Riverdale [Sweet Pea]

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summary: everyone gets to meet Sweet Pea's mom who is ironically a sweet pea


No one really knew how the fight started. Jughead had just walked into the student lounge and saw Sweet Pea and Reggie arguing which really wasn't a big deal. Due to Jughead being right at the entrance, he didn't hear what Reggie said that sent Sweet Pea over the edge, causing him to punch Reggie in the jaw. It was a brawl from there, the Bulldogs came up to help Reggie while the Serpents came to help Sweet Pea.

Betty had just happened to walk in right behind Jughead and saw the commotion, ran towards Principal Weatherbee's office.

Reggie and Sweet Pea sat in the two chairs in front of his desk while Toni, Cheryl, Fangs, Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica and few Bulldogs and Serpents stood leaning against the wall.

"I told you two boys that if there was another fight between you two, I would have to call your parents." Weatherbee told the two boys.

"Is she actually coming?" Sweet Pea asked referring to his mom.

"Yes." Weatherbee answered.

"Fuck." Sweet Pea swore under his breath.

"Is Sweet Pea and his mom not close?" Betty asked.

"Total opposite, he loves his mom." Toni explained.

"Where is your hall pass young lady!" Weatherbee called out when he saw a girl walk pass his office. The girl stopped and walked into his office. She was no taller than 5'5, her blue summer dress swaying side and side as she walked, and the beige tote bag hanging off her shoulder.

"Are you Principal Weatherbee?" She asked, he nodded. "You called me, I'm Y/n, Sweet Pea's mom, you said I needed to be here." Simultaneously the teenagers in the room, jaws dropped.

"Oh um, I was not expecting you too be so-" Weatherbee started.

"Young." She finished. "I get that a lot. Let's go Sweets. Thank you Principal Weatherbee, I'll be sure to talk to my son later tonight."

"I thought you were in Canada until the end of the month?" Sweet Pea asked his mom as they made their way towards the parking lot.

"I didn't like the pastry chef I was working for so I quit." Y/n shrugged. "And I still have my job at Pops. So are you going to tell me the reason why you got into a fight or are we going to pretend it didn't happen?"

"It's nothing." Sweet Pea answered not looking at his mom.

"You are such a bad liar." Y/n replied. "Tell me, you know I won't get mad." Over the years, she gotten over the fact that her son got in trouble. His father left the both of them when he was 10. He watched his mother slowly become a different person, she always stayed in the trailer, she stopped baking. He hated his father because he made his mother depressed for pre-teen years. That was what caused him to be stone cold, protective of the ones he loved.

"He said something about me, didn't he." Y/n looked his body language. "We don't have to talk about it, but you don't need to defend me, I can take care of myself."

"I know, I just don't like it when people say bad stuff about you." Sweet Pea shrugged.

"I know Sweets, let's get you home, I made lunch." She smiled.

"Mom when are you going to get a new car." He looked at her as she made her way towards the driver seat. Her father owned the Thunderbird and gave it to her on her 16th birthday. "I know it's a classic and grandpa gave it to you, but it's unreliable. Get a beetle or something."

"Hey don't talk about Tina like that." Y/n gasped referring to the car. "This car has been with me since I got my license, and I won't stop driving it until it breaks down on the road, but I know you won't do that."

"Don't call me when it breaks down, I won't fix it." Sweet Pea waved off. Lie. He would fix his mom's car without asking.


"So are we going to ignore the fact that Sweet Pea's mom looks like she's still a teenager." Cheryl asked as their friend group sat in a booth at Pop's.

"Is she single?" Archie asked which earned him a smack from Veronica on the back of his head. "Ow."

"Can you guys stop asking questions about my mom, it's weird." Sweet Pea shuttered.

"I didn't even know you guys were related. I think she made my birthday cake when I was 8." Betty commented.

"Ms. M makes the best cakes." Toni commented, Fangs agreeing with her.

"Yeah, she used to have a cake business before my da- Robert left." He corrected himself.

"I have dessert." Y/n smiled as she walked over to her table. She set down her tray of slices of pie before her hands gravitated towards Sweet Pea's hair, fixing it slightly.

"Mom stop!" He pulled her hands away trying not to turn red.

"What." She asked faking her innocence.

"She's more of a Sweet Pea than you are." Veronica tried to hold in her laughter as she left.

"That's how I got my nickname." Sweet Pea answered. "Everyone always joked about how she was like a ball of sunshine and how I was not a ball of sunshine."

"That's so sweet." Betty gushed.

"Okay, no more talking about my mom." Sweet Pea told the group.

"So what about her phone number?" Archie smirked. "Ow, Ronnie stop hitting me."


"Onto our next matter of business..." FP told the serpents as they sat in for their monthly meeting.

"Wait!" They all turned to see Y/n running in, a box of cookies in her hand and her serpent jacket hanging out of her bag. "I brought cookies. And they're still hot."

"We will be taking a small break so we can get cookies." FP smirked before hopping off the stage.

Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni and Jughead watched from the sidelines, silently eating their cookies, watching Y/n laugh at something FP said.

"Jones, tell your dad to back off." Sweet Pea warned. It wasn't that he didn't like FP, but he watched his mom always get her heart broken, sometimes being too sweet is a curse.

"What am I suppose to say 'Hey dad, stop being nice to Ms. M'." Jughead said rhetorically.

"Yes." Sweet Pea answered.

"Let them be, I think he likes her." Toni commented looking back at the two.

"Ha, Jughead and Sweet Pea are going to be brothers." Fangs joked.

"Sweet Pea Jones, doesn't sound so bad." Toni joined in.

"Can you guys stop." Both Sweet Pea and Jughead groaned.

"Watch it FP." Sweet Pea warned when he saw him kiss his mom's cheek before making his way towards the four teenagers. "She's too young."

"Sweet Pea I'm 6 years older than her, calm down." FP replied.

"She can't date until she's 40." Sweet Pea said.

"I'll wait." FP smirked before making his way back towards the stage.


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