The Maze Runner [Gen fic]

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summary: Ava Paige could only trust her daughter to stay loyal to her and WCKD, but you know the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer


"Vince that's enough." Mary came running towards the group, Y/n trailing behind her.

"Oh my god, Thomas." Y/n smiled at her one of her oldest friends.

"Do I know you?" He looked at Mary and Y/n.

"I was worried they would kill you after what you did." Y/n smiled at him looking down at Brenda to check her pulse.

"What I did?" He looked confused.

"The first time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore. Watching your friends die, one by one. The last time we spoke, you and Y/n gave me the coordinates of every WCKD compound and trial and lab." Mary smiled.

"He was the source." Vince looked at him.

"Couldn't do it without you." Y/n replied.

"Get her to the tent." Mary ordered the men, they picked up Brenda. "And Y/n, get these guys some clothes."

Y/n looked at the boys scanning each of them smiling but it once faded when she saw Teresa and turned into a straight face. Teresa had a slight frown on hers. "Let's go boys."


"So who are you?" Minho asked once she said on the rocks with Frypan, Minho, Thomas and Newt.

"I'm Y/n, worked for WCKD my whole life, but once I met Thomas, he made me change my perspective and see how toxic WCKD is. The two of us were able to find every site before he left for the maze and Mary and I left." Y/n explained.

"Why weren't you send into the maze?" Thomas asked.

"You know my mother, she thought I was her precious flower who couldn't last a day on her own, I kept on a leash my whole life. But tracking down the sites and helping others, that was what I needed." Y/n smiled at Thomas.

"Did you ever find a cure?" Frypan asked.

"I did." Y/n sighed sadly. "It came from people, the immunes, their blood. It was terrible, watching my mother extract blood from them to get a cure was terrible, but I was able to smuggle a few out and I think your friend Brenda got one, she isn't cured, she'll have to have another one in 2 months."

Y/n looked past the boys to see members of the Right Arm laughing, talking, having a good time. It felt wrong to her, since the new immunes arrived, she felt something was off. She looked at set of rocks next to her to see Teresa at the top wrapped around a blanket. Y/n left the boys and climbed the mountain and sat down next to her.

"Why are you here?" Teresa asked Y/n still looking at the horizon.

"I could ask you the same thing." Y/n replied.

"You left WCKD, we were helping people." Teresa finally looked her ex-best friend.

"No we weren't, we were keeping children who were immune, extracting the cure from them, do you remember for those 3 years, we watched our friends barely survive, we watched some of them die, I couldn't take it anymore, I can't hurt a thousand people so only 10 can live in the end." Y/n said. "I do want a cure, I want something that can help us, something that could have helped my sister, but I can't watch them torturing people."

"We can find a cure, that cure can help treat people, it could have helped your sister." Teresa answered.

"Don't talk about my sister, she was pure, innocent, she didn't deserve this." Y/n said coldly.

"I had to do it." Teresa sighed. Y/n looked at her confused before she felt the wind pick up. She looked back the horizon and saw helicopters fly in, WCKD was here, and probably her mother wasn't any farther.

"What have you done." Y/n said before climbing back down hoping to get to base before it was too late. She dodged all the fires, the tases, bullets, hiding behind pieces of metal trying to get to the center of it all. She saw the big ship fly above them landing a couple 100 feet away from her. she saw the white suit swiftly flowing in the dusty air, Ava was here.

Y/n saw a small hand gun, on the ground, she strapped it to her thigh before going to confront her mother.

"Where's my daughter." Ava looked the immunes who were kneeled on the ground.

"Don't harm them." Y/n walked in, every guard pointed their guns at her. "Put your guns down or I shoot." They listened and slowly lowered them.

"Mother." Y/n narrowed her eyes at her.

"Y/n, how far you've come." She said monotonously. "What happened?"

"I couldn't watch my friends die." Y/n answered. "I had to help them."

"Where is my innocent little daughter, doing whatever I say, you've changed. I miss the girl you were." Ava said.

"Many will, she was easier to kill." Y/n replied.

"Come back, we will find a cure and it'll all be over." Ava tried too persuade

"Not good enough mother." Y/n said slyly. She held her gun against the small of her back, finger on the trigger waiting for the perfect moment to shoot and create a diversion so her new friends can flea. "RUN!" She shouted as she attempted to shoot Janson, missing by a few inches. All hell broke out, people running dodging shots, men from WCKD. She watched the boys scramble their ways out, but unfortunately to Minho, he had been stunned by a shooter and led towards the ship where her mother was currently remaining.

The aftermath was terrible, tents were fire, resources were teared apart, cold bodies laid on the ground, everyone distraught. Y/n let out a deep sigh, this was her mother's doing, all this happened because of her mother.

"What do we do now?" Vince asked Y/n the morning after.

"I'm not sure." Y/n looked at everything.

"I'm going to kill Ava Paige." Thomas declared. "I'm going to WCKD."

"You're going to need some help." Y/n smirked. "When do we leave?"


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