Outer Banks [JJ Maybank]

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summary: drunk love confession ("I love you and I'm telling you straight up! I want you to be my boyfriend, do you accept or deny?" "Bitch get out of the way.")


Every friend group needs a mom friend, there was no denying it. Y/n was the pogue's mom friend. Every time they went out, she had her tote bag full of necessities. Extra bathing suits, regular clothes, sunscreen, sunglasses, hair ties, phone chargers, snacks, extra blunts, sometime JJ's gun which she never really thought was needed but still had it.

Along with being the mom friend, she was always designated driver whenever they went out to parties.

She had a nickname around the island, Pogue Mama, and with some of the kooks, the Virgin Mary. She looked out for everyone in the Cut, helping Heywerd deliver groceries to the residents, Y/n was just a model citizen.

"There's a party at the boneyard tomorrow night." John B told the group as they arrived at the Chateau from a day out on the boat. "It's Kylie's birthday." Kylie had been another girl on the Cut, everyone loved her, she was just a little ball energy, and had a small crush on Kiara.

"Shit, I need to make her a basket." Y/n cursed herself. Y/n had been known for giving birthday baskets. It was small basket full of snacks and little knick knacks. It was more personal than just getting something from one of the stores on the island or Amazon.

"Okay I have everyone's phone, John B's key, you guys can go now." Y/n told her friends as they arrived to the boneyard. Instantly JJ, John B and Sarah made their way towards the drinks while Pope, Kiara and Y/n made their way towards Kylie.

"Happy Birthday Kylie!" Y/n smiled hugging the girl and handing her the basket.

"Oh, I've been waiting for this." She smiled. "Thank you."

"Happy Birthday Kylie." Kiara smiled hugging her. The two stayed a little longer and Pope and Y/n have each other the side glance before slowly walking away letting the two girls have their moment.

"I think we'll be seeing her more maybe." Pope told her Y/n.

"They are so cute together." Y/n looked over to see the two girls sitting on a fallen tree stump talking and giggling.

"Who are?" Sarah came up to the two, John B and JJ in toll.

"Kie and Kylie." Y/n explained.

"What about you, is there a special someone in your heart." Sarah nudged her as Pope, JJ and John B left the two girls.

"Nope." Y/n replied, popping the 'p'.

"That is such a lie." Sarah exclaimed. "I see the way you look at JJ."

"What." Y/n sputtered. "I don't look at JJ like that, and anyways, he has girls all over him."

"You know he only talks about you. 'Oh did you see what Y/n was wearing this morning.' 'I liked her hair today'." Sarah mimicked his voice.

"He's just friendly." Y/n concluded.

"Friendly, my ass, he likes you." Sarah explained.

"Yeah and I'm Queen of the Kooks." Y/n rolled her eyes. "We just see each other as friends."

"Whatever." Sarah rolled her eyes. "Will you at least have a drink with me?"

"Just one." She shot Sarah a pointed look. Sarah cheered dragging her towards the keg.

Fast forward a hour and half later, Y/n had drank 3 cups of beer and now on her fourth. She had lost Sarah halfway through and another Pogue offered her another drink.

"JJ." She slurred making her ways towards the three boys. "Do you want a drink?"

"I'm good." JJ tried to laugh at her drunken state. "Are you drunk Y/n/n?"

"What! No!" Y/n exclaimed. "I can walk in a straight line look." The three boys watch as stumbled forward, no where near straight.

"Oh my god! They're playing my favorite song. Come dance with me." She tried to drag JJ with her but he didn't budge.

"It's okay, I'll watch from here." He grabbed her bag from her and let her have some fun.

"This is gold." John B said. "I don't think I never seen her drunk." He looked towards the makeshift dance floor to see Sarah, Y/n, Kiara and Kylie dancing together

"You should tell him!" Kylie urged as the four girls make their way to a more secluded area. "He totally likes you back."

"But the no pogue on pogue rule." Y/n answered. "We can't be together."

"You're going to let a rule we made when we were 13 get over the two of you." Kiara explained. "Here take this." She grabbed the flask from Kylie's hand and gave it to Y/n. "Drink this and go tell him how you feel."

"You're right, you're all right. I can do this." She mostly said to herself, chugging whatever was in Kylie's flask that burned on the back of her tongue. "Here I go!"

"You good there Y/n/n?" JJ caught the girl as she practically flung herself at JJ.

"I'm in love with you and I'm telling you straight up! I want you to be my boyfriend, do you accept or deny?" She declared.

"Woah let's get you some water." Pope tried to grab her away from JJ.

"Bitch get out of the way." She pushed Pope away and turned back to JJ.

"I think you had a little bit much to drink, let's get you sobered up, John B I'm going to take the van, call me when you guys are ready to leave." JJ took the keys from him and grabbed ahold of Y/n and helped her towards the van.

"Do you want to know a secret?" Y/n whispered shouted as the pair made their way back to the Chateau.

"Okay." JJ smiled.

"Well it's about my friend JJ, so you can't tell him." She replied.

"Lips are sealed." JJ tried to contain his smile at her drunken state.

"I really like him. No I love him. But I don't think he feels the same way, he probably doesn't want a girlfriend as me, everyone calls me Virgin Mary. He makes me happy, like really happy." Y/n confessed.

"Well he most be a douchebag if he doesn't feel the same way." JJ pulled up to the Chateau, running towards the passenger seat and helping her into the room she and Kiara share.

"Do you think you can change on your own?" JJ asked pulling out an old t shirt and a pair of shorts. Y/n nodded thanking him for the clothes. He turned around as she changed, turning back when it was okay.

"Come on, let's clean off your makeup." He brought her into the bathroom, setting her up into the counter, grabbing the makeup wipes from one of the drawers. He used his left to grab her cheeks, keeping her face still while he used his right to wipe the wipe all over her face.

"Alright, let's get you to bed." He picked her up, Y/n wrapping her legs around his waist as he walked her back into the bedroom laying her down on the bed.

"Oh let me get you another blanket." JJ said quickly before going into his room grabbing his blanket.

When he got back, he saw Y/n snoring softly. He smiled at himself, taking a mental picture. He placed the blanket on top of her, trying to not make any sudden movement or being too loud.

"Just so you know, I love you too." JJ whispered kissing her forehead lightly before turning off the light and heading out.


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