Cobra Kai [Eli 'Hawk' Moskowitz]

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summary: day in the life of being Hawk's girlfriend


"You need to try this." I walked into dad's dojo ignoring his students handing him the other iced matcha latte in my hand.

"Hey, shoes!" He exclaimed.

"Whatever, I'll take my shoes off when you try this." I urged.

"Oh my god, how do you like this." He spit it out after he took the first sip.

"It's good, I got it from Urth Caffé. I was on the other side of town dropping off that girl I babysit and wanted a latte." I shrugged. "And don't throw that away, it cost me $6!"

"Please get off the mat." He pushed me. "Go wait in the office or in your car."

"Alright, I'm leaving." I put my hand up in surrender.

"Hangout tonight?" I walked over to Hawk to the point where our noses are touching.

"Yeah." He tried to keep his cool, but his red cheeks weren't helping.

"I'll be waiting." I smirked and placed a delicate kiss on his lips.

"Hey, don't make out with my students!" Dad yelled.

"I'm not, I'm making out with my boyfriend." I smirked. He just gave me a look and I knew if I continued, I would get my ass kicked. "Leaving."


Once some of the boys started walking out of the dojo, I saw Miguel and Hawk walking out and I gave him a little cat call. "Hey hot stuff!"

"'Sup Princess." He walked over to my car leaning over the window.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I joked.

"I do, but she doesn't need to know." He smirked.

I gasped placing a hand on my heart. "You would cheat on me, get in dickhead."

"Coming idiot." He kissed me before running to the other side of the car and sliding into the passenger seat.

"I'm so confused." Miguel looked at Aisha.

"You wouldn't get it." Aisha patted his back.

"So Ms. Lawrence what are we doing tonight?" Hawk grabbed my hand over the center console as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"Well I was talking with my mom earlier-" I started.

"Wait, you were talking with my mom!" He exclaimed.

"Yes I did, we hangout you know." I gave him a quick glance. "But anyways, she's making Zuppa tonight and I can never say no to that, so I told her we would come over for dinner instead of going out tonight."

"So you canceled our plans to have Zuppa with my mom." He groaned.

"Yes I did, I like your mom's Zuppa and I like your mom. Don't get pouty, we can watch a movie after."

"I get to choose this time, last time we watched the Titanic and I had to hold you the whole time while you cried." Hawk replied.

"Okay." I laughed.

The rest of the car ride was just the two of us talking about anything and everything, some new move he learned at karate, me complaining about the little girl I babysit in Beverly Hills. As we pulled into the driveway of his house, his mom's car was already parked in front. We parked and got out walking into the house.

"Is that you Y/n?" She called.

"It's me Linda." I yelled back.

"I'm here too." Hawk exclaimed.

"We know." We both replied.

"You know you ruined my plans." Hawk looked at his mom when we entered the kitchen.

"Will you calm down, I told you we can go another day, and your mom made Zuppa, be greatful." I playfully smacked his arm. "Do you see what I deal with."

"Oh, I know honey." Linda laughed.

"Okay, can you guys stop talking about me like I'm not here." Hawk exclaimed as he sat down.

"Did you hear that?" I pretended not to hear him and look at his mom.

"No, you might be hearing things." She tried to keep a straight face.

"Maybe I am." I shrugged and started to walk towards the table.

"Oh my god, what do you want me to say." Hawk hit his forehead on the table. "Baby I'm sorry for being all pissy, I'm happy that we're here and we can go on our date another day."

"It's alright." I kissed his cheek and went back to eating.


"You spending the night?" Hawk walked back into his room after his shower.

"Yeah, just finished calling my dad." I put my phone down and looked at his hair. His once spiked mohawk, now damp and slightly wavy falling on his forehead. I was only one who could see his hair down, it usually my favorite when it was. He would never tell me what products he used, but his hair was really soft.

"You done staring?" He smirked. I brought my eyes back down from his hair to his eyes.

"You know I like your hair when it's down." I smiled. "Now, come cuddle."

"That was a bit demanding." He smirked but still complied and climbed into bed next to me.

We both a switch in the relationship, so there was no set role of big spoon and little spoon. Somedays one of us will have a bad day and be the little spoon. I had been the big spoon lately, Hawk would be exhausted after I pick him up from practice and by the time we get to his house, he just lays his head on my chest while I run my fingers through his hair.

Tonight was no different, I leaned against the headboard a bit and Hawk laid his head on my chest and I started to run my fingers through his hair.

"You need to dye your hair soon, your blue is starting to turn light ." I commented.

"I know, I don't want blue anymore, but don't know what color to pick." He replied as he started looking for a movie

"How about red." I picked up a blue strand and twisted it around my finger.

"Yeah, I like that." He answered.

"So if I went to the store tomorrow and picked up red hair dye while you're at the dojo, I can dye it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." He lifted his head up and started placing kisses on my jaw.

"Don't start." I let out. "Last time your mom almost caught us."

"Well thanks for ruining the mood." He stopped once I mentioned his mom. "I'm horny and using my girlfriend's boobs as a pillow and you bring up my mom.

"Well I'm sorry." I kissed his hairline. "How will I ever make it up to you?" I joked.

"I have a few ways." He sat up a bit, wrapping his arms around my waist and flipping me over so he was on top.


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