU, usually during the dinner at Rossi's, but it was scarce.

The rest of the team left their questions for the upcoming weekend at Hotch's. Derek and Penelope were the first to arrive.

"You must be Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan." The woman answered the door. "I'm Y/n, Aaron's wife, come in, come in."

Derek and Penelope smiled at each other before walking in. "You all know Jack, and this is my son, Dylan. Dylan Jack come say hi!"

The two boys paused their games before running up to their mom. "Hello my lovelies!" Penelope beamed and brought the two boys into a hug. "I'm Penelope, I work with your dad."

"I'm Dylan." Dylan introduced himself.

"Well hello little dude, I'm Derek." Derek hugged him.

"So where is the birthday girl?" Penelope asked. "We brought gifts."

"Oh, you shouldn't have done that." Y/n replied.

"Nonsense, you guys are family." Penelope smiled.

"Well Rory should be here soon, she went out to the movies with some friends." Y/n answered.

Once the rest of the team arrived, they all sat don in the living room, everyone getting to know each other. "Well everyone this is my wife Y/n and son Dylan. Y/n and Dylan this is David Rossi, Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss and you two already know Penelope and Derek."

"It's nice to meet you all, Aaron talks about you guys all the time, you're another family to him." Y/n smiled.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Rory yelled opening up the door.

"We're in the living room!" Y/n replied. "Rory meet your dad's team, everyone this is our daughter Rory."

"Hi, I'm Aurora, but everyone is Rory, it's really nice to meet you." She smiled shaking everyone's hand and hugging Penelope.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get dinner started, boys do you think you can go get the ham out of the fridge?" Y/n looked at her two sons.

"Yes mom!" They replied instantly and raced each other to the kitchen.

Everyone was happy, sharing stories about one and other, Dylan and Rory getting to know their new aunts and uncles. Aaron and Y/n smiling knowing that their little family is getting along with the BAU.

"Can I get everyone's attention!" Rory clicked the side of water glass, everyone stopping their conversation and giving their undivided attention to the 16 year old. "I have a little surprise, and I couldn't think of a better time for this moment. For the longest I could remember it was just my mom, Dylan and I. My mom would work her butt off everyday and she still does so Dylan and I could have a wonderful life. At a young age, I started figuring skating and fell in love with it instantly, and it took a toll on our family. So I stepped away for a while. But when we met Aaron, and we became a family, I started skating again. And earlier today while I told you I was out with friends at the movies, I was at the ice rink with my coach and I got the most wonderful news."

"What is it, what is it?" Dylan was practically bouncing out of his seat.

"I'm getting there D." Rory laughed at her brothers demands. "Well, I just got accepted onto Team USA for the winter Olympics!"

Y/n jumped out of her seat bringing her daughter into a big hug. Tears falling down her cheeks. Aaron, Jack and Dylan joined in a few seconds for family hug. The rest of the team came up to congratulate her after the family let go.

"So Hotch I think I'm going to need at a couple weeks off in February." Emily joked the rest of the team agreeing with her.

"Yeah me too." He laughed.


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