TVD [Klaus Mikaelson]

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summary: Returning to the life he built after his father died (Slight AU; the curse was broken years ago and Mikael was killed in Chicago, so he only met the Salvatores and Elena)


Mystic Falls, 1974

"This is my daughter Elizabeth." She told him looking over at the two year old girl playing with the corner with her toys. The couple had been together for over a year and it was Klaus's first time meeting her daughter. The two met in 1972 when Elizabeth was first born, becoming a couple when she was almost a year old.

"Liz, can you come here sweetheart?" Y/n called out to her daughter. Elizabeth looked up from her toys noticing the man next to her mother. She instantly got up, running up to the two, Elizabeth had always been a people person, waving to anyone she saw at the grocery store or in the park.

"I'm Elizabeth, but mommy calls me Liz." She gave me a toothy grin. Klaus looked over at his girlfriend silently asking for permission, Y/n nodding. He got down on his knees to match her height.

"Hello, love." He spoke in his British accent which made Liz giggle. "I'm Niklaus, but you can call me Klaus or Nik."

"Do you wanna play dolls with me?" She asked him playing with the end of pigtails.

"Of course." He smiled. Liz grabbed his hand dragging him back to her corner. Klaus looked back at Y/n who was laughing giving him a wink before going back into the kitchen.


"Are you ready for school?" Klaus helped Liz put on the straps of her backpack, the two standing outside of the elementary school. Liz smoothed down her dress for the fourth time since they got outside.

"Are they going to like me?" She looked at him.

"Who wouldn't, you are smart, kind, everyone is going to love you and you're going to have so many friends." Klaus ran his hands over her hair, keeping down her baby hairs. "I love you Lizzy, you have a good day."

"I love you too daddy!" She hugged before running into the building. Klaus stood wide eyed not moving, not noticing Y/n walking up behind him.

"Are you alright?" She ran a soft hand down his arm.

"She called me daddy." He spoke softly. "First time she ever said that."

"Oh!" Y/n gasped. "Well I-uh..."

"It's alright love." He turned around cupping her face. She placed her hands around his wrist, the two continuing to look at each other. Y/n never loved someone as much as she loved Klaus, it was a miracle that he came into the both of their lives, he was someone she wanted to spent the rest of her life with.

"Marry me." Y/n whispered, she didn't even know if it was loud enough for him to hear her.

"You beat me to it." He chuckled, removing his hands from her place, digging into his pocket, pulling out a small velvet box. He opened it up seeing the princess cut diamond ring sitting inside.

"Oh!" She covered her hand with her mouth, tears welling her eyes. "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes."

"I didn't get to ask you." Klaus smiled, taking out the ring, removing her left hand from her mouth, sliding on the engagement ring on her finger, kissing her knuckles.

"Y/n Mikaelson and Elizabeth Mikaelson." She spoke the name of her and her daughter. "I love it."

"And I love you." He smiled, kissing her.

The next few months were spent preparing the wedding between Y/n and Klaus and finding out the secret Klaus bore.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Klaus asked for over the thousand time. After Y/n found out Klaus was a vampire, she wanted him to turn her.

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