chapter 2

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The Stark expo turned out to be more than Ava had imagined it to be. She was friends with Howard from work and had known his plans for the event for weeks, but it really was like taking a step into the future. The bright lights, the business of the people and the children pointing in wonder added to the already electric atmosphere.

"I don't see what the problem is. You're about to be the last eligible man in New York. You know, there's three and a half million women here." Ava heard Bucky say to Steve as she took in the sights.

"Well, I'd settle for just one." Steve mumbled back to his friend.

"Good thing I took care of that." Bucky exclaimed, smirk very much present on his face. A girl stood a few meters ahead, obviously looking around for him. He waved to her, attempting to grab her attention as she walked towards them.

"Hey, Bucky!" She called once she noticed the three coming her way.

"What did you tell her about me?" Steve enquired as they moved in the direction of the giant hall.

"Only the good stuff." Bucky answered, patting Steve's shoulder and pushing him forward to walk with the girl. Once they were far ahead, Ava could see Steve glancing back to make sure his friends were still with him.

"Why did you only get him a date? Unable to find anyone for us?" Ava asked the man beside her, lifting an eyebrow in question.

"Truth is, I thought we could stick together." Bucky grinned down at her, raising an eyebrow to mock the girl. Ava scoffed and lightly punched him, before walking forward after her other friend.

"Ave, wait." She felt someone reach out for her arm. Bucky hadn't started walking as he stood in his place, staring down at his feet.

"I would have told you immediately if I knew when I was going. That's the truth. I don't want you to think I would keep things from you. Thing is, I didn't even know I was going to be leaving myself until this morning." He looked up apologetically. Ava moved Bucky's arm so that she could take a hold of his hand.

"It's okay, Bucky, but wanting to spend your day with a date instead of your best friends is a bit.. you know.. ouch." Ava laughed softly, trying to hide her offence.

"There was never a date. I just.. I didn't want to project anything negative I was feeling onto the two of you. Neither of you deserved that." Bucky spoke quietly and took his hand out of Ava's, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Bucky.. we're your friends. Me and Steve are still going to be here in Brooklyn when you're gone. If you needed to talk, we would have been here. What di-"

"I just went for a walk, don't worry. Our usual route, just had to go when I did so I could go in the daylight." He answered, smiling sheepishly as he lowered his arm back down to be at his side. "Besides, that's all in the past. Now we've ditched our only other friend into the big wide world and we know how that usually goes."

The pair laughed at the thought of what trouble Steve might have already gotten into, and as they began walking toward the grand entrance, an arm moved casually, now wrapped round Ava's shoulders.


'Welcome to the Modern Marvels Pavillion! And the world of tomorrow!'

The tannoy sounded inside of the room full of futuristic models. The place was packed full of people, excited to see what ideas and plans there were for the new world. Bucky had moved his arm off of Ava's shoulder now and would only lightly touch her arm to show her which way to go. Any time she would turn around, he would just grin, looking a lot happier than he did when they were talking outside. It was usually the pair following Steve around, but this time it was Steve trying to keep up with them through the exhibits. A sudden sound of loud clapping and cheering caught the girl next to Steve's attention, and she quickly grabbed Ava's hand, pulling her towards the show that was about to begin. On stage was a red car that Ava recognised, she just couldn't picture exactly where from.

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