Criminal Minds [Spencer Reid]

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summary: We only see each other at weddings and funerals


They first met at Yale University. Spencer was working on his doctorate in Engineering and she was getting her J.D. degree. They were both academically smart, like Spencer, she graduated high school in her early adolescent, then started at Yale since then. She met Spencer when she was 19, already having her doctoral in psychology. From there, the two were together, since. He was there for her when she passed the Bar exam, and she was there for him when he get accepted into the Academy.

He didn't know he was dating his bosses daughter until a year after he was in the BAU. It was Gideon's birthday and she came with a small cake for him. It didn't change the relationship.

A few years later, she had been asked to join the Latham & Watkins Law Firm in Los Angeles. Conflicted, she told Spencer about the job and he was ecstatic. The job ended up putting a pause in the relationship, not an end, the two were hopelessly in love with each other, but they loved their job a tiny bit more.

They would see each other at least twice a year, at weddings and funerals.

Now here she was, standing in the morgue, next to Derek and Spencer, having to ID her father's body.

Not once had she shed a tear since she arrived. Not at the cabin, not during the car ride. Spencer couldn't hold his tears, Gideon was his mentor, his idol.

"That's him." She said in a monotone voice, no emotion. She stared at his face, at least he didn't suffer in the end.

After the case had been finished, Rossi had killed her father's killer, she planned his funeral. She held a private ceremony for her, the team and her older brother, Stephen. They listen to the priest speak during the service, but she really didn't pay much attention to it. She stood next to Spencer, her arm wrapped around him, staring at the casket. Still no tears. Spencer cried all his tears, like her, she just stood there staring at the casket. The two stayed there while the rest of the team left, giving them some privacy.

She reached into her pocket, pulling out a watch. The first watch her father gave her. She placed it on top of the casket before covering it in dirt.

"He gave me that watch, the first day I went to Yale. Despite being as smart as I am, I could never get anywhere on time. It was a Movado, one of the first expensive items I ever owned." Y/n looked down at his casket.

"He gave me a Movado." Spencer lifted up his sleeve to see a watch that had matched Y/n's. "Gave it to me my birthday after he found out we were together. I haven't taken it off since."

The couple didn't say much after that. They skipped the team lunch, opting to go back to Spencer's apartment. It was exactly the same as it was when she lived there. She sat on the couch while Spencer was making tea in the kitchen.

"Is it bad that I haven't cried yet?" She asked staring in front of her when Spencer sat down next to her.

"No." Spencer replied. This was one of the times he didn't fully explain his answer. She loved that about him, his little rambles about facts that not many people knew.

"How long until you go back to LA?" Spencer asked taking a sip of his own tea.

"I'm not sure, my boss told me as much time as I needed." Y/n answered. "But I've been thinking."

"Yeah." Spencer looked at her.

"In the past 3 years, I've been on some of the most well known cases with some of the most well known lawyers, people know me, they know how good I am at my work. Anywhere I go, I could get a job. I could make my own firm." Y/n looked at him.

"Are you saying what I think I'm saying?" Spencer questioned.

"I want to come home. I want to be here, I want to be with you. You're my home." Y/n whispered.

For the first time in days, Spencer smiled. It was small, but noticeable. He wrapped his arms around her, bringing her into a tight hug, never wanting to let go. This was the moment he had been waiting for, for the relationship to be in play, for her to be here, to be with him.

"But if that's too much for you right now, I understand-" She started before he cut her off.

"No!" Spencer exclaimed. "This isn't too much, it's enough, I want you here."

Y/n let out a breath of relief and just smiled at Spencer.

A month later, Y/n had been able to move her belongings back to Virginia in the apartment. It took faster than expected, they didn't need to no rearranging at the apartment, Spencer didn't change a single thing since she left three years ago, he wanted it to be the same from when she left, taking a pause along with Spencer.

There were some rough days, while Spencer was gone away for work, Y/n would cry over her father's death, she was always saw as a strong person and she didn't want to change that. But when Spencer arrived home early from a case and saw her crying in their bed, he scooped her up and being there for her. No words were said, just the quiet sniffles from Y/n.

All was well for the time being.


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