chapter 31

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"I see your face healed." Bucky told Ava as they sat on a balcony looking over Wakanda.

"Yeah. T'Challa offered to heal up all the scars he gave me with those badass claws." Ava looked away from the view to now face Bucky.

"I think it was for the best you didn't come instantly after I woke up. It was overwhelming having all my memories back faster than before." Bucky pulled her into him as he leaned back against the wall.

"I meant to apologise for that. It was too risky for me to just leave. I might have given away Steve, Nat and Sam on the way." Ava told him as he just hummed in response.

"Steve told me. So you're a criminal now?" He smirked making Ava laugh.

"Not just any criminal. A super threat." Bucky joined in with Ava's laughter before leaning in to kiss her. She twisted herself to comfortably press herself against him as the peril of the world melted away. "We're not too lucky, are we?" She whispered making Bucky nod in between kisses.

"Would be nice to just have a moment of normality, yes. But I think this lifestyle suits us, don't you think?" Bucky moved Ava so that her back was now pressed against his chest.

"Doesn't mean I don't want to settle down at one point. Find one place to live and do just that, live." She held onto his hands as she rubbed her fingers over his palms.

"There's just one more fight. Just one more and then we can finally run away." Bucky whispered into her hair. "I like your hair longer."

"And I like yours shorter." Ava murmured back making Bucky chuckle. He moved his hands from her lap to her shoulders and sighed into the warm air.

"What do you think of the new arm?" Bucky asked Ava as she positioned her hand to be on the metal.

"It's very cool. Vibranium?"

"Only the best." Bucky pushed Ava slightly so he could stand up. Holding out a hand, Ava took it before pulling herself up to join him. "Come on, Wakanda might just have some of the most beautiful spots on this planet."

The two walked down to the grasslands below as the temperature began to cool. Bucky, once again, sat down before lying back into the ground. Ava sat beside him but was quickly pulled down by Bucky.

"I've come down here and just looked at the sky ever since I woke up." Bucky explained to Ava as he looked towards the clouds.

"Did you not get funny looks from the people who live here?" Ava asked as she too looked at the blue sky.

"No. Everyone here knows they live in an amazing place. Seeing someone just appreciating it, I like to think it makes them happy."

"I'm sure it does." Ava smiled as she felt Bucky turn to face her. "You know I thought this was going to be awkward."

"Why would it be awkward?" Bucky asked her, moving an arm to her back so she was pulled close to him once more.

"It's been literal years.. maybe not for you.. with all the ice. I just didn't think we'd click again, but we just pick up from where we left off every time. It's nice." Ava felt Bucky lift her up so she now lay on top of his chest. "You know, anyone watching probably thinks we're doing something else."

"Let them think. They probably get to spend time with their favourite person everyday, I don't." Bucky smiled up at Ava as she just kissed him on his forehead.

"We're getting too soft." Ava scoffed a little as she pushed herself off of Bucky and to her feet.

"Well, we are about to go into a battle against someone who wants to kill 'for the greater good'. But I agree, let's fight." Bucky too stood up, brushing the soft blades of grass off of his legs.

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