chapter 19

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Ava ran with Steve and Sam towards the helicarriers that were beginning to make a buzzing. Something had obviously gone wrong in the launch room.. or they had no one on their side. Ava decided to believe it had been the first option.

"Hey, Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam shouted to Steve.

"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." Steve answered as Sam jumped up into the sky, falcon suit activated.

"You ready?" Steve asked Ava as he moved to wrap an arm around her waist. Ava nodded and braced as Steve jumped off of the platform to one of the helicarriers below. Ava instantly let go of Steve and raised her gun, moving slowly to remain undetected. Gunshots could be heard from up ahead as Ava ducked to hide behind stacks of ammunition. She would move only to fire at individual HYDRA agents and watched Steve as he caught up with her. He threw his shield at something behind her making Ava turn to see another agent trying to sneak towards them. Steve lunged forward and grabbed a grenade from the mans belt and set it off before throwing it towards an advancing group. Ava looked up to see Sam currently flying towards a second helicarrier and press his back to release two handguns.

'Alright, Cap, I'm in.' Ava heard Sam's voice coming through the com. Steve waved for Ava to follow as the two continued running, knocking out guards on their way. Ava had put her gun into a hold on her belt and would now take the option of physical fighting instead of shooting. She kept looking ahead, desperately trying to see how long until they had an entrance to the inside of the helicarrier.

'Agent Wiley, I need an update, you have eight minutes.'  Maria's voice chimed in Ava's ear.

"Yeah, we're working on it." Ava answered as she finally started to see a gap towards the door. "Steve, come on!"

The helicarriers were now very much airborne. Ava sprinted forward to where the chips were being kept and reached in to swap two of them around. She watched as the the tube moved back up into the ceiling and locked away.

"Alpha locked." Steve reported back as him and Ava now tried to find a way off of the ship. They continued running as she looked out to see the other two also in the air.

'I'm in. Bravo locked.' Sam's voice could be heard making Ava smile. Their plan was working. Steve and Ava were back out on the runway and continued running down to the end.

"Hey, Sam, we're gonna need a ride." Steve spoke into the com as they began to reach the edge.

"Roger! Let me know when you're ready." Sam replied. Ava looked over to Steve as he reached out to hold her again. Ava used all her strength to wrap her legs around him as they began to free fall.

"I just did!" Steve shouted as the two fell faster and faster. She felt Steve begin to twist in the air and looked up to see Sam catching up to them. She lent out a hand which Steve pushed down to raise his own. Sam grabbed it and flew back up to the third and final helicarrier. He placed them down as they all began to walk towards the entrance to the same control panel.

"You know, you guys have a combined weight of like.. a train. My wings nearly fell off." Sam complained as Ava smiled at him, pretending to scowl. With their backs turned, none of them saw Bucky waiting to attack. He launched from his hiding spot and pushed Steve over the edge.

"Steve!" Ava shouted and was about to run forward when Sam beat her to it. He jumped to fly after Steve when Bucky grabbed hold of one of his wings, pulling it back. Sam began shooting at him and tried to fly away again when a harpoon fired through his wings and pulled him to the ground. Bucky pulled on the rope causing one of Sam's wings to rip straight off. Ava watched, defenceless, as he tried to stand again but Bucky was too fast for him and kicked him hard off of the helicarrier.

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