All American [JJ Parker]

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summary: the 18th birthday party (based on a post a saw on Tumblr: cloveroctobers)


It was your older cousin Leroy that got you into the music festival/rave scene. You were 14 at the time, in a really bad car accident and take the pressure off some of the trauma, he took you to a music festival. From there, you were hooked, at least once a month, you would go out to a rave with your rave friends for a three-day weekend.

Most of your friends were more of the house party type. Not saying you didn't like them, I mean there's music, dancing, drinking, but it wasn't as fun as raves. The only other person in the group who had a love for partying like you, was JJ. He was more of the 'lets take shots and play party games' type but nonetheless you introduced him to the rave life. You had won a contest for an all payed trip to Bumbershoot so the two of you took a plane to Seattle for the weekend.

Everyone was shocked when the two of you came back Tuesday morning (Morning morning was spent getting sober and coming back to Beverly Hills) with his arm around your waist. JJ was harmless flirt and you were never one for tying things down. But the group accepted the two of you, they were all probably secretly shipping you two for a couple years.

Along with going to music festivals and raves, you and JJ knew how to throw a party, there was no questioning it. While JJ planned about 2 to 3 parties a month, you planned 2 to 3 a year. After the car accident, you stayed with your aunt, in the words of Jordan and Asher, she was an AILF (aunt I like to fuck). She was a clothing designer and was always traveling, but she was down to earth and let you hold parties at her house.

You always hosted your own birthday parties, each better than the next. Celebrating another year on Earth, surviving another year of teenage drama. Now with your 18th birthday coming up, you really didn't know what to do. Your 17th birthday party was over the top, you couldn't top that, so you skipped on that. And you had a hunch that someone in the friend group would plan a party for you.

So waking up on your 18th birthday, which occurred on a Friday, you came downstairs to see your aunt and cousin Leroy with blueberry pancakes.

"Happy Birthday!" They cheered. You smiled and joined them in the kitchen, eating breakfast together. This was a sight to see, your aunt was usually traveling and your cousin was at UCLA for college.

The three of you spent the morning before you left for school together because your aunt had a business meeting and your cousin had classes. It was sad to see them go, but you knew they also had lives, birthdays couldn't stop that.

You were slightly confused when you arrived school, usually your girlfriends would swarm you the moment you stepped into the building with gifts so now while at your locker, you furrowed your brows.

"There's the birthday girl!" You turned around to see Olivia, Layla and Simone. The four of you all cheered and were brought into a group hug.

"No gifts?" You smirked looking at them.

"JJ said we couldn't give them to you until he gave you his gift." Layla explained.

"The only gift I want is some d-" You started to say.

"Don't finish that! I don't want a mental picture of that" Olivia shouted for the three of them. Simone and Olivia nodding along.

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