chapter 13

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"I'm thinking of becoming an agent." Ava told Bucky as she turned completely round to look at him.

"That would be amazing. When do you think you'll see about making that happen?" Bucky grinned at her, listening intently to her dream.

Ava stared down at the quote she had just read in her diary. Bucky used to joke with her for jotting down a script of her life, but now more than ever, she was thankful for her past self. She was thankful that a lot of her belongings, her memories, had been safely kept and not carted off to the museum like Steve's.

Many things had changed since she and Steve had woken from the ice a few years ago. From little things, like cutting her hair so it now just sat above her shoulders, to much bigger things like armies of aliens descending into New York. But in some ways that was the turning point for Ava, in which she decided to finally take that step. Sure, Agent now had a much flashier meaning behind it, but the premise was much the same.

Ava had always loved driving through cities and even now with the enormous signs and much taller buildings, they had the same feeling to it as back in the forties. Nat pulled up, making her turn her head to see Steve talking to someone as he scribbled something down in his notepad.

"Hey, fellas. Either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil." Nat called out as Ava laughed at her comment. Ava had made friends with Natasha quickly compared to the other avengers, mainly because they had very similar personalities. Exhibit A just proven.

"That's hilarious." Steve told her as he climbed into the back of the car. "Ava, was it really that hard to think to let me sit in the passenger seat?"

"How you doing?" Sam greeted Natasha as he eyed up the car they were in.

"Hey." Nat acknowledged, as Steve rolled down his window to speak to his new friend.

"Can't run everywhere." Steve just stated as Natasha began looking to pull away again.

"No, you can't." Sam stared in disbelief as the car shot away down the street.


"The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago." Brock Rumlow instructed the three as they continued their flight across the Indian Ocean.

"Any demands?" Steve asked as Rumlow turned away from the screen.

"A billion and a half." He answered Steve.

"Why so steep?"

"Because it SHIELD's." Steve took a visible sigh as he turned to face Natasha.

"So it's not off-course, it's trespassing." He spoke only to her as she just waved him away.

"I'm sure they have a good reason." She looked back at the screen where the ship was shown.

"You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor." Steve muttered out as Ava stepped in.

"Relax, Steven, it's not that complicated." Ava smirked as Steve just stared at her before turning to ask Rumlow more questions.

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