chapter 30

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Being on the run was definitely not what Ava had imagined it would be.

Appearance changes had to happen, so much so that Nat had managed to convince Ava to dye her hair. While Nat had gone blonde, Ava decided to go a shade darker and both girls had cut it to just above their shoulders.

Wakanda had been more than accommodating to her, healing the scarring on her leg and fading that on her face. They had also given her the relief that her ankle was not badly injured and she would be able to carry on as normal. Shuri had been the one to look after her while also giving her updates on Bucky. When Ava and Steve left she had visited him one more time for a final goodbye. It was hard seeing him so lifeless but the thought of how free he would be when he woke up definitely tipped the scale.

Now in Edinburgh, Ava was on lookout as she manoeuvred through the streets, waving a hand to the others as she did so. Their mission: find Wanda and Vision. She felt Sam catch up behind her as they looked towards the train station. No planning was ever made for these missions but they read each other so well that it was hardly necessary.

"We should hurry. I don't think those two are holding up as well as we first thought." Nat instructed the others as Ava peered forward. She saw Vision slumped down as Wanda crouched beside him.

"Alright, team. Let's do this." Sam flew up as Nat and Ava ran round the side of the station, allowing Steve to make the first move. Ava kept watch inside as she saw two figures drop from the ceiling above, making her speed up a bit. She saw one of them throw a spear at Steve which he caught as it flew towards him. Distracted, the two didn't see Sam fly from above and kick them to the ground.

Steve threw the spear in Nat's direction as she slid to the ground and sliced the aliens leg as Ava jumped up to kick it in the face. It too was now on the floor as Ava turned to see the other coming at them fast, not giving them time to be prepared. Steve jumped in front and blocked the oncoming attack as Ava and Nat joined in the effort to knock her to the ground. Ava, being the only one without a weapon, was forced to do a continuous pattern of kick and dodge. Sam swooped in once again and pulled the final kick, knocking the two aliens to lye beside each other.

"We don't wanna kill you. But we will." Nat pointed a spear in their direction.

"You'll never get the chance again." The one Ava had been fighting pressed her wrist as a beam of blue light lifted them from the ground, taking Steve's spear with it.

"Can you stand?" Sam asked Vision as the four moved to help the other two. Wanda and Sam pulled him to his feet when a flicker of electricity jolted over him.

"Thank you, Captain." Vision thanked Steve, but it was obvious something was wrong. His voice was distorted and constant shimmers of power ran across him.

"Let's get you on the jet." Steve told Vision as they all began walking back in the direction of the aircraft.

Once aboard, Ava and Nat began closing the doors to the Quinjet before making final preparations for take off.

"I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances." Nat spoke only to Wanda as everyone else tried to look busy.

"I'm sorry. We just wanted time." Wanda answered while she crouched beside Vision. As Nat moved to sit in the cockpit with Sam, Ava moved to catch up with Wanda.

"Where to, Cap?" Sam asked Steve, breaking him from his daydream.



The Quinjet landed at the Avengers Compound to complete silence. Being isolated from everyone to keep themselves safe meant it had been a while since any of the team had seen each other. Walking in Ava's nerves quickly turned to confidence. She was surrounded by some of earth's strongest hero's and this time, she included herself in there.

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