chapter 24

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Where the hell are you?

Steve had tried to call Ava numerous times but had now resorted to texting.

Ask Tony.

Ava replied and put the phone back down on the table before moving to join Bucky beside the window. She'd decided to not tell Steve about 'hot european guy' and had tried to act like this was a solo trip but someone had obviously let slip. Bucky had taught Ava a few different tactics today. They worked better for her and she was starting to be able to mix them up, even get Bucky to fall.

"What are you looking at?" Ava asked Bucky as she looked out the window with him.

"My routine here is pretty boring. I get up, get food, try to remember, then sleep. I'm trying to think of something we could do." Bucky told her.

"You don't have to. I quite like this lifestyle, it's quieter." Ava saw the market begin to be packed up and smiled as she watched smaller children being passed that which wasn't sold in the day.

"No I want to. It would be good for me to get out, as well as change up the routine." Bucky smiled at Ava who was still watching the scenes outside. In truth, he just wanted to create some new 'Ava memories'. They usually helped ease the bad ones. "Actually, we don't have to go anywhere.. I have an idea."

Ava stepped out onto the balcony after Bucky and watched as he looked up with a frown. Without warning, he jumped, kicking up from a windowsill to make it to the roof. Once he had pulled himself over, he lent down a had for Ava but she was already moving in the same way, propelling herself up to just make it. Bucky still just held out the hand before taking it back and smiling.

When Ava had told him she wasn't the same Ava, he hadn't understood how, but she had trained to become a better version of her already perfect self. He shuffled over to where she was and pulled on one of her arms so more of her weight shifted to be over the border. Ava rolled onto her back before taking Bucky's outstretched hand to pull herself to her feet.

"What are we doing?" Ava asked as she noticed it getting dark. Bucky just grabbed hold of one of her hands and led her over to the opposite side of the roof before sitting down, slinging his legs over the side. Ava knelt beside him and looked out over the city. It truly was beautiful.

"I like it here. At first I was just trying to find somewhere to hide out, away from everywhere that could possibly be looking for me. But it's really turned into an ideal place because of the peace of it all." Bucky told Ava as the lights of the buildings ahead began to light up causing her mouth to open slightly. It was like every city view she had ever seen but the lack of people, the quietness of it all, made it even more special.

"I don't know if you remember, but a while back, we sat looking out over London. You said we'd find our own spot one day, I think you've found yours." Ava whispered as she shuffled over to be closer to Bucky. Honestly, she didn't know how he felt about them. He'd had his memories for just over two years now. Maybe he meant what he said back at her apartment, maybe he didn't want to try again.

"I guess I have. Do you have one?" Bucky turned away from the city to look towards Ava.

"I'm not sure I have yet. Not one I've found myself anyway." Ava shook her head making Bucky just nod.

"Ave, I've had a lot of time to think. Back in the forties.. I never asked you to be my girlfriend. I'd just like to say I'm sorry." Bucky apologised moving his legs back to be outstretched in front of him.

"You don't have to apologise. At the time, it wasn't a big deal for me at all. I was just happy to have your company." Ava also moved her legs off of the wall and crossed them as she sat in between Bucky's.

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