TVD [Kol Mikaelson]

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summary: she always says, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but who is the enemy?


She fit perfectly with the family, you had Finn, the martyr, Elijah, the nobleman, Klaus, the big bad wolf, Kol, the psychopath, Rebekah, the hopeless romantic and Y/n, the manipulator.

She had a way with words, she was like a siren, with the right set of words, you were under her spell. Having been stood by the side of the Mikaelsons for over a 1,000 years, learning ins and outs of the family, always and forever. She took those words all the way to the alter when she said 'I do' to Kol Mikaelson.

Y/n was always neutral in her siblings fights, the only thing she wanted was to keep her family alive even if that meant daggering her husband for almost 200 years.

Now here she was, gaggling with the 'Scooby Doo Gang', the nickname she dubbed for them. There was just nothing interesting about them, it's either they go to the Grill to eat or comfort Elena when she would cry for the 10th time in an hour. God it was boring. With the Mikaelsons, they would either be at some bar, dancing, having drinks or in massive arguments, throwing things while some lean back and laugh at the show, now that was exciting.

But she kept a promise, get close with them, lead them gain her trust, gather information.

"And Klaus invited me to their Ball this evening." Caroline finished. "Even bought me a dress."

"I got an invitation too, it was from Esther Mikaelson." Elena said.

"Me three." Y/n pulled out to the invitation from her purse. "Looks like I have to go dress shopping."

"Save me a dance this evening!" Damon gave her a wink before she left the Grill. She never meant for it to happen, but somehow she caught the heart of Damon Salvatore, he had eyes on her the minute she step foot into town. Y/n never acted on those actions, she was a loyal wife and she would only love Kol Mikaelson.

She stepped into her apartment, waiting for the alarm to go off, but it never went off, it was deactivated. In an instant, Y/n quickly checked the whole room before walking to her bedroom to find a dress laying in her bed.

'I know how much you hate dress shopping, just saving you a bit of time.

K.M. <3'

It had been replica to the dress she wore on her wedding day, a white silk dress that cascaded down to the floor with a small train and a lace flower mesh that connected the neckline to the rest of the dress.

It had been replica to the dress she wore on her wedding day, a white silk dress that cascaded down to the floor with a small train and a lace flower mesh that connected the neckline to the rest of the dress

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"Oh Caroline you look beautiful." Y/n smiled as she made her way up to the Mikaelson House with Caroline. She was only one in the group she could actually stand, Y/n knew Klaus gave her that dress, he did have good taste.

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