chapter 11

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Bucky's hands lifted to his head as they washed. Collecting a pile of the lathered soap on the top of his head, Ava brought it to hers as she rubbed it into her damaged locks. Her eyes were forever connected to his as he stared right back, grinning at the sight ahead. He lifted his arms from his side to run through her hair, a smile present on his lips as he gently caressed the product through Ava's hair, using the upmost care with every turn, flick and pull. He scratched her scalp, building the soap through her roots. It was a soothing feeling for them both, cleaning one another from the grime that had built up from the days before. Bucky began massaging Ava's head as she hummed at the warm feeling, shutting her eyes and leaning her head back against his hands.

They stood in silence underneath the water, letting the warmth drip down their skin. Ava's back was turned against Bucky's chest, his lips pressed firmly to her ear as he stepped Ava out from under the droplets. Bucky continued rubbing his hands against Ava's arms, using his thumbs to press into her shoulders. He scooped more of the soap from the tray and rubbed it in his hands, lathering it against his fingers. He first brought his hands to her neck, allowing the wash to melt into her skin. His head stayed still to Ava's, breathing against my ear delicately, watching for any signs of discomfort from the girl.

Bucky leaned down to the top of her shoulder, placing his lips to wet skin, grazing a gentle kiss. They both shut their eyes, resting against each other for support. His fingers moved to her thighs, rubbing them up and down slowly, to avoid friction.

The gesture made Ava smile, and she turned her head to see Bucky grinning back. She brought her arms up to her chest and flipped around to face him again, allowing the water to fall on her face once more. A few strings of hair hung freely over her eyes as she mopped it back to fall down her back, reaching to his neck with a slight squeeze. Their eyes met for a moment before Bucky leaned down, pausing for a second before crashing their lips together.

He left today, causing the two to take the step together into the shower this morning. It was a novel experience for the both of them, yet all feelings of uncomfort had long slipped from their memories.

Ava shut her eyes again and rested her forehead against Bucky's, hands on his chest as she felt it rise and fall. She stood still as he worked away at washing the last of the soap from their two bodies. The water made Ava have to lean back and take breaths between her small kisses against Bucky's skin.

"This could be the last time, for a long time." Bucky whispered into her ear as he continued stroking her arm.

"Better make it memorable." Ava smirked at his statement, causing Bucky to grin against her.

He lifted Ava so that her legs wrapped around his hips, holding a hand against the opposite wall for support. The water stream continued to fall on their chests as Bucky began breathing heavily into Ava's neck. She grew flustered with every gasp, Bucky reaching down to rub his thumb against her clit as she squirmed at the touch. She was forced to grind against his fingers, against his hips, as she raised her head to lie against the wall. Soft moans escaped her lips as Bucky held her strong, not taking his eyes off her blissful face for a second. A slight bubble grew as the circular motion, added with the movement of their hips, allowed the warm sensation to spread through her legs. It was a good thing that Bucky was holding so strongly, as Ava's ability to keep herself up melted away.

She could feel how hard he was growing against her, finding pleasure in her silent gasps. He slowed the motion, moving his hand back up to clutch at her waist. He panted heavily as an extra layer of sweat grew on their skin, despite the continuous stream of water. Ava used all her energy to plant a last kiss against his lips before leaning forward to sit her chin on his shoulder.

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