chapter 18

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"Hang on!" Steve shouted to them as he began trying to open his door. The car now flew up onto its side as Steve's door became loose and they fell out onto his shield.

Ava watched as Sam's car began spinning away, a combination of misshapen metal and broken glass. She was thrown from the shield as well as Sam while both Nat and Steve continue sliding down the road. Ava looked up to see the man now preparing a gun as he aimed to fire it at the two. She wanted to shout to them, make them aware of the danger, but that would mean putting Sam's life in immediate risk.

Instead, Steve turned just in time and pushed Nat out of the way as he raised the shield. The blast hit it right in the centre but instead of taking the blow like the shield usually managed, Steve was thrown back and off of the road. Ava watched in horror as Steve fell and crashed into a bus below. Ava, Sam and Nat were now all together as they darted through cars, Nat and Ava with guns drawn, Sam staying low trying not to be shot. A fiery blast emerged from the flamethrower the man now had ahold of as it aimed at the car Nat was currently hidden behind.

Nat had no choice but to dive forward onto the next road making every attacker out in front turn their attention to her. Ava watched intently to see that the man was constantly changing gun for whatever situation he found himself in, turned out the people around him were more accessories than actual help. Nat now jumped off the road to the ground below making Ava's breath hitch.

It was now just herself and Sam. The man didn't even turn to look at them though as he peered at the road below. Ava heard gunfire from underneath them and looked back up to see the man thrown back a little, Nat had obviously managed to get a hit. She saw the man slouch against the barricade before reaching up to pull his goggles off.

The eyes. The eyes made Ava freeze behind the car she was shooting from.

She cursed herself for seeing any sense of familiarity and how awful of a thought that even was as she raised her gun up once more to begin firing not at the man himself, but the men around him after realising he would struggle without them. She ducked down once more when she had successfully taken out two and glanced up to see all of the attackers jumping down to the roads below. She looked on helplessly when the sounds of metal on air could be heard from behind her. Sam was back in his Falcon gear and he flew forward to pick up Ava before turning to follow after the man.

"I haven't had this much possibility of death in my life for years." Sam told Ava as she looked to the streets trying to find her friends.

"What can i say, I guess you're like some kind of superhero now." Ava smiled at him before looking back down. She pointed out the fight to Sam as he began to lower down. Steve was visibly in shock which made Ava question why, he was usually pretty good at being able to keep a level head during fights. As she was dropped down to face him she smirked slightly.

"What is it, Steven? Seen a ghost?" Ava joked and was about to turn back to face the fight when a voice broke her concentration.

"Who the hell is Bucky?"

Ava almost stopped breathing at the sentence. Why would this man even know who Bucky was? But as she turned to face him it became all to clear.

Stood in place of the killer was James Barnes. Bucky looked like he was about to lunge towards her with a knife when Sam came from the side and kicked him to the floor. Ava felt so unbelievably numb. She watched as Bucky pushed himself off the ground and turned to face her once more, but didn't attack, just stood and observed. That peace was stopped as soon as he turned and shot at Steve before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Ava didn't move. She didn't even react when the sirens began screaming around them and the HYDRA agents began shouting.

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