Marvel [Peter Parker]

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summary: Peter Parker x reader (platonic). peter parker being the sweet little 'child' of Bucky and Y/n Barnes, slight AU


The avengers loved Peter. He gave some new light in the tower, he was just this precious thing you wanted to keep pure.

Bucky and Y/n loved Peter. Peter saw the couple just as Y/n and Bucky, not the Winter Solider and Russian Doll. The two were HYDRA's star, the best thing that happened to them. But after several months of psychical therapy and mental therapy, the two were getting adapted to real life.

The two longed for children. It was like their final step to having a normal life. But from graduating from the Red Room to HYDRA, biological children couldn't be an option. It was Peter walked into their life at the perfect time. He gravitated towards the Barnes, they gave him a sense of home, domestic life.

"They're like a little family." Steve commented watching the three of them.

"It's all Y/n ever wanted." Natasha said. The two girls were the best at the Red Room. "Let them be."

"Now you check the pasta to see if it's done." Y/n explained to Peter as she helped him make her famous pasta recipe that the whole time loved.

"And how do I know that?" Peter looked at her.

"What I like to do is throw it at the wall and see if it sticks, but Tony doesn't really like when I do that because I usually forget to clean them off the wall, but we can make an exception for you." Y/n answered grabbing a strand of pasta for her and Peter. Bucky stood on the other side of the counter silently laughing watching his wife and Peter throw the pasta at the wall.

"How does it taste?" Peter asked Bucky once he finalized the dish and gave him a taste test.

"Just like Y/n made it." Bucky smiled. "Now you have something to impress MJ with when you two go on your date."

"What date!" Peter exclaimed his voice going up about an octave higher.

"Don't need to beat around the bush, we see the way you look at her when we pick you up from school. And if I remember correctly Bucky. overheard you asking Stark about dating advice which you shouldn't really take because no matter no many women Tony has been with, he's kind of ancient." Y/n rubbed his shoulders

"Aren't you like 100 years old?" Peter looked at Bucky

"And I still look youthful." Bucky commented.


"Peter sweetheart, you need to calm down or you're going to sweat through your shirt." Y/n said to him. A couple weeks had passed and Peter had official asked MJ on a first date, they were going to watch a movie then Peter was going to bring her back to the tower to make her dinner.

"Now what do you do when she answers the door?" Bucky quizzed for the tenth time within the hour.

"I compliment her on her outfit or hair or both. Then I take her to the car, open the door for her. Pay for her ticket and snacks, technically Mr. Stark is paying for that because he gave me the money because I really don't have a job being an Avenger and all-" Peter started to ramble.

"Peter, you're getting off track." Bucky interrupted him.

"Right, then after the movie I bring her back here for dinner and hopefully go in for the first kiss and if that doesn't happen I try again when I drop her off and ask for a second date." Peter finished.

"Oh my baby is so grown up." Y/n gushed letting her maternal side come out even though the Avengers claimed she didn't have a single maternal bone in her body. She cupped his face in her hands peppering kisses all over his hair.

"Stop!" Peter tried to push her away. "You're going to get lipstick on me and mess up my hair."

"Aww he's growing up." Y/n smiled before puckering her lips onto his cheek, giving out a lot 'mwah' before releasing.

"Do you hate me?" Peter asked looking at the mirror trying to wipe the red lipstick on his cheek.

"I got a second date!" Peter came running into the tower. Bucky and Y/n had waited in the kitchen after he went to go drop MJ off. "And I kissed her."


"What's all this?" Y/n walked into the kitchen to see Peter cooking away.

"Happy Mother's Day!" Peter smiled. "I made you breakfast."

"Oh Peter, you didn't have to do this, why didn't you go spend Mother's Day with your aunt?" Y/n smiled.

"Happy took her on a week long cruise, so I thought I spend it with you." He brought her into a hug.

"No one has ever done this for me before, thank you." She smiled kissing the top of his head.

"Come eat." He grabbed her hand dragging her towards the table. "So I didn't know what you liked and Bucky was out on a mission with Steve so I made every breakfast food you taught me."

Y/n looked down at the table and saw pancakes, waffles, french toast, eggs benedict edict, an omelette. "Wow, you outdid yourself Peter, thank you."

"I got you gift." Peter gave her a little bag while she was chewing your french toast.

"You didn't have too." Y/n said.

"I wanted too, open it." He pushed it into her hands. Y/n removed the tissue paper and grabbed the small square box. She lifted the lid to see a braided bracelet with a small spider charm.

"Oh Peter this is beautiful." Y/n took the bracelet out of the box and tied it around her wrist.

"Now we can match." He lifted up his sweatshirt and showed her the matching bracelet but with a small heart charm instead.


"Smile!" Tony told the three. Peter stood in the middle of Bucky and Y/n in his graduation cap and gown.

"Let me take one of the two of you." Bucky took the camera from from Tony and pointed it at Y/n and Peter.

"You're going to do wonderful at Empire State University." Y/n told him when they returned to the tower for his graduation party.

"I wouldn't have been able to do it without you, thanks mom." Peter hugged her kissing her cheek.

"You called me mom." Y/n said in a bare whisper. "You've never done that before."

"Did you not like it, I don't need to do that anymore." Peter silently cursed himself hoping that he didn't just ruin their relationship.

"No, I liked it." Y/n gave him a small smile.

"You got everything right?" Bucky asked as the three finished setting up his dorm.

"Yes dad, I have everything." Peter answered. Bucky smiled at the term of endearment.

"Remember we are just a phone call away or a car ride." Y/n told him. "Oh I can't believe you're leaving."

"Mom, I'm not leaving, I live less than an hour away from the tower." Peter sighed.

"I know." She sniffled. "I'm going to miss you."

"Don't worry, I'll come visit." Peter hugged her.

"You better." Y/n said sternly. "I can't be with Bucky alone!"

"Hey! I heard that!" The two heard Bucky say.


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