Criminal Minds [Spencer Reid]

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summary: the BAU meets Spencer's wife and daughter (this is going take place around season 9, when Spencer would be around 31)


"Madi, come on sweetheart we're going to be late for daycare!" Y/n yelled from the living room. Next to her was Spencer, tying up his converse. Spencer never got to spend the morning with his wife and daughter so when the opportunity happens, he wastes no second. It's day like this, Y/n would drive to Quantico to drop off Spencer for work then drop off Madi for daycare and then either go to work or run errands.

"I'm ready!" She came running out. Spencer and Y/n looked at their 4 year old who looked like a mini Spencer, a pair of converse, a cute little skirt, a sweater vest and short sleeved collared shirt. "Look daddy, we're matching."

"Yes we are." He smiled picking her spinning her around, making her squeal. "Are you ready for daycare today, Miss Madi?"

"Yes." She giggled when Spencer tickled her stomach.

"Let's go my bugs, we need to drop off daddy first." Y/n looked at her family. The three left the house making their way towards the car, and starting their commute to Quantico.

Spencer watched his wife in adoration as she hummed "Under the Sea" with Madi. He then looked in the rear-view mirror to see Madi singing at the top of her lungs. She had an obsession with the Little Mermaid and would only watch it, so the Reids have memorized almost every song in the movie.

As the song came to an end, Y/n pulled up into the parking lot of the FBI, putting the car in park. "I'll see later." She kissed her husband. "Bug, can you say bye to daddy, and we'll see him later."

"Bye daddy!" She exclaimed kissing his cheek when he made his way towards her sit of the car.

"Bye sweetheart, I'll see you later okay, you have fun." He kissed her forehead and made his way into the building.

The two girls made their way out of Quantico, making way towards Madi's daycare, singing along to Madi's Disney playlist. While Y/n stopped at a stop light, she heard a ding from her phone and popped up on her screen.

Spence <3: Hey babe, I think we switched bags, do you think you can come and trade?

Y/n picked up her phone, quickly responding that her and Madi would be make in 15 minutes and made a U-turn going back towards Quantico.

"Where are we going mommy?" Madi asked her mom.

"Daddy took my bag instead of his, so we have to go back and switch." Y/n answered.

"Does that mean I can skip daycare?" She asked hopefully. As much as she loved daycare, she always liked skipping.

"Yeah, why not. You can hangout with me today." Y/n looked in the rear-view mirror.

Once Y/n made her way back to Quantico, she parked the car, unbuckling Madi from her carseat, grabbing Spencer's bag and the two made their way towards the front desk.

"Hi what can I do for you?" The receptionist smiled.

"My husband took my bag instead of his, and we just need to do a switch." Y/n explained. After getting their visitor badges, the two girls made their way towards the elevator, going on right before the doors closed.

"What floor?" The blonde hair woman asked next to them. She had a few little clips in her hair, her outfit was full of bright colors.

"6." Y/n replied.

"Oh, same floor!" The girl exclaimed.

"I like your outfit." Madi looked up at the girl.

"Why thank you, I like yours too." She complimented. When the elevator dinged, the three left the elevator departing ways. Y/n looked straight through the glass doors and saw Spencer sitting at the desk filling out paperwork. Y/n walked towards the door, opening it up. Immediately Madi left her mom's side running up to Spencer.

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