chapter 40

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"One minute to drop off, Sam." A man walked past, breaking the complete silence on the plane.

Ava looked to her right to see Bucky staring forward, focused on something. She followed his gaze to see Sam staring back, not blinking. Exhaling she stood up and moved to stand between them, trying to stop their contest.

"You know, you guys are unbelievable." She ran her fingers through her hair before walking over to some crates to inspect their contents. "You just have boxes of guns on your planes?" She asked the guy who had walked past them only a moment ago.

"Easy access. Technically dangerous, but we've not had an accident yet." He smiled back as Ava lifted one up and into her hands. "Well, isn't that great." Ava stepped back to stand with Bucky.

"So what's our plan?" He asked Sam, who was currently gearing up for the jump. He was met with a glance from Sam as he retook his seat. "Great. So no plan."

"Thirty seconds!" A call came from the front of the plane as Sam moved to the exit.

"Enjoy your ride, Buck." He told Bucky who frowned in response.

"No, you can't call me that." He answered back.

"Why not? That's what Steve called you." Sam wondered aloud.

"Steve knew me longer, and Steve had a plan." Bucky moved his eyes from Sam to look ahead once more.

"Fifteen seconds to drop!" The man shouted as Sam turned away.

"I have a plan." Sam told Bucky as a final point.

"Really? What is it?" Bucky stood up to follow after him, right as Sam jumped from the plane.

"Great." Bucky muttered as Ava tried to hide her smile at the antics. "Where's the chute?"

"We're at 200 feet, it's too low for a chute." The man called back out. Bucky's nose scrunched as he turned back to Ava.

"Do you remember a few years back when we jumped from the roof? In Bucharest?" He began to ask her making Ava's eyes widen.

"I do, please don't say that's what your thinking right now." Ava whispered, trying not to be heard by the guy at the front. Bucky just nodded, almost like he was trying to persuade himself that this was going to be a good idea. He reached up and ripped off the jacket sleeve that covered the metal arm, making Ava's breath hitch. "Okay, fine. You get 'look I have a cool metal arm that's really hot' points. That doesn't mean I'm jumping out of a plane."

Bucky smirked at her before wrapping an arm around her waist, lifting her off of the ground and running for the exit.

"Well it's a good thing I'm giving neither of us a chance to think about it." He stated as he jumped out, causing Ava to grab onto him much tighter. The fall wasn't too bad, until they hit the tree line. With a mix of screams, they fell and landed on the forest floor, Bucky lying on his back at an attempt to soften Ava's fall.

"Please never do that again." Ava rolled off of him and just lay back for a moment to regain the feeling of land under her.

"Don't worry, I'm not planning on it." Bucky groaned back as Redwing flew towards them.

'I have all of that on camera. You know that right?' Sam's voice could be heard through the drone making both Ava and Bucky sigh deeply.

"Get out of my face, Sam, or I'll break it." Bucky muttered, but refused to look directly at Redwing.

'Okay, head North. Come on.' Sam gave a final instruction before Redwing flew off, leaving Ava and Bucky on the floor of the forest.

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