chapter 14

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The Smithsonian Museum.

The only link Ava had back to a time she wished she'd been left in. She quickly walked through her usual route, past every exhibit to make it straight to the one dedicated to 'Captain America'.

'A symbol to the nation. A hero to the world. The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery and sacrifice.'

Ava kept making her way through the exhibit as couples guided their children to see the many pictures of Steve that shone across the walls. She would smile from time to time at those who would catch her eye, but secretly she wished everyone would just ignore her for the time she spent in the museum.

'Denied enlistment due to poor health, Steven Rogers was chosen for a program unique in the annals of American warfare. One that would transform him into the world's first super soldier.'

Ava thought back to the camp. How Steve had triumphed over everyone else. The evenings spent with Peggy as they stargazed. The day that Steve became the super soldier. And Howard. Ava had been distraught the day she found out that Howard and his wife had died before Ava could even say goodbye. She was thankful to have another Stark, though, and Tony was nearly a carbon copy of Howard; it was nice to still have a heavily sarcastic voice to bounce her jokes off of.

'Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield. Barnes is the only Howling Commando to give his life in service of his country.'

Ava often had to stop at this part of the exhibit. She'd never made it past it to the next part. She would just stand and stare at his uniform, at his mannequin. At the film that played over and over.

"Tough night?" She heard a voice say to her left as she looked to see Steve also facing the models.

"You could say." Ava spoke quietly as she turned her attention back to the screen. "I just miss him." Her voice broke a little as Steve moved to put an arm around her, shielding her away from the public view.

"So do I." He whispered back. Once Ava had calmed her breathing, she turned around to walk to the other exhibit, this one dedicated to Bucky. She felt Steve follow as he, too, stood beside her in silence. "I don't always like reading this part. They describe his life like it was awful, like nothing good happened to him. Your name doesn't even appear once for a start." Steve began mumbling as Ava blanked out, staring ahead at the picture in front of her.

"Well.. you know.. we were never official-"

"Ava, don't start saying things like that. Over time, you may even believe it and I know for a fact that you two were meant to be together." Steve shot back. Ava sighed as she thought to some of her favourite memories, playing like a black and white film in her head. A small smile grew on her face as she pictured their time together. "See? Trust me. All these people think they know him, that they know me. You can't know everything from a fake mannequin and a faulty LED display."

"It's good to have you, Steven. How's life holding up?" Ava asked him, now turning to completely face him.

"I'm doing alright, but then again I get to see Peggy whenever I like. It.. it helps." Steve answered before placing his hands on Ava's shoulders. "You can come with me if you like? I'm going to go see her once I leave."

"It's okay. I visited yesterday and I'm sure if I had aged the way I was supposed to I'd find my friend who was still excited about finding new things each week a tad annoying." Ava tried to laugh as Steve smiled down at her, happy to see her making the effort.

"Remember, you have people that care for you, Ava. Ask Natasha to go out with you this afternoon or something. Or my friend Sam works at the VA, you could always stop by him." Steve embraced Ava before waving to leave the exhibit. Ava looked back once more at Bucky's picture and smiled at it as she too made her way back to the car parked outside.

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