chapter 32

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The roars of those around Ava made her adrenaline levels spike as she began to run towards the force field.

"Stay safe!" Bucky yelled to her one last time before turning to begin fighting the outriders. Ava had never been given the chance to use a machine gun before, and as it rang out onto the oncoming aliens, she almost laughed with shock at the power it gave her.

But as the battle raged on, they became overwhelmed by the sheer number of oncoming attackers. Ava looked around at the warriors who were now being pushed to the ground and swarmed. She had managed to stay mostly level headed at this moment before a certain cry broke her focus. Bucky was tackled by one of the aliens as his gun was released from his grasp. He had no choice but to begin swiping a knife at it in an effort to be freed.

"Bucky!" Ava shouted out as she tried to make her way over to help him, but the amount of outriders coming towards her meant she was forced to stand her ground. Only being allowed split seconds to look and make sure he was okay, Ava let out a muffled yelp as she too was pushed to the ground. The alien began snapping at her head as Ava lifted the fallen gun and tried to push it up, only for it to be knocked from her hand.

"Ave!" She heard Bucky yell out but she was unable to look his way as two more began climbing on top of her. The claustrophobia began making Ava feel a new sense of panic as she began to lash out, not in anger but in complete and utter hopelessness. Being without a weapon meant she was left just dodging and screaming at the aliens in an effort to make them leave her alone.

"There's too many of them! GYAH! AAAAHHHHH!" Bruce could be heard through the com adding to the rush of stress.

"Bruce?" Ava whispered out as her legs were now held down by a fourth outrider piling on top.

A powerful blast of light suddenly shot down from the sky as the aliens were blown off Ava by the sheer force. A crackle of lightening fizzed around as Ava saw all her friends crawling off the ground, looking up to see where the beam had come from.

Thor now stood strong against the oncoming creatures, along with a raccoon and a tree. He began running as Ava felt something reach for her back, making her frantically turn to hit them with her gun off the floor.

"No.. no, Ave! It's me." Bucky tried to get her to calm down as she just continued breathing heavily.

"Are you alright?" Ava quickly hugged him before turning to continue shooting at the aliens.

"I'm just fine. Nasty things they are, aren't they?" Bucky stood so that his back was against hers, protecting each other from both sides. "I'm gonna go help the raccoon, this will all be over soon." Ava felt the presence of Bucky leave her as she continued firing. The ground began to erupt as new bladed wheels began spinning towards them.

"Holy shit." Ava started running as the aliens behind her were eaten up by the razors. Up ahead, both Nat and Okoye were using staffs to fight off the outriders. "Guys!" Ava shouted, making them turn to see the wheels a fraction too late. They were all given no choice to duck as the wheels grew closer and closer.

Red magic wrapped itself around the wheels as they began to slow before ripping apart and flying to the ground. Wanda flew to meet them as Ava began to stand up again with a massive grin on her face.

"Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye asked with an amazed look. Ava rushed to stand near her friend as they continued the fight.

'Guys, we got a Vision situation here.' Sam was heard on the com making Ava look around to see where the android may be.

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