Marvel [Steve Rogers]

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summary: more husband!steve, this can be a prequel or a sequel to the last one. But Steve visits his wife during work to bring her lunch but interrupts class


The Rogers knew what Steve's job entailed, him being gone for long periods of times for missions and sometimes not being able to communicate for a few days.

Steve had gotten late last night from a mission, Y/n was already in bed. He quietly made this way around the room and through the bathroom not wanting to make much noise so Y/n could sleep and wake up early in the morning.

When they first got married, Steve and Y/n stayed in the compound for the first 9 months until they moved to Brooklyn. Y/n had been an english professor at NYU, teaching three different classes; Early literature through the 17th century, 18/19th century literature and 20/21 century literature.

When Steve woke up, Y/n had already been gone. He didn't get home until 4 am, not waking up until 11 am. Y/n wakes up at 7 am to commute to NYU, then have her first class at 10:30am. Steve groaned, rolling over onto his back, stretching out his tense muscles, slowly getting up for the morning. By the time he got into the kitchen, it was 11am. He smiled at the little note she left him on the fridge.

There was a lunch bag left on the edge of the island table. Steve made his way towards it, opening it up, Y/n must have left her bag. Steve smiled to himself, quickly running back into their shared bedroom, grabbing a jacket and his motorcycle keys, running back into the kitchen, grabbing her lunch bag and making his way out the door.

"I know all of you have read Romeo and Juliet in high school and maybe Julius Caesar, but today we are going to be starting Macbeth." Professor Rogers spoke through her microphone into her Early through 17th century lit class. This was her beginning level class, structuring the rest of her classes, so the seats were mostly filled with freshman and sophomores.

"Another famous piece by William Shakespeare follows the tragic story of Macbeth, a general of Scotland who follows a dark path for leadership. At the end of each of your rows should be a stack of books, you will take one now then return them back to me at the end of class so I can check them out to each of you." She informed. While the students got their books, Y/n grabbed her phone out of her bag, checking to see any messages from Steve, must be sleeping still.

For the rest of the class, the students popcorn read the first two scenes of Macbeth.

"Okay Duncan, Scene II, Sergeants passage." Professor Rogers spoke her microphone not taking her eyes of the book.

"Doubtful it stood,
As two spent swimmers, that do cling together
And choke their art. The merciless Macdonwald--
Worth to be a rebel- Holy shit!"

"Language!" Two voices spoke. Y/n looked up from her bag, seeing the man who stood against the wall by the door, her lunch bag on his hand.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n giggled, Steve walking up to her setting her bag in front of her kissing her cheek. The freshman sat shocked at the scene in front of them. Captain America was in their classroom.

"You forgot your bag and I came to drop it off and we can have lunch together." Steve smiled.

"It's Monday Steve, I don't have lunch for another half hour." Y/n sighed.

"Holy shit, you're Captain America." Duncan said in awe, his eyes wide staring at him and his professor.

"Oh!" Y/n realized this was their first year and they still didn't know much about her. "This is my husband, Steve."

"Husband!" One of the girls sat at the front with a few of her friends now slightly envious of their teacher.

"How long have you been together?" The girl next to her asked, trying to keep the venom out of her mouth.

"We've been married for a year, together for four." Y/n smiled shyly looking up at her husband with an adoring smile.

"How did you guys meet?" "Do you know Tony Stark?" "Are you also an Avenger?" The students started bombing her with questions, she knew this was going to happen eventually.

"Okay one question at a time." Steve answered for her. "We met through a mutual friend, yes she knows Tony Stark, we go to his parties. And no she isn't an Avenger, just your regular English professor."

"You know I had some hope the two of you were together or related somehow. The last names." Joshua, a sophomore said.

"Are you two happy together?" Madison, a freshman narrowed her eyes at the two.

"Yes Madison, and I don't think Steve is looking for a sugar baby, he already spends enough money on me." Professor Rogers rolled her eyes. The rest of her class laughed at her reply, Madison slowly sliding down her seat, ignoring the calls from her classmates. Y/n wasn't trying to be rude or condescending, she was jealous and possessive, two traits she always hated. An English professor and Captain America, it made her insecure at times during their relationship.

The rest of class like Y/n expected was spent asking questions about Steve and his life. The marriage between the two was private, the public knew he was married that was it. They wanted to keep her domestic life out of the tabloids, but Y/n's students were her family and they did get to meet the special man in her life.

Y/n and Steve spent her lunch break eating catching up, Steve telling her any new news from the compound or whatever party Tony was throwing, they didn't see the time indicating it was time her 20/21st century lit class with juniors and seniors.

As the students made their way in, they offered a small 'good afternoon Mr. Rogers.' or 'How are you Captain Rogers'. The upperclassmen knew of the relationship between the two.

"You know my freshman class met Steve today." Y/n chuckled as the first few minutes of class started and a few more stragglers made their way in.

"How did that go?" One asked.

"Funny." Y/n replied. "One of my students asked 'If we were happy together?', someone is trying to refill the spot of Mrs. Rogers."

"Don't worry, you'll be the only Mrs. Rogers." Steve smiled kissing the top of her head. "Now you have a good class, and I'll see you at home."

"Goodbye Captain Rogers!" The students shouted at him as he made his way towards the two. Steve waved to them all before leaving.

so sorry I haven't been updating this book for a while, I'm writing my first fanfiction novel and I want to get the first chapters out by the end of next week, so I'm trying to write a bunch of chapters for that, but I do have a few ideas I've written down that I want to write and publish here soon

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