Riverdale [Sweet Pea]

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summary: after leaving Riverdale after freshman year, you come back for senior year (Slight AU)


"Cheryl better not go off on me for wearing red." I said to myself as I looked into the mirror at my outfit. A black crop top, with the sides scrunched up, a black midi skirt with red dots all over, a slit going up my right leg and a pair of doc martens. I grabbed my shoulder bag and keys before heading towards my car. I lived in the middle of Riverdale, like the border between the Northside and Southside.

Everything looked the same as I drove through the Northside, but once I got to Riverdale High, there was a plethora amount of motorcycles in the parking lot. Never the less, I parked my car in the corner of lot, grabbing my bag and walking into school. The same familiar posters foamed the walls as I walked towards the office.

"Ms. Y/l/n is that you?" Mrs. Aria, the guidance counselor said.

"Hey Mrs. A, I'm back." I smiled.

"Well then, it's great to have you back." She handed me my schedule and locker, which was the same one I had from freshman year.

I navigated through the halls finding the hallway where my locker was. Once I got closer, I saw someone leaning against it. "Now Reginald, don't you have anywhere else to stand."

"Y/n?" He looked up from his phone. He pushed off the lockers and spun me around. Reggie's father, married my mom after my parent's divorce, making us step-siblings when I was 12 and Reggie was 11. I switched with my parents, staying at my moms for the week in the Northside and spending the weekends with my dad in Sunnyside Trailer Park until I was 14, then moving to Maine with him but came back to Riverdale for my last year.

"Where were you last night? I stopped by the house and my mom said you weren't there so I headed towards my apartment." I was already 18 when I moved back, and I made money from my job in Boston to get my own little apartment.

"I was out with some friends." He smiled.

"Well you can introduce me to your friends at lunch." I opened my locker putting my books away.

"It's good to have you back." He smiled, a true genuine one.


I entered the lunch room, trying to find Reggie or one of my old friends anymore, before landing on a specific brunette in a beanie. I smirked walking up to his table before leaning down to his ear. "And you said, you wouldn't be caught dead in leather."

"Y/n?" Jughead turned around.

"In the flesh." I sat down next to him.

"What...what are you doing here?" He looked at me.

"I think it was time I came back to Riverdale, and I heard Reginald was causing some trouble. And I had to come and visit my favorite writer." I teased.

"Hi, I'm Y/n, Reggie's older step-sister, senior." I looked the three other people at the table.

"I'm Toni, this is Sweet Pea and Fangs." She smiled. "I like your tattoos."

"Thank you." I looked down at my left wrist to see the leaf branch that wrapped around my wrist and a couple little butterflies on my right wrist.

"Yo Serpents." A bulldog came over leaned on the table. "You boys got another plaything." He winked at me.

I could see Jughead start to get up, but before he could do anything, I grabbed the butterfly knife that was under my skirt and pressed it under his neck, pushing up against the skin. "I would stop right there Chad, even though I've been gone the past couple years, I still have my reputation, I could cancel you in seconds." I moved the knife so it ran along his jaw, up to his cheek before slicing the top skin so blood can come out.

"You bitch!" He exclaimed.

"Run along." I waved my hand putting my knife back under my skirt.

"That was badass." Fangs said astonished.

"We look out for our own." I winked. grabbing an apple out of my bag.

"Wait, you're a serpent?" Sweet Pea looked at me. I nodded and lifted up my right sleeve to see my serpent tattoo under my shoulder.

"By blood, both my parents were serpents. I got my tattoo when I was 14 before I left with my dad to Maine. I was always a serpent, the tattoo and jacket just make it official." I explained.

"You should come to the Wyrm with us tonight, we can get some drinks and get to know each other." Toni smiled.

"Totally, and I can beat all your asses in pool." I smirked.

"I don't know about that sweetheart, I haven't lost a game in two years." Sweet Pea smirked at me.

"I've been playing since my trainers, I could beat you any day." I snapped back.

"You want to bet on that." He leaned towards me.

"Alright, if I win, you can take me on a date to Pop's. And if you win, which you won't, you can take me on a date anywhere in Riverdale." I said.

"Deal." He winked.

"Wait, even if you win or lose, you're still going a date." Fangs furrowed his brows.

"Yes Fangs, that was the point." Toni smacked the back of his head.


"Would you look at that, little Daisy doesn't need a step stool to play anymore." FP teased when he walked over towards me and Sweet Pea. I smiled at the nickname. "And no more apple cider."

"I'll always drink my apple cider, no matter how old I am." I winked watching my ball sink in. "I would get your money ready, Pea, I'm beating your ass."

"Your betting with her." FP looked at Sweet Pea.

"If I win, we go on a date, if I lose, we go on a date." I replied.

"Not even a day back and you are already going after someone." FP smiled while shaking his head.

"You're telling me you wouldn't go out with that." I looked Sweet Pea and winked.

"That's my queue." FP started to walk away.

"Your gonna have to accept it, your little daisy is growing up!" I yelled.

"And the 8ball is in." I cheered. "Looks like you lost your streak."

"I mean, I guess it's fine." He walked over towards me wrapping his arms around my waist. "I get to go on a date with you."

"Yes you do." I kissed his cheek.


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