All American [Jordan Baker]

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summary: what was suppose to be a pool party with your friends, turns into babysitting and baby talk


"Baby J, go change into a swimsuit." I yelled from the living room. "We're going to Jordan's house."

"Really!" She exclaimed. It was no secret that my sister worshipped Jordan.

"Yes, and if you don't hurry up, he won't be there." I giggled. She gasped and ran to her room to change.

Jordan and Olivia had invited our friend group to their house for a pool party while their parents were out of town for the weekend.

"Is there going to be popsicles?" She asked when I got her into her carseat.

"You know Jordan has to keep them in stock whenever you're there, you eat like 5." I answered.

"Hey girl...Baby J, what are you doing here missy." Olivia smiled opening the door.

"Mom had a last minute viewing and I had to watch her, and you know she doesn't turn down an opportunity to see Jordan." I smiled walking towards the backyard.

"Big J!" She screamed when we got outside. She wiggled out of my arms and flung herself towards him.

"Baby J!" He smiled peppering kisses all over her face.

"No kisses for me." I fake pouted. He looked at me laughing slightly and kissing me on the lips, staying until Baby J fake gagged.

"Can I go play in pool." J looked at me.

"We gotta put some sunscreen on you, then you can go play." I smiled. I walked over to one of the chairs and set my stuff down. "You must be Spencer."

"That's me." He smiled.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/n, Jordan's girlfriend and this is my 4 year old sister Jordan, but we call her Baby J or Jay so it doesn't get confusing." I introduced myself.

"So how are you liking Beverly?" I asked once I got sunscreen on Jay and send her off with Jordan and JJ in the pool.

"It's good, different from Crenshaw." He answered.

"I get that, but from what I heard, you'll be a great addition to Beverly." I smiled.

"Y/n/n!" I heard Olivia call from the other side of the pool.

"If you excuse me." I smiled and walked towards her.

"Where have you been!" She looked at me.

"Getting to know Spencer, I haven't met him yet, he's nice." I answered.

"Yeah, he is." She look over him staring a bit longer. She looked at him when I first started to look at Jordan when I had a crush on him. They would be a cute couple. I stayed silent for a few moments watching her, and seeing her forehead crease when Layla got out of the pool and made her way towards him.

"You should go to him." I said. Olivia stopped looking at them and looked at me.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You should tell Spencer you like him before Layla does." I clarified.

"It doesn't matter, everyone likes Layla and she's dating Asher." Olivia said.

"Dating Asher won't stop her. We have been friends with Layla for years, you know her. So hurry up and tell him you like him before it's too late." I said.

"Sissy look!" I heard Jay yell. I turned my attention to her. "I'm the football!" I stared in shock as she was curled up, her knees to chest, and Jordan and JJ passing her back and forth. This wasn't a new thing, the boys came up with a game called pass the 'football', the football being Jay.

"You two be careful with her." I yelled. Despite how bad this was, I always let them do their thing, I knew they wouldn't put Jay in harms way.

"I can't watch this!" Olivia looked away from the three of them. "I'm going to make snacks."

"I'll come with." I got up and followed her into the kitchen.

"Incoming!" I heard Jordan yell. Olivia and I turned around to see Baby J above Jordan's head like she was an airplane. "Somebody wanted popsicles."

"I did!" Jay giggled. Jordan set her down in front of the freezer opening it up so she could pick out the flavor she wanted.

"He's really good with kids." Olivia commented liking at the two of them.

"Don't let him hear you and then he'll have baby fever. You know how hard it is to tell a 16 year old we can't have kids yet. It's like telling Baby J she can't a popsicle." I told Olivia.

"Do you want to have kids?" Liv asked me. I never really thought about it, I knew Jordan wanted kids and I always wanted to keep him happy. But was I really going to have to carry a baby for 9 months. Would I be a good mother?

"I never really thought about it. Maybe sometime in the future, when we're settled down, having a steady job." I answered.

"Now important question." She pointed a carrot stick at me. "If you had a girl, would she be named after me."

"Absolutely not." Jordan answered for me, joining at my side. I rolled my eyes at him, but mouthing a 'yes' to Olivia. "No way."

"Well I wasn't asking you was I." Olivia smacked his arm. "Baby J you wanna go back outside and eat your popsicle."

"Please!" She smiled grabbing Olivia's hand and walking back out to the backyard.

"I'm already letting her be the godmother, she doesn't the baby to be named after her." Jordan told me when it was just the two of us.

"When we come to that conclusion?" I tilted my head.

"We didn't, I did. But I already knew you would agree with me." Jordan shrugged kissing my forehead.

"Why don't you just carry the baby. Seems like you have everything planned out." I joked.

"Haha, you're so funny." He deadpanned. "But yes, I have everything planned."

"And when will I know of this plan?" I questioned.

"When the times right." He answered.

"I think that time is right-" I started before we both heard JJ come running in.

"Lovebirds, we're playing chicken!" JJ yelled before running back out again.

"Not right now." I finished.

"It's okay, we have all the time. Now let's go keep your champion title." Jordan grabbed me tossing me over his shoulder before running towards the pool.


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