HSMTMTS [EJ Caswell]

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summary: the rest of the cast just loving the relationship between EJ and the dance choreographer


The moment she walked into the auditorium, he was whipped. Her hair was tied into a low bun, her grey sweat pants covering her black leotard. Carlos thought he should hire another choreographer to help for the spring musical, Beauty and the Beast. While walking down the performing arts hallway, he could hear ballet music coming from the yoga room. He peeked his head in to see her dancing. There was no denying she was amazing, so instantly Carlos hired Y/n is new choreographer.

Now about 3 weeks into practices, Y/n had become close with the whole cast, they were like another family to her. She wasn't as outgoing as the rest of her friends so she usually sat in the back listening to everyone else, but Y/n got to meet EJ. He had liked her since the first time she came in and the two had a few conversations here and there, but nothing was quite established.

"I think they'll be together by opening night." Ricky told his friends during one of the breaks of rehearsal. While they were all getting water, EJ and Y/n were talking together next to her bag, she giggling softly.

"2 weeks." Carlos betted. "There is some tension between them and you can cut it with a knife."

"I'm with Carlos." Seb agreed.

"I'm with Ricky." Ashlyn added. It became a split, half and half. Half believed they would be together by opening night which was in 2 months and the rest thought they would be together in 2 weeks.

Carlos and Seb were right. 2 weeks and 2 days later at a little get together at Ashlyn's house, Kourtney caught EJ kissing Y/n on the patio. She snapped a photo and ran back to the rest of the group showing them her evidence. Everyone was happy with them, Carlos and Seb a little more happy that they just earned 20 bucks each.

The couple didn't keep their relationship a secret from the group, EJ saw Kourtney take the photo of the two of them out of the corner of his eye, it was just a private relationship. Even though they saw each other everyday at rehearsal, Y/n was more introverted and didn't like people watching her and EJ's relationship. So they would sneak little kisses when no one was looking in public, the most PDA between the two was holding hands, hand around the shoulder or waist.

It was Saturday afternoon, Y/n had just finished her morning private with her ballet teacher before heading towards the auditorium to get a heads start and work on the waltz between Belle and the Beast. Y/n was so into the music she didn't hear the door squeak open to reveal EJ coming in from water polo practice. He watched in adoration while she glided on the stage, it was her safe place, her second home, she grew up on the stage. She didn't even see him until she turned around to grab her notepad and saw him leaning against the wall smiling at her.

"Come dance with me." Y/n called him over taking out her Airpods and connecting her phone to her speaker.

"I don't know how to waltz." EJ admitted walking up the steps.

"Here, I'll teach you." She grabbed his hand and pulled him center stage. "First you put left arm around my waist, while mine goes on your shoulder. And your right hand goes out here." She explained. "Now we're start simple, we'll start with a box. You go forward, then right, then back, then left and repeat."

With his new found knowledge he was able to get the hang of waltzing quite easily and quickly became the lead. The couple were lost in their own world, they hear the rest of the cast come up through the wings.

"Look at them." Ashlyn gushed looking at her cousin. "They are my OTP."

"This is adorable." Gina added and everyone else agreed. The group stayed hidden in the wings just watching the couple dance, laughing quietly when EJ would accidentally step on Y/n's toes.

"They are the poster child of extroverted boyfriend and introverted girlfriend." Carlos smiled.

"We have a few visitors." EJ whispered into Y/n's ear as the two still continued to dance. Y/n looked over his shoulder to see their friends watching from the side lines. When they caught Y/n's eyes, they all frantically tried to find someplace to hide, but it was no use.

"Let's put on a little show." EJ winked at her. Y/n didn't know where he was going with his plan but she followed. The two continued to dance for a few more seconds, before EJ let his hands travel down to her waist, picking her up effortlessly and spinning her around like she was the cliché princess in almost any Disney Princess story.

"God they make me feel so single." Gina sighed.

"You guys can come out now!" Y/n yelled out to her friends. As much as she loved dancing with EJ, they had rehearsal to do, opening night was coming up.

"You know we totally weren't watching." Big Red told the couple to which they both raised their eyebrows and gave a small head tilt.

"Sure." Y/n drew out the end.

"I was!" Miss Jenn called out from the audience, giving almost everyone a heart attack, no one knew she was there. "You two are just adorable."

Y/n gave a small smile, hiding into EJ's side, not liking the attention the two of them gave. EJ looked down at her, smiling and wrapped an arm around her waist, snuggling her into him a bit more.

"Thanks." EJ answered for the both of them.

"As adorable as you two are, it's time we start learning the dance break for Be Our Guest!" Miss Jenn ordered.

"Right of course." Y/n scrambled away from EJ and grabbing her notebook full out placements and dance choreography. "So for this first section!" Y/n called out to the group.


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