Criminal Minds [Derek Morgan]

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summary: everything seemed to go down hill when Derek came back to town, expect for her, she was there to pick up the pieces. In which childhood sweethearts meet again


"Sarah, I need you to take a deep breath and tell me again." Y/n said through the phone. It wasn't odd for Sarah to call the girl from time to time but Sarah called her work phone in tears, speaking incoherently.

"He-he was a-arrested." Sarah said through her tears on the other side of the call.

"Who, Sarah, who was arrested?" Y/n asked in calm tone.

"D-Derek." She answered.

"What did he do Sarah?" Y/n asked trying to keep the worry out of her voice, not wanting to worry Sarah anymore. Despite being broken up for years and not seeing each other, he still had a deep place in her heart.

"Here Sarah, give me the phone." Y/n heard Fran in the background. "Hey sweetheart."

"Hi Fran, what happened?" Y/n questioned.

"I'm not sure, we were at home about to eat cake, when Gordinski came to the door and arrested, they wouldn't tell us what happened. I know you and Derek haven't spoken in years, but please you gotta help us." Fran explained.

"Don't worry Fran, I'll return boy, safe and sound. I'll keep you updated." Y/n bid her goodbye hanging up the phone.

"Stacey." She pressed the intercom to her secretary. "Cancel the rest of my meeting and clients for the day, and put down I'm taking on a pro-bono case. Derek Morgan."

"Yes of course." Stacey replied.

Derek Morgan and Y/n L/n. Childhood sweethearts, together for almost 10 years. Everyone in the neighborhood seemed like they were gonna get married. So it was quick the shock when they heard Derek got accepted in the FBI and had to leave to Quantico, Y/n wasn't behind him. It was a mutual breakup between the two, there wasn't any hard feelings, just it was time to grow up and join the real world.

"You've got to be kidding me." Detective Dennison scoffed when he saw Y/n come off the elevator and into the precinct.

"I'm here for Derek Morgan." She started in her professional voice. "I'm his lawyer, I would like to speak to him right away."

"Of course." He complied sending her towards the interview room.

"I need to stop talking to my client, you are to speak to me in my presence only." Y/n had walked into the room where Gordinski and Derek were. Derek was just about to open his mouth before she stopped him. "Don't say another word."

"You can't be here!" Gordinski exclaimed. "You could be a conflict of interest. For all we know, you were there all those years ago too."

"I don't like the tone you're speaking in. I would like for you to leave so I can have a moment alone with my client, and it wasn't a suggestion." Y/n said passive aggressively. In an industry that was dominated by man, the only way for you to get your point across was to be as aggressive as them.

Gordinski stared at her for a few more moments, hoping to get the upper hand but with the glare Y/n had sent back, he wasn't getting far. Rolling his eyes, he left the room, leaving the two of them.

"Hey." Y/n finally turned her attention towards Derek who was slightly teary eyed.

"I didn't do it." He whispered. Y/n walked up to him wrapping her arms softly around his head and neck while Derek wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his head on her chest, crying softly. "I just came to visit my mom, it's her birthday."

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