chapter 10

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"Where are we going?" Ava asked Bucky as they walked down the steps to the private garage for all the SSR's vehicles.

"Steve told me that your entire life in Brooklyn consisted of walking the distance from our apartment to yours." Bucky told her as they took a left to be met with every kind of truck, car, or bike imaginable. "That thought was then paired with this motorcycle I saw on the way back from the bar, and bonus, the guy who owns it left the keys in the ignition."

"Who owns it?" Ava pondered as she saw the exact motorcycle now sitting in front of them, keys hanging out the side.

"I have no idea. But no one ever leaves this base, so I thought we could do it some good, you know, keep the engine going." Bucky shrugged as he stood beside the bike, getting ready to get on.

"You realise these are made for one person to sit on at a time, right?" Ava eyed Bucky as he turned the keys.

"So what?" He said as he pointed toward the door they had just walked through. "The beds in there are also made for one person, yet that hasn't stopped you so far." A smirk was present on his face as he looked up at her, grinning to himself. Ava sighed shortly before moving to straddle the bike as she gripped onto Bucky.

"Are you scared?" He asked her when he noticed how hard she was gripping.

"Not yet, I've just never been on one of these before, I don't know what to expect." Ava told him as she lifted her legs off the ground to be slotted into the sides of the motorcycle.

"Then you're about to find out just why we are not sitting in a car right now." Bucky turned around to face forward as the engine kicked in and the bike sped forward. He turned the corner as Ava saw the dark street ahead. Truthfully, she did not know what time it was. It could even be the early hours of the morning, but the adrenaline rush she was currently feeling helped make her feel far more awake. Ava calmed from the initial shock of just how unnatural the bike had felt and lifted her hands from around Bucky to untie her hair, letting it fall out of the bun before it was whipped up by the wind. She threw the hair tie away before putting her hands back down to rest on his shoulders, allowing her more freedom to look around as she closed her eyes.

This felt like dancing in the rain at 3am.

They were hidden away from anyone else in the world, and it was freeing. So amazingly freeing. Bucky squeezed her thigh a little as the motorcycle slowed down, obviously happy that they had reached their destination. He parked at the side of the road before leaning slightly to the left as he climbed off. Holding out a hand to Ava, she took it and stepped off, still trying to figure what the building in front of them was.

"It's a church." Bucky informed her as he began making his way through the gates towards the grand building.

"Then why are we here?" Ava asked him as he continued walking along the gravelly path.

"We're not here for the building, doll."

The two crept their way around the church, trying to see whether there was any security on the site. When no light showed, Bucky kept hold of Ava's hand as they reached the opposite side of the grounds. A few meters away was a bench facing outwards from where they had come from, sitting in the middle of a red rose flowerbed. It wasn't until Ava moved to stand behind it that she saw why Bucky had taken her there. She had noticed on the journey that there had been a steady incline, but hadn't realised just how far they had climbed. The view from up here covered most of the city, and because of the street lamps, it was illuminated from the dark spot they were standing in.

"It's beautiful." Ava told Bucky as he sat down on the seat to look for himself.

"That it is." He spoke softly back while Ava moved from standing to be beside Bucky as she wrapped herself around him.

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