chapter 26

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Ava ran in front of the other boys as soon as Sharon had told them where Bucky was being held. Turning the dark corner she saw guards lying on the ground, making her stop in her tracks. Whoever that man was, he had definitely switched Bucky's mind to the Winter Soldier, and that scared her. Edging forward she saw someone lying on the floor crying out for help. Steve ran up ahead to see them as Ava kept looking around for Bucky.

Sam followed after Steve and was about to turn when Bucky suddenly jolted forward trying to punch Sam. He fortunately missed as Ava began to run forward.

Bucky had spent one of their days of learning new defence moves for if this ever happened and they were alone, but now seemed like a good time to try them out. She ran towards Sam but was stopped when Steve pushed her out of the way, taking on the Winter Soldier by himself. Ava watched Sam begin to stir from being thrown halfway across the room and crouched to help him as she looked to see Steve being pushed back down into an elevator, beginning to fall. She quickly turned back to Sam and began hurriedly trying to get him to snap back to reality.

"Come on, Sam. We're running out of time." She shook him as Sam's eyes began to focus and turn to look at the spot Steve had just fallen.

"Hey!" He called out as Ava turned her head to see the man who had interrogated Bucky walking away. "You get killer switch, I'll get him, got it?" Ava nodded before running down the corridor Bucky had walked along.

Finding herself in a canteen she saw the Winter Soldier attacking anyone who came near him, hiding herself behind a pillar to think of a plan. Her thoughts were broken when she saw Tony running towards her, making Ava shake her head furiously. She couldn't have Bucky injured here.

"Look, as much as I'm not yours or his biggest fan right now, I'm not going to go out of my way to hurt him. But right now he is a danger to everyone here, even you." Tony whispered to Ava as she nodded. Tony began pressing at a panel on his arm as his hand was covered by part of an Ironman suit. Stepping out he began firing sound waves at the Winter Soldier, making him stop the attacks on the staff around him. Ava stayed hidden as she watched, if Tony could bring him down without too much bother then her going in a trying to knock him out would not be helpful.

Her plans were destroyed though as Sharon and Nat both began trying to get some damage in. They both struggled though as Bucky pushed them away, temporarily stopping them from fighting back. He began walking up a set of stairs as Ava followed close behind, it was her turn to try and stop him.

Once again, someone else had to make her change her plans as T'Challa jumped in front of Bucky. There was a second where Ava didn't know who she should fight, but then the memories of T'Challa saying that if he got the chance, he would try and take Bucky as his own prisoner. Ava mentally apologise before kicking down T'Challa as he was about to try and tackle Bucky. The Winter Soldier looked at her for a split second before running away, still trying to find his way out of the building. Ava groaned as she began chasing after him once again. Looking up ahead she saw him climb into a helicopter, making her panic. If he managed to take flight then who knows when she would see him again.

"Ava!" She heard a shout from behind her and saw Steve running to catch up to her.

"You have to stop him, I tried back in the building but he's not recognising us at all!" She shouted back as Steve ran ahead, jumping up to take hold of the helicopter and pulling it down slightly. His hold faltered as he began getting dragged along as Bucky twisted the helicopter to move to the right. Steve reached out and held onto the metal bar that connected the landing platform to the protective mesh that wound round the side of it, trying to stop Bucky from getting away. Ava truly thought he was going to be able to hold on when Bucky turned the helicopter to fly back into the ground, and Steve. She gasped as the blades began breaking up and narrowly missing Steve each time.

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