chapter 53

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Ava walked quickly past the flashes of blue as she made her way towards the building. Sam had been quick to call when news of Karli's next attack had not just reached him but the world as well.

'I'm almost there.' She heard Sam's voice over the radio as she looked around to find where the next wave of security may be.

'What's the plan?' Bucky enquired, he too moving in from the opposite side of the road.

'Karli's gotta be close. Keep your eyes open.' Sam informed the two from the sky.

'Well, she's not exactly likely to be out in the open.' Ava added as she noticed Bucky managing to make his way past the guards. She tried to sneak past some herself when she was stopped by a man. Looking up, she tried to smile as she internally began to panic, thinking about what to do next.

Without warning, the man grabbed ahold of her arm and began striding to the right, towards Bucky. Ava tried to go along with the change in her plans while secretly hoping Bucky would turn around and see what was happening.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you supposed to be here?" The man asked Bucky once they were a few meters away. Bucky turned around as his eyes instantly lit up in shock at the sight. Giving him no time to react, the man reached up to his face and began tapping and pulling at the distorted skin. Peeling the face off like a mask, Sharon was revealed.

"It's me." Sharon filled in when both Ava and Bucky stared back in confusion.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ava asked once she'd recovered from the initial shock.

"Relax. No one's looking for me here." Sharon reassured her before pushing forward.

'Do I hear Sharon?' Sam questioned.

"Unfortunately." Bucky spoke back, frowning at his own words.

"Hey, Sam. I thought I'd get the band back together." Sharon spoke forward, breaking eye contact with Ava. In that split second, Ava flickered her own to Bucky, catching him already looking at her. With a reassuring smile, she reached forward to tap his foot with her own, trying to keep herself calm in the moment.

'They'll move in on the building soon. Be ready.' Sam gave the three a final order as the line grew silent. A nod from Sharon told the other two to keep moving as they ran towards the entrance of the building. Once inside, Ava lifted her gun as she walked forward slowly, very aware there could be someone against them round ever corner.

'Guys, what's going on on your end?' Sam's voice reappeared as Ava looked to see more guards entering in after them.

"Nothing. All quiet." Bucky answered.

"No one's moving towards the building." Ava added as she lowered her gun slightly.

'Karli's not coming in, she's trying to force everybody out.' Sam pieced together while the other three began walking through security into the building. 'You guys are gonna have to do something. Don't let 'em out of the building.'

"Here's one of them." Bucky motioned to behind Ava, causing her to turn and see the figure through the glass. "I'll get the evac."

"Stay safe, I love you." Ava leaned in, kissing Bucky on the cheek as she embraced him tightly.

"I love you, too." Bucky held her just as tight as he began to lean back, kissing her lightly on the forehead before walking in the opposite direction.


Ava and Sharon parted ways as Ava began to make her way through the building in search of anything that may be useful. The sound of shouting up ahead made her freeze as she pressed tightly up against a wall, trying to hear whether the voices were for her or against her. Her concentration was broken as the frantic sound of Bucky's voice began to sound in her ear.

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